Governor Abbott Statement On Biden Administration Refusal To Approve Texas’ Post-Partum Medicaid Extension For Mothers

Governor Greg Abbott today released a statement following the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s refusal to approve Texas’ application to extend Medicaid health care coverage to six months post-partum.

Governor Greg Abbott today released a statement following the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s refusal to approve Texas’ application to extend Medicaid health care coverage to six months post-partum:

“The Biden Administration is risking robbing mothers of services that Texas specifically extended for them post-partum. It risks the lives and health of Texas women and their babies all for the sake of a political agenda. Last session, I worked with the legislature to pass into law bipartisan legislation to extend Medicaid health care coverage to six months post-partum and also provide $345 million for women’s health programs. President Biden must immediately direct his administration to reverse this unconscionable move, or get ready for a fight with Texas.”

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