Five Times Joe Biden Has Insulted American Voters


One of the signs of advancing dementia is sudden, unfounded anger or agitation. Another is inappropriate behavior and paranoia.

I’m talking about anyone who has dementia, not just Joe Biden, although it certainly applies to him. So it’s interesting to see this compilation of the five most egregious insults Joe Biden has hurled at American voters.


The late and legendary insult comedian Don Rickles never ran for president, but in Joe Biden we could have a pretty close approximation of what it might have looked like. 

It started four years ago, with calling voters “dog faced pony soldiers,” or “fat,” or telling them he knew why their wife left them, and the insults haven’t slowed down one bit.

Let’s take a look at the top five ways the president is insulting us every day.

My first question to Fox News is this: How could you possibly pick five out of the long list of stupid things this president has said?

See Related: Hamas Just Made Joe Biden Look Like a Buffoon With Response to Ceasefire Proposal 

Biden Steps in It Big Time With Remarks About U.S. Weapons Being Used Inside Russia 

Anyway, let’s take a look at the list.

1. Hey, Stupid, It’s Not the Economy

At the top of the list of Joe “The Insult President’s” ridiculous whoppers is his insistence that the economy is great and all of us are just too dumb to notice.

Here’s the thing: Every Democrat in Washington and most of them elsewhere is claiming we poor schlubs out in the hinterlands are just too stupid to realize how awesome everything is, with gas prices nearly doubling, grocery prices shooting up, and housing costs spiking — but hey, we have seven new EV charging stations!


2. You’re Gonna Pay for Gender Studies Degrees, Jack!

It was Mark Twain who wrote that “cauliflower is just cabbage with a college education.” 

Twain’s quote is especially appropriate, as the intelligence level of cauliflower and a Gender Studies major is pretty similar. But the comment from Joe Biden succeeded in one thing: angering every single taxpayer who took out student loans, or who had kids who took out student loans, and paid them off, and is now seeing taxpayer dollars used to pay off stupid people’s stupid Underwater Gender Dog-Polishing degrees.

3. Trump’s Trial Isn’t Political, Just Ask Robert De Niro

What’s difficult to determine about this ill-conceived idea is who was more clueless in thinking this was a good idea — Biden or DeNiro. Robert DeNiro, who was once a highly-regarded actor, revealed himself as a petty, angry little man — and Joe Biden’s staff revealed themselves to be utterly oblivious.

4. Lies. Lies, Lies

Just last month, Joe Biden once again told the lie that he had been appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy, but decided not to go because NFL Hall of Famer Roger Staubach would be stiff competition for starting quarterback on the football team. This was presumably around the time he pretends he was arrested in the Civil Rights movement and presumably before his mythical time in jail with Nelson Mandela. 


This part isn’t an insult as such, unless it’s an insult to our intelligence we’re talking about. It’s baffling that Joe Biden keeps repeating these easily debunked lies, especially since it’s certain his staff and family are constantly upbraiding him over it. We can conclude this: It’s another sign of his ongoing mental deterioration.

5. Ironclad Commitment to Throw Israel Under the Bus

The word “ironclad” hasn’t been bandied about Washington, D.C., as often as it is now since the Monitor battled the Merrimack in the Civil War. But unlike those fearsome foes, Biden’s supposed ironclad support of Israel couldn’t hold dentures in place.

Joe Biden has lost it. He’s the President of the United States, not a cheap Sam Kinison or Don Rickles wannabe. And the one thing that Kinison and Rickles had that Biden doesn’t? They were funny.

Joe Biden isn’t funny. Whether it’s “dog-faced pony soldier” or accusing voters of being liars — which, coming from Joe Biden, is some Olympic-level irony — he’s not funny. He comes across as a petty, angry man, not that this is unusual among politicians, but he seems to be determined to take pettiness and unfounded anger to a new level.

The president is an empty suit. He never was the sharpest knife in the drawer; he never was an honest man — his first presidential campaign was scuttled by his plagiarizing a campaign speech. But things have gotten worse. His deterioration will continue, it will get worse, and it will get more and more apparent as time goes on. That’s one major point that the Trump campaign should be hammering over and over, and if the general run of the population doesn’t get it now, they sure will if Biden’s handlers decide to allow him to enter a debate with Donald Trump.



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