Dems Just Admitted They Have Huge Problem That May Cost Them the Midterms

Republicans seem to be surging with little more than one month before the midterms. There’s even the remarkable story of a Republican ahead by six points and likely to win a House seat in deep-blue territory in Rhode Island for the first time in 30 years.

But right as we have that good news for the Republicans, there’s more bad news for the Democrats.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Executive Director Tim Persico is saying that he doesn’t know if they’re going to have enough money. He said there “are places that I don’t know if we are going to be able to get to” to assist Democrats. “We are just getting outspent everywhere, so it is just a question of how much can we withstand.” He said that was going to leave them making tough choices about potentially winnable races.

“The relative shortfall in outside spending is likely to leave some Democratic incumbents in contested races at sharp advertising disadvantages, while restricting the party’s ability to compete in open seats or to unseat Republican incumbents,” concluded The Post based on conversations with Dem groups.

They’re in even more trouble as the numbers keep getting better for Republican candidates.

Democrats pointed to a TV ad spending advantage by Republican outside groups, which have the flexibility to move money around the House landscape strategically in the final weeks. That edge has become more alarming as a recent shift in the national mood has put more seats in contention for Democrats, who find themselves hamstrung by the Republican advantage in donors on the GOP side.

Another House Democratic strategist said the inability to fully fund key races could prove to be the difference between winning and losing control of Congress, or between keeping Republicans to a five-seat majority and a 15-seat majority. “I don’t think it is hyperbole to say at this point that money is going to make the difference,” said this person, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk more freely about strategy.

Sounds like they’re in deep trouble when it comes down to decisions like that. It could also be that they know they’re going to get blown out and they’re trying to blame money rather than their policies, their lousy candidates, or the folks in the DCCC.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was trying to spread confidence, claiming to Stephen Colbert that they were going to hold the House. But even Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer doesn’t believe her. He said she was going to lose. But what it’s coming down to is just how badly are they going to be blown out when this is all over.


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