Harris Faulkner Deals Brutal Fact-Check to Democrat Talking Head


I’ve always thought Harris Faulkner was great. She has the perfect demeanor for what she does; she is brilliant and cultured. She has a pleasant speaking tone, and she seems pretty unflappable. She’s a professional by any measure, and I will admit, one of my informal career bucket list items is to be in the center chair on her show “Outnumbered” just once.


You gotta admit, that would be one heck of a career highlight.

Turns out Harris Faulkner is also pretty darn good at dishing out the fact-checks when someone has one coming. This time it was on Donald Trump’s stance on abortion laws, and the object of Harris Faulkner’s fact-check was former DNC spokesdroid Jose Aristimuno.

Trump has said he would not sign a national abortion ban on multiple occasions, calling it an issue for states to decide, but also revealed he would oppose the pro-abortion Amendment 4 referendum in Florida, telling Fox News it went too far. Faulkner asked Aristimuno about Trump’s efforts to reach out to women, including a town hall that aired on Fox News.

“Well, look, I will just tell you, Harris, when you want to put forth a national abortion ban. His vice president, you know, candidate, Vance has said he wants to –” Aristimuno said.

Harris just wasn’t having any of that. She proceeded to let Aristimuno have it right in his barely-existent logic center.

“But Jose, you know that he has denied that,” Faulkner cut in. “He has denied that over and over and by the way, if he wanted to do that he would have – he would have done it when he was president already.”


Former President Trump has made his stance on this abundantly clear, but Democrat spokesdroids don’t seem able to assimilate that message. Or, more likely, they have assimilated it, but it doesn’t fit their “Orange Man Bad” narrative, so they lie about it.

Trump called a Florida law which restricts abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, “too harsh” in May 2023, drawing criticism from Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who ran against Trump for the Republican nomination. 

Republican Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s running mate, said the former president would veto a national ban on abortion in August.

Look, the issue here isn’t necessarily abortion, on which topic Donald Trump holds what appear to be fairly moderate views – and which issue former President Trump has also repeatedly said is now, thanks to the Supreme Court, where it belongs, with elected representatives in the various state legislatures. That’s the Constitution, that’s federalism, that’s also the 10th Amendment.  

No, the real issue is this: Why do Democrats, from Kamala Harris down to the lowest-ranking intern X-poster and bloviator, keep lying about this?


See Related: Stevie Nicks Got an Abortion

Cry Me a River: WaPo Abortion Columnist Sheds Triggered Tears After Mom Cancels Subscription

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Donald Trump has made his position on this issue abundantly clear. He’s probably growing tired of reiterating his stance. One can scarcely blame him; he keeps saying what he has been saying on this issue all along, and as far as the Democrats are concerned, it’s water off a duck’s back.

And that’s why Kamala Harris appears to be losing this election. All her campaign has left is screeching “Nazi!” “Fascist!” and lying about Trump’s stance on abortion, one of the very few issues where Kamala “Queen of Word Salads” Harris polls ahead of Trump.

Lying isn’t a good look. It isn’t a good tactic. But Democrats keep on doing it. It is, apparently, all they have left.

I’m reminded of the story of the man who answered an advertisement for a donkey for sale. The farmer who was selling the donkey assured the buyer, “This is the most biddable beast in the world. Just tell him what you want him to do and he’ll do it.” So the guy pays the farmer for the donkey, then takes hold of the donkey’s headstall and says, “OK, donkey, come along.” 


The donkey doesn’t move. The buyer pulls harder. “Come ON, donkey!” The beast stands still. Finally, the farmer snaps his fingers. “I forget one thing.” He walks over to a pile of lumber, picks up a 2×4, walks back and, with an enormous WHACK, slams the donkey right between the ears. “Now try,” the farmer said, and sure enough, the donkey followed the buyer obediently. “I forgot,” the farmer called after the buyer as he led the donkey away, “First you’ve got to get his attention.”

Is that what it will take to get Democrats to stop lying? What will it take to get the attention of these donkeys? One wonders if even the 2×4 whack of losing the election will do the job.


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