HB 242 Guillen
| et al.
Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of obtaining personally
identifiable voter information.
HB 342 Hayes
Relating to the combination of certain election precincts.
HB 392 Flores
Relating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration
HB 493 Shaheen
Relating to ineligibility to serve as a poll watcher.
HB 521 Guillen
Relating to accommodating voters with a disability; creating criminal
HB 614 Bucy
Relating to the procedures for voting after changing residence to another
HB 631 Swanson
Relating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and
ballot propositions and to related procedures and provisions.
HB 1090 Paul
Relating to prohibiting certain individuals from serving as a volunteer
deputy registrar.
HB 1091 Paul
Relating to practices and procedures for an early voting ballot voted by
HB 1477 Swanson
Relating to preparing and delivering precinct election returns; increasing a
criminal penalty.
Texas residents who wish to electronically submit
comments related to
agenda items on this notice without testifying in person
can do so until
the hearing is adjourned by visiting:
For those persons who will be testifying, information for
in-person witness registration, can be found here: https://mytxlegis.capitol.texas.gov/HWRSPublic/About.aspx
A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available
here: https://house.texas.gov/video-audio/
Instructions related to public access to the meeting
location are available here: https://house.texas.gov/committees/public-access-house-committee-meetings/