Fetterman’s Issues Keep Piling Up

A lot of questions have been raised about John Fetterman’s soft-on-crime approach, including his belief that you could let one-third of criminals out of prison and it wouldn’t make anyone less safe.

Maybe part of that soft-on-crime approach is prompted by his own issues.

We’ve reported about how he pulled a shotgun on an innocent black jogger and appeared to suffer no consequences for that action, even though he acknowledged that he might have “broken the law.”

Not only did he do it, but he lied about it here, when his opponent Malcolm Kenyatta called him on it during a debate.

I’m not sure that lie is getting the attention that deserves. That was pretty wild since Fetterman was on video confessing he did it and the man he chased described it to reporters in the same report. That says something about Fetterman when he so boldly lies about such a public incident.

But that’s not all.

Fetterman also had an incident where he vandalized the sign of a local business.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Braddock Mayor John Fetterman was caught on videotape altering a business’ marquee letter sign to post a different message. At a recent borough council meeting, attendees were shown a video of Fetterman changing Club 804’s sign from “Opening Soon Under New Management” to “Closed Not Opening Soon.”

The current owner of the club, Assim Chaudhry, said that the mayor’s behavior was unacceptable and that residents should be appalled by it.

“This is the mayor. This is who you guys have running this town,” said Mr. Chaudhry during the meeting, according to the news source.

Fetterman snuck there in the middle of the night and did it. He later claimed that he did that because the club was connected to violence. But if that were true, then he should have dealt with it like an adult, with actual policies, not like a passive-aggressive child in the middle of the night. A member of the borough council disputed Fetterman’s claim in that same local news report.

As we previously reported, he also had this very weird video of himself kicking black stick figures, “kicking authority in the balls.”

But two new clips raise further questions about Fetterman and his ability to do what would be required of him as a senator. First, there’s this one, where he has a “Welcome to Braddock compliments of the Crips” written on the sign behind him. He has that sign in his house, according to reports. He’s asked: Is this the most important race in the nation right now? Fetterman seems to have trouble answering it, so the interviewer asks him again.

But that wasn’t the only incident. Fetterman was trying to say that Dr. Mehmet Oz was a smart man but instead said he was “smart money.”

Add it all up, and there are just too many issues going on with this guy that make him unsuited for the position for which he is running. And I only hit the highlights. The voters of Pennsylvania deserve someone who can focus on their concerns, not someone who has so many issues that he can’t do a proper job for them.


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