Governor Abbott Appoints Lemond Dixon, Berry To The Texas Commission On Law Enforcement

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Martina Lemond Dixon and Justin Berry to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for terms set to expire August 30, 2023 and August 30, 2027, respectively.

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Martina Lemond Dixon and Justin Berry to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for terms set to expire August 30, 2023 and August 30, 2027, respectively. The commission establishes and enforces standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel.

Martina Lemond Dixon of Kingwood is the Chief Executive Officer at C3 Building Solutions. She is a member of the Texas Association of School Boards, the National School Board Association, Texas Association of Appraisal Districts, Texas Association of Assessing Officers, International Association of Assessing Officers, Houston Region Business Coalition, Greater Houston Builders Association, HomeAid Heroes, and the Center for Reform of School Systems. She volunteers for the Downtown Rotary Club of Houston, Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary, Barbara Bush Ladies for Literacy Guild, and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Lemond Dixon received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Auburn University, a Post-Baccalaureate in Construction Management, and Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Louisiana State University.

Justin Berry of Austin is a senior police officer for the Austin Police Department. He is a former Vice President of the Austin Police Association and a supporter of Operation Blue Santa. Additionally, he is a member of CLEAT and the Texas Narcotic Officers Association. Berry received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in leadership and management from Sam Houston State University. He completed his basic peace officer training at the Austin Police Academy and has a Texas master peace officers license from TCOLE.

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