The Senate Committee on Economic Development will
consider the following:
SB 209 West
Relating to the creation of the Texas technology and innovation program.
SB 529 Sparks
Relating to the entitlement of certain municipalities to receive tax revenue
from certain establishments located near a hotel and convention center
SB 1265 Alvarado
| et al.
Relating to certain duties of the Texas Workforce Commission with respect to
child-care resources.
SB 1592 Blanco
| et al.
Relating to the collection of state, municipal, and county hotel occupancy
taxes by an accommodations intermediary.
SB 1728 Perry
Relating to the participation of certain juvenile justice entities in the
Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program.
SCR 37 Creighton
Recognizing the strategic importance of the Panama Canal to the economic
strength of the United States and the State of Texas.
SCR 38 Creighton
Recognizing the strategic importance of the Gulf of America to the economic
and security interests of Texas and the United States.
Pending Business
Public testimony is limited to 3 minutes. If submitting
written testimony, please provide 7 copies to the committee clerk with your
name (and/or the name of your organization) and the bill number on each copy,
and email a digital copy to the Committee Clerk at