Doug Emhoff Reportedly Slapped Ex-Girlfriend ‘So Hard She Spun Around’ in Public Altercation in 2012


Is this the new masculinity the left keeps harping on about? Because if so, it doesn’t look much like masculinity at all. 

The Daily Mail released an exclusive report that detailed how the left’s ideal man, Doug Emhoff, reportedly slapped his ex-girlfriend across the face so hard that it caused her to spin around after a fit of jealousy, and in a very public place. 


According to the Mail, three friends have come forward corroborating the story that back in 2012, Emhoff slapped his then-girlfriend at the Cannes Film Festival in France: 

The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.

One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault. is not naming the woman, who is a successful New York attorney, but will refer to her by the pseudonym ‘Jane’.

A second friend said Jane, who had been dating Emhoff for three months, also told her about the alleged violence at the time.

A third friend told that Jane first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.

The incident went down at around 3am, when the ex-girlfriend was attempting to get a taxi for her and Emhoff. Emhoff flew into a jealous fit when the ex-girlfriend touched the shoulder of one of the valets: 

‘It was something like 3am. They were trying to get out of there and they both had been drinking. There was a gigantic line for taxis.

‘[Jane] went up to one of the valet guys, offered him 100 Euros or whatever, to get to the head of the line. She told me she put her hand on his shoulder. Doug apparently thought that she was flirting, and came over and slapped her in the face: 

‘She slapped him back.

‘My impression is that he had a lot to drink. She was sobbing [on the phone afterwards], but she wasn’t slurring her words.

‘She told me that she broke up with him that night.’


The ex-girlfriend said there was no fight beforehand and Emhoff had been “charming” and the trip was like a “fairy tale.” The attack from Emhoff suddenly came out of nowhere, and caught her by complete surprise, according to the Mail: 

‘She said he turned her around by her right shoulder, and she was completely caught off guard. He hauled up and slapped her so hard she spun around. She said she was in utter shock.

‘She was so furious, she slapped him on one side, and then on the other cheek with the other hand.’

She was rushed into the cab, wanting to go back to the hotel without him, but he forced his way into the cab with her. When she asked him what that was all about, the only thing she could get out of him was that he thought she was flirting with the valet. 

According to the friends, Emhoff was completely unapologetic about it the following day, instead referring to the incident with a tennis metaphor, saying, “Don’t worry about it, you got one across the court and down the line,” which Jane reportedly believed was him saying “now we’re even.”

The impression she had gotten before the incident was that Emhoff was some sort of prince-like figure from a storybook. After matching on, Emhoff had love-bombed her, introduced her to his parents, his son Cole, and had even made some comments about marriage. Apparently, Emhoff had invited his son in on the first date, which she thought was odd. According to the Mail, this lines up with Kamala Harris’s story about the beginnings of her relationship with Emhoff. 


This only becomes worse when you break down Emhoff’s behavior with his first marriage. He confessed to the ex-girlfriend that he was getting divorced for impregnating his kid’s teacher. She recalls him not seeming at all remorseful about what purportedly went down between him and the nanny, including his abusive behavior toward her that caused her to lose it: 

‘He told her that he had gotten the kid’s teacher pregnant, and that had been the cause for the divorce.’

The executive said the nanny claimed ‘he had been aggressive with her, shouting or whatever, to the degree that she lost the baby.’

‘He did it rather matter-of-factly, not apologizing or saying he screwed up, but just like it was any other conversation,’ she said.

‘Not, ‘I’ve got to tell you something’, ‘this isn’t who I am’ or ‘I’m embarrassed about it’. There was no shame or regret.’

The attorney friend said Emhoff suggested the nanny was making up the claims, and that Jane wanted to believe him at the time.

‘[Jane] said she entertained what he was telling her, that the teacher wasn’t really pregnant, that she was doing a shakedown,’ the lawyer said.

Despite all these red flags vividly displayed, the ex ignored them, wanting to see the best in the man who had wooed her. Of course, all of this came crashing down that night in France when he displayed open and unapologetic abusiveness. 

“He’s a really bad guy. To hold him out as a supporter of women is just disgusting,” said the ex-girlfriend. 


If the reports are accurate, then Emhoff isn’t just abusive; he’s incredibly manipulative as well. 

This is all a grotesque image of a man that is currently being sold to us as the pillar of modern masculinity, but what is masculine about being unapologetically abusive toward women whom you merely suspect of flirting with another man? This is all a disgusting display of a lack of masculinity, not the presence of it.