Democrats Really Need to Go ‘Fourth’ Themselves

Personally, I am Team “Star Trek,” so this whole “May the Fourth Be With You” thing goes right past me. I have re-watched and binge-watched ST The Original [TV series], TNG, Enterprise, the six movies, and the three prequels more times than I can count. I frankly don’t remember when I bothered to re-watch any of the “Star Wars” series. The fact that the so-called prequels are truly bad probably has contributed to this.

Thursday is also the National Day of Prayer, and frankly, I think that should be getting more mention and attention than these “Star Wars” memes. But, whether I join in or not, I know it’s all done in good fun and lightheartedness. While I do not choose to engage, I can find humor and laugh along with other people with what they choose to embrace. It’s a part of being human.

But like everything they get their claws into, Democrats have decided to co-opt and kill even this. Democratic National Committee (DNC) marketing must have hired on Alissa Heinerscheid, because their factions–from the bureaucratic agencies, to activists, to elected officials–have turned their amps to 11 to thoroughly ruin what is supposed to be a day to evoke pop culture remembrances, grins, and giggles.

Feminist Jewish Activist (say that five time fast) Sheila Katz used her May the 4th greeting to let the world know that the reason Anakin turned to the dark side is because Padm? didn’t have access to “comprehensive reproductive healthcare.”

Someone needs to remind Sheila that these are fictional characters–as opposed to the mothers who get that comprehensive reproductive care and abort real human babies. These children don’t get an original series, let alone a sequel.

Then we have pencil-neck, California Rep. Adam Schiff. Schifty-Schiff joined the cringe with his over-the-top May the 4th greeting, coupled with an even more over-the-top photoshopped image.

This is code for “I’m trailing in the polls, send more money.” Schiff knows as much about grassroots as he does about grass stains.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms won the maximum cringe award for their May the 4th message.

On May the fourth, ATF reminds everyone not to lie and buy a firearm stating the gun is for you when it is for someone else. It’s called straw purchasing and could land you in jail for years. For more information, go to #DontLieForTheOtherGuy #StarWarsDay

This is gag-worthy by any measure, but coming from a bureaucratic agency, it only increases that by a factor of 10. This is the ATF of Ruby Ridge and Fast and Furious, and this tweet was rightly ratioed with direct reference to both of these debacles.

But this particular ratio won the internet:

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry lost his life because under an Obama administration program called “Fast and Furious,” ATF facilitated the straw purchase of military grade weapons, which were then “walked” across the southern border for criminals to use. One of those guns killed Terry and severely wounded his team mates.

So, how hypocritical of ATF to spout about illegal straw purchases like they have some moral authority, when this agency still has not acknowledged or apologized for the botched raids that killed innocent animals and children–or for being complicit in trafficking guns to known criminals which resulted in the taking of the life of an American hero who worked to serve his country. The icing on this ka-ka cake? Hijacking a day of frivolity and turning it into a propaganda tool to advance a narrative.

Such is the way of these operatives and their agenda to control Americans, even down to our pop culture references. Today of all days, we really need to tell them, ever so sincerely, to go Fourth themselves.

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