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Taco News Roundup: Feast on Barbacoa in San Antonio and North Texas

Taco News Roundup: Feast on Barbacoa in San Antonio and North Texas 2M Smokehouse in San Antonio previously served...
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Re-Open Cal Now, Day 2: Sheriffs John D'Agostini and Scott Jones—Constitutionality of the Lockdown Orders and the Rule of Law

Re-Open Cal Now, Day 2: Sheriffs John D'Agostini and Scott Jones—Constitutionality of the Lockdown Orders and the Rule of Law ...
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New York May Be the First to Ban – and Confiscate – Bulletproof Vests Not Used in the Commission of Crimes

New York May Be the First to Ban - and Confiscate - Bulletproof Vests Not Used in the Commission of...
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How Big Al’s Smokehouse Is Ensuring Its Barbecue Comfort Food Survives the Pandemic

How Big Al’s Smokehouse Is Ensuring Its Barbecue Comfort Food Survives the Pandemic This year will mark twenty years...
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Deborah Roberts Has Exhibited Art Worldwide. She Hasn’t Had a Solo Museum Show in Her Hometown—Until Now

Deborah Roberts Has Exhibited Art Worldwide. She Hasn’t Had a Solo Museum Show in Her Hometown—Until Now When Deborah...
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Texas Government

Texas First State To Administer 1 Million COVID-19 Vaccines

Texas First State To Administer 1 Million COVID-19 Vaccines Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Department of State Health...
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Good News

The World’s Oldest Known Cave Painting Has Been Discovered in Indonesia

The World’s Oldest Known Cave Painting Has Been Discovered in Indonesia Scientists from Griffith University have discovered the world’s...
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Who Were the Texans Who Traveled to the Capitol to Challenge the Election Results?

Who Were the Texans Who Traveled to the Capitol to Challenge the Election Results? As the sun began to...
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Texas Government

Governor Abbott Appoints Six To Texas Medical Board District Four Review Committee

Governor Abbott Appoints Six To Texas Medical Board District Four Review Committee Governor Abbott has appointed six to the...
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Texas Government

Governor Abbott Appoints Seven To Texas Medical Board District Three Review Committee

Governor Abbott Appoints Seven To Texas Medical Board District Three Review Committee Governor Greg Abbott has appointed seven to...
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Good News

50 Countries Just Joined New Coalition to Protect 30% of the Planet’s Land and Oceans By Decade’s End

50 Countries Just Joined New Coalition to Protect 30% of the Planet’s Land and Oceans By Decade’s End A...
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Good News

These Women Have Been Penpals for 70 Years, Forging a True Friendship From 10,000 Miles Away

These Women Have Been Penpals for 70 Years, Forging a True Friendship From 10,000 Miles Away “Everybody allows that...
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Good News

Saudi Arabia is Building a Zero-Carbon City With No Cars or Pollution: ‘A new era of civilization’

Saudi Arabia is Building a Zero-Carbon City With No Cars or Pollution: ‘A new era of civilization’ Though not...
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Texas Government

HB 1106 Introduced

HB 1106 Introduced Relating to the imposition of a supplemental court security fee on conviction of certain criminal offenses. ...
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Texas Government

HB 1105 Introduced

HB 1105 Introduced Relating the authorization of digital license plates. Source: House Bills Today
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Texas Government

HB 1104 Introduced

HB 1104 Introduced Relating to the expunction of arrest records and files relating to certain criminal offenses. Source: House...
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Texas Government

HB 1103 Introduced

HB 1103 Introduced Relating to the representation of an indigent person in certain criminal proceedings. Source: House Bills Today
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Texas Government

HB 1102 Introduced

HB 1102 Introduced Relating to the pickup and delivery of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption. Source: House Bills Today
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Digest Editors Picks T-SPAN Texas Trending

‘Chicano Squad’ Provides New Perspectives on Police Brutality and Unsolved Murders

‘Chicano Squad’ Provides New Perspectives on Police Brutality and Unsolved Murders In 1977, a handsome young veteran named Jose...
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Tulsi Gabbard Slams Big Tech and the Left On It's Censorship Abuse

Tulsi Gabbard Slams Big Tech and the Left On It's Censorship Abuse Source: Red State
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