Disney Drops Famous Character from Parks Due to ‘Problematic’ Body Image, Keeps Men In Dresses


Last year, Disney began putting men in dresses and makeup in their parks in order to achieve that vaunted “inclusivity” the formerly great House of Mouse loves to promote. Disturbingly, one of the places they put these men is in front of the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique where little girls are ushered inside and dressed as their favorite Disney princesses. 


A viral TikTok video showed how these men are cast as “Fairy Godmother’s Apprentices” and lead little girls around the shop, helping them pick out clothing and makeup. 

But while that’s apparently fine, one of the company’s most legendary characters has been taken out of the park’s meet-and-greet options because she’s too “problematic” for being “body-conscious” and “jealous of Peter Pan’s attention.”  

The famous character Tinkerbell cannot be found in the park to talk to now with the exception of seeing her on the Peter-Pan float during the Disney parade. 

According to “The Street,” Tinkerbell quietly disappeared during the pandemic and was never brought back. Executives made the decision after the character was flagged by Disney’s “Stories Matter” team, a woke group within Disney tasked with making Disney more palatable to “modern audiences”: 

Tinker Bell has reportedly faced scrutiny from Disney’s Stories Matter team ahead of the debut of Disney+ in 2019. The team reportedly flagged and labeled the character to Disney executives as “potentially problematic,” claiming that she is “body conscious” and “jealous of Peter Pan’s attention,” according to a 2022 report from The New York Times.

Disney’s Stories Matter team was developed to spot and correct “negative depictions of people and cultures” in Disney’s products.

“We are reviewing our offerings beyond the screen, which include products, books, music and experiences,” reads the Stories Matter homepage on Disney’s website. “While advisories for negative depictions of people and cultures may be added to some offerings, others will be reimagined. We are also investing in new ways to better reflect the rich diversity of stories in our world. This work is ongoing and will evolve as we strive toward a more inclusive tomorrow.”


Apparently, Tinkerbell is an issue but men in dresses and makeup leading little girls around a dress-up shop is fine. 

I don’t need to go into how ridiculous Disney has become. The continued disappointing box office results, depleting Disney+ viewership, and a stock that regularly dips are clues enough that many people have soured on the Magic Kingdom.

This decision to quietly axe one of its most famous characters in the name of “body positivity” is one more clue as to how far Disney has fallen down the woke rabbit hole. There’s nothing wrong with Tinkerbell being who she is, and she was a very popular character with girls and women because she resonated with so many of them. 

However, Disney isn’t in the business of creating characters anymore, they’re in the business of forcing examples down the throats of its audience and normalizing socio-political leftist ideals. 


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