Finance – 3/5/2025


Those wishing to give public testimony, please limit
prepared remarks to 2 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please submit
40 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant Clerk during
the hearing.

·Oral testimony: fill out a paper witness card and submit to the
Assistant Clerk.

·Oral and written testimony: fill out a paper witness card and hold on to your
documents until your name is called to the table.

·Position only: register using the Senate kiosk located in the
extension hallways or by going to Http://swrs on

·Written testimony only: register your position using the Senate kiosk then
bring your 40 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Assistant
Clerk, during the hearing.

To consider the following:

SB 260         Huffman
| et al.        

Relating to the school safety allotment under the Foundation School Program.

SB 263         Perry                  

Relating to the computation of the cost of goods sold by television and radio
broadcasters for purposes of the franchise tax.

SB 293         Huffman                

Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial
Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related
retirement benefits, and the reporting of certain judicial transparency
information; authorizing an administrative penalty.

SJR 18         Perry                  

Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a tax on
the realized or unrealized capital gains of an individual, family, estate, or


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