Gun-Grabbing Gov: New York’s Hochul Declares No Such Thing as a ‘Good Guy With a Gun’

It’s almost like embattled New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is trying to replicate at the state level the disastrous administration of former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, who possessed an uncanny ability to make exactly the wrong decision at exactly the wrong time; He engineered the Big Apple’s descent into a raging dumpster fire of murder and violent crime. One wonders if Andrew Cuomo is smiling, somewhere.

In an Aug. 31 tweet, Hochul, the un-elected governor who ascended to her dictatorial throne when disgraced former Gov. Cuomo was forced to resign — declared, “Keeping New Yorkers safe is my top priority,” while “brilliantly” announcing that beginning Sept. 1, the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding good guys with guns would be further restricted; no doubt striking fear into the hearts of bad guys with guns.

Starting tomorrow, concealed weapons will no longer be permitted on subways, in bars, and the following sensitive locations.

Buckle up, New Yorkers.

In other words, pretty much everywhere, evil nutjobs with firearms show up and do evil things.

As is always the case with the gun-grabber left, Hochul made no mention of lax sentencing guidelines, cashless or minimal bond requirements, and revolving cell doors for violent offenders who continue to turn America’s once proud (Democrat-run) cities into war zones with illegally obtained ghost guns or stolen handguns. (Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was unavailable for comment.)

Hochul’s announcement was as laughable as it was tragic.

This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.

We don’t need guns on our streets. We don’t need people carrying guns in our subways. We don’t need people carrying guns in our schools. We don’t need people carrying in our places of worship. We don’t need them carrying them into bars or restaurants. Because that only makes people less safe.

The Supreme Court with all this data, with all this knowledge, with a law that was working just fine in our state, decide to take us backwards, possibly opening the door to more tragedies when people can carry guns concealed.

Insanely incorrect and obscenely politically driven.

“This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up.” Um, Kathy? How ’bout you ask the good people of Indianapolis suburb Greenwood, Indiana, if the “good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun” argument “holds up”?

As we reported in July, very good, “good guy with a gun” Eli Dicken shot and killed the Greenwood Park Mall mass shooter after the killer emerged from a bathroom near the mall’s food court and began firing, killing three and injuring two. Dicken, 22, saw the shooter open fire from 40 yards away and immediately took action. Police later said Dicken neutralized the killer within 15 seconds, undoubtedly saving countless lives.

Comments, Gov. Hochul? I’ll wait.

So why do the gun-grabbers so hate the “good guy with a gun” reality? Because the “good guy with a gun” facts run counter to their narrative, which is always the case when liberal ideology runs headlong into facts, data, history, logic, or even common sense.

As my colleague, Jeff Charles, suggested in a July piece titled 3 Reasons Why Anti-Gunners Detest ‘Good Guys With Guns’, so-called “progressives” once again responded in their normal irrational manner to the Greenwood Park Mall mass shooting. Instead of celebrating the saving of countless lives, many in the lapdog media instead attacked Eli Dicken for “illegally” (incorrect) carry. (While the mall was a so-called “gun-free zone,” its ownership reached out to young Dicken and thanked him for his heroic actions.)

As for Kathy Hochul, she just keeps on being Kathy Hochul — like a champ. As my colleague Nick Arama reported in late July, the embattled governor told New York Trump supporters to pack their bags and get out of the state.

Get out of town because you do not represent our values. You are not New Yorkers.

Otherwise known as an in-kind contibution to the New York Republican Party.

Perhaps after Kathy Hochul’s political career crashes and burns, she’ll become a motivational speaker.


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