SB 37 Creighton
Relating to the governance of public institutions of higher education,
including review of curriculum and certain degree and certificate programs,
the powers and duties of a faculty council or senate, training for members of
the governing board, and the establishment of the Office of Excellence in
Higher Education.
SB 1489 Bettencourt
Relating to the governance of public institutions of higher education,
including the establishment of a faculty council or senate and the
decision-making authority of public institutions of higher education.
SB 452 Middleton
Relating to requiring the approval of the governing board of a public
institution of higher education for the hiring of certain institution
SB 724 Kolkhorst
Relating to providing in-person meeting requirements for governing boards of
public institutions of higher education; authorizing a civil penalty.
SB 1067 Middleton
Relating to prohibiting public institutions of higher education and employees
of public institutions of higher education from soliciting or accepting
gifts, grants, donations, or investments from certain foreign entities.
SB 1741 Parker
| et al.
Relating to measures to prevent espionage and intellectual property theft at
public institutions of higher education.
SB 1273 Hughes
Relating to establishing the Higher Education Research Security Council.
Public testimony will be limited to two minutes. If
providing written testimony, please provide 13 copies with your name on each