Glenn Beck Has A Dire Warning Regarding Kamala Harris’ Campaign


This election will likely go down in history for many reasons. Not the least was the installation of a candidate by a political machine, and the democratic base going along like this was not unprecedented. 


This writer disagrees with the statement regarding a lack of policies, but the rest of Glenn Beck’s post is spot on. Harris has policies she outlined in her run for office in 2019. They were so unpopular that she dropped out before the first primary.

 A few short months ago, Harris was the most unpopular vice president in history, so much so that the media tried to convince Joe Biden to cast her aside as if she were the albatross around his neck dragging down his campaign. Now, she is the darling of Leftist media outlets everywhere. 

The party that claimed to be the last best hope for democracy has cast all of that aside in a raw bid for power. Unfortunately, their base seems to be completely fine with it. This is why folks like Beck are trying to sound an alarm.



The good news? Based on these comments, maybe we aren’t as alone as we feel.

Seems legit 

Yeah, It must be the second one.

He’s not wrong, either.

Not many have noticed this fascinating parallel, which is also quite terrifying. 

The truth is that Harris has been at the center of all of the Biden/Harris administration’s failed policies, but with the help of the Democratic Party’s media arm, she is being allowed to reinvent herself before our very eyes. The savior of her party has arisen from the Ashes of the Biden Presidency. You dare not question or doubt; you only do as you are told and obey your masters. 


Never mind her open embrace of communism, her mockery of half of the country, and her calls for unity that only result in another off-handed comment about us, the enemy of her democracy. 

In closing, dear readers, the choice is always yours. If you are better off now than you were under Trump, vote accordingly. If not, vote accordingly. 

Remember, remember the 5th of November.


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