Energy Resources – 3/24/2025


Public testimony may be
limited to three (3) minutes per witness.

HB 48          Darby                                     

Relating to the creation of an organized oilfield theft prevention unit
within the Department of Public Safety.

HB 49          Darby                                     

Relating to fluid oil and gas waste and products and byproducts of that

HB 1169        Raymond                                   

Relating to the adoption of a comprehensive plan to protect oil and gas
infrastructure in this state.

HB 1971        Darby                                     

Relating to an exemption for drillers or operators of closed-loop geothermal
injection wells from certain requirements applicable to persons involved in
activities under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

HB 2584        Landgraf                                  

Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to
issue permits for the land application of water produced from certain mining
and oil and gas extraction operations.

HB 2663        Darby                                     

Relating to the affirmation required to be made by an operator as part of an
application to the Railroad Commission of Texas for an extension of the
deadline for plugging an inactive well; providing for the imposition of a

HB 2890        Patterson                                 

Relating to an interstate compact for the liquefied natural gas industry.

Texas residents who wish to electronically submit
comments related to

agenda items on this notice without testifying in person
can do so until

the hearing is adjourned by visiting:

For those persons who will be testifying, information for
in-person witness registration, can be found here:

A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available

Instructions related to public access to the meeting
location are available here:


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