HB 10 Introduced

Relating to reforming the procedure by which state agencies adopt rules and impose regulatory requirements and the deference given to the interpretation of laws and rules by state agencies in certain judicial proceedings. 







relating to reforming the procedure by which state agencies adopt


rules and impose regulatory requirements and the deference given to


the interpretation of laws and rules by state agencies in certain


judicial proceedings.




       SECTION 1.  This Act may be cited as the Regulatory Reform


and Efficiency Act.


       SECTION 2.  Subtitle E, Title 4, Government Code, is amended


by adding Chapter 465 to read as follows:






       Sec. 465.0001.  DEFINITIONS. (a) The definitions in


Chapter 2001 apply to this chapter.


       (b)  In this chapter:


             (1)  “Institution of higher education” has the meaning


assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code.


             (2)  “Office” means the Texas Regulatory Efficiency




             (3)  “Panel” means the Texas Regulatory Efficiency


Advisory Panel.




PANEL. (a)  The Texas Regulatory Efficiency Office and the Texas


Regulatory Efficiency Advisory Panel are subject to Chapter 325


(Texas Sunset Act).


       (b)  Unless continued in existence as provided by Chapter 325


(Texas Sunset Act), the office and panel are abolished September 1,






       Sec. 465.0051.  ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE. The Texas


Regulatory Efficiency Office is established as an office within the


office of the governor.


       Sec. 465.0052.  PURPOSES OF OFFICE. (a) The office is


established to:


             (1)  identify and expand opportunities for


implementing efficiencies in:


                   (A)  the process by which state agencies adopt




                   (B)  the regulatory review process; and


                   (C)  the manner in which contested cases are




             (2)  assist state agencies in identifying:


                   (A)  unnecessary and ineffective rules;


                   (B)  the effect and cost to this state and


regulated persons of the agencies’ rules and proposed rules; and


                   (C)  opportunities to repeal or amend rules to


provide effective protection to the public with the least cost and


inconvenience to regulated persons;


             (3)  coordinate with the secretary of state, the


Department of Information Resources, and other state agencies in


the secretary of state’s efforts under Section 2001.007 to:


                   (A)  improve public access to information


regarding state agency rules, forms, and filings; and


                   (B)  create an interactive Internet website for


use by the public to search and obtain information regarding rules,


forms, and filings applicable to specific regulated occupations,


industries, professions, and activities;


             (4)  establish a goal for each state agency to reduce


rules or other regulatory requirements, including by:


                   (A)  eliminating unnecessary or ineffective rules


or other regulatory requirements; and


                   (B)  reducing the inefficiencies resulting from


rules or other regulatory requirements adopted by the agency by:


                         (i)  reducing required training hours;


                         (ii)  reducing the number of forms a


regulated person is required to complete;


                         (iii)  reducing the amount of information


required by forms that a regulated person is required to complete;


                         (iv)  reducing the amount of or eliminating


fees imposed by the rules;


                         (v)  reducing the number of activities


covered by the rules; or


                         (vi)  creating waivers for or exemptions


from the rules under certain circumstances; and


             (5)  prepare and publish written manuals, guides, or


other publications as required by this chapter.


       (b)  The office shall coordinate with the panel, state


agencies, and the governor’s office to accomplish the purposes of


the office.




The office shall prepare and publish a regulatory economic analysis




       (b)  The manual required by Subsection (a) must identify and


describe best practices for state agencies related to:


             (1)  preparing a local employment impact statement


under Section 2001.022;


             (2)  conducting a regulatory analysis under Section




             (3)  preparing a fiscal note under Section 2001.024;




             (4)  preparing a note regarding public benefits and


costs under Section 2001.024.


       (c)  The office shall ensure that the manual required by


Subsection (a) is written in plain language that may be easily


understood by the public.


       Sec. 465.0054.  REGULATORY REDUCTION GUIDE. (a)  The office


shall prepare and publish a regulatory reduction guide.


       (b)  The purpose of the guide required by Subsection (a) is


to assist each state agency to:


             (1)  meet the goal established by the agency under


Section 465.0052(a)(4); and


             (2)  document that the agency met the goal described by


Subdivision (1).


       (c)  The office shall ensure that the guide required by


Subsection (a) is written in plain language that may be easily


understood by the public.




The office shall establish a forum for interested persons described


by Section 2001.021(d) to assist the office and the panel to


accomplish the purposes of the office and panel.




       Sec. 465.0101.  ESTABLISHMENT OF PANEL. The Texas


Regulatory Efficiency Advisory Panel is established as an advisory


panel to the governor’s office, including the office established


under this chapter.




The panel is administratively attached to the office of the




       (b)  The office established under this chapter shall provide


staff, facilities, and other administrative support necessary to


assist the panel in performing the panel’s duties under this




       Sec. 465.0103.  COMPOSITION OF PANEL. (a)  The panel is


composed of the following seven members appointed by the governor:


             (1)  one member who represents regulated small




             (2)  one member who represents regulated large




             (3)  one member who holds an occupational license


issued by a state agency;


             (4)  one member employed by an institution of higher


education who conducts research at the institution and has


experience addressing issues related to state agency rules;


             (5)  one member who represents state agencies that


adopt rules; and


             (6)  two members of the public.


       (b)  In making appointments under Subsection (a), the


governor shall give priority to individuals with expertise in state


agency rules and the rulemaking process, including expertise in


regulatory research, compliance, cost, and impact analysis, and


related law and procedure.


       Sec. 465.0104.  TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Members of the panel


serve two-year terms.


       (b)  A vacancy on the panel shall be filled in the same manner


and is subject to the same qualifications as the original


appointment.  A panel member appointed to fill a vacancy on the


panel shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


       Sec. 465.0105.  REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES.  Members of the


panel serve without compensation but are entitled to reimbursement


for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing official


duties under this chapter.


       Sec. 465.0106.  PRESIDING OFFICER.  The governor shall


appoint one member of the panel to serve as the panel’s presiding




       Sec. 465.0107.  MEETINGS.  The panel shall meet at the call


of the panel’s presiding officer.


       Sec. 465.0108.  PURPOSES OF PANEL. The panel is established




             (1)  use the knowledge and expertise of regulated


persons, small and large businesses, institutions of higher


education, and state agencies to identify and expand opportunities


for implementing efficiencies in:


                   (A)  the process by which state agencies adopt




                   (B)  the regulatory review process; and


                   (C)  the manner in which contested cases are


conducted; and


             (2)  assist the office and state agencies in




                   (A)  unnecessary and ineffective rules;


                   (B)  the effect and cost to this state and


regulated persons of the agencies’ rules and proposed rules; and


                   (C)  opportunities to repeal or amend rules to


provide effective protection to the public with the least cost and


inconvenience to regulated persons.


       Sec. 465.0109.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW. Chapter 2110 does


not apply to the panel.




       Sec. 465.0151.  BIENNIAL REPORT. (a) Not later than


December 1 of each even-numbered year, the office shall prepare and


submit to the governor and the Legislative Budget Board a written


report that describes:


             (1)  the activities undertaken by the office during the


two-year period preceding the date of the report to accomplish the


purposes of the office;


             (2)  any findings and recommendations of the office


related to the office’s purposes under this chapter; and


             (3)  any legislative recommendations of the office to


accomplish and further the findings and recommendations described


by Subdivision (2).


       (b)  The panel may assist the office in preparing the report


required by Subsection (a).


       SECTION 3.  Section 2001.007, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:


       (e)  The secretary of state, Department of Information


Resources, and Texas Regulatory Efficiency Office shall jointly


coordinate with each other state agency to establish an Internet


website that allows a person to search the rules and related


information made available by state agencies under Subsection (a)




             (1)  the general topic of the rule;


             (2)  the type of activity or business regulated by the


rule; and


             (3)  if applicable, the North American Industry


Classification System (NAICS) sector code for the type of activity


or business regulated by the rule.


       SECTION 4.  Section 2001.024, Government Code, is amended by


amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (e) to read as




       (a)  The notice of a proposed rule must include:


             (1)  a brief explanation of the proposed rule;


             (2)  the text of the proposed rule, except any portion


omitted under Section 2002.014, prepared in a manner to indicate


any words to be added or deleted from the current text and, to the


extent practicable, written in plain language;


             (3)  a statement of the statutory or other authority


under which the rule is proposed to be adopted, including:


                   (A)  a concise explanation of the particular


statutory or other provisions under which the rule is proposed;


                   (B)  the section or article of the code affected;


                   (C)  if applicable, the bill number for the


legislation that enacted the statutory authority under which the


rule is proposed to be adopted if the legislation was enacted during


the four-year period preceding the date notice of the proposed rule


is given; and


                   (D)  a certification that the proposed rule has


been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the state


agency’s authority to adopt;


             (4)  a fiscal note showing the name and title of the


officer or employee responsible for preparing or approving the note


and stating for each year of the first five years that the rule will


be in effect:


                   (A)  the additional estimated cost to the state


and to local governments expected as a result of enforcing or


administering the rule;


                   (B)  the estimated reductions in costs to the


state and to local governments as a result of enforcing or


administering the rule;


                   (C)  the estimated loss or increase in revenue to


the state or to local governments as a result of enforcing or


administering the rule; and


                   (D)  if applicable, that enforcing or


administering the rule does not have foreseeable implications


relating to cost or revenues of the state or local governments;


             (5)  a note about public benefits and costs showing the


name and title of the officer or employee responsible for preparing


or approving the note and stating for each year of the first five


years that the rule will be in effect:


                   (A)  the public benefits expected as a result of


adoption of the proposed rule; and


                   (B)  the probable economic cost to persons


required to comply with the rule;


             (6)  the local employment impact statement prepared


under Section 2001.022, if required;


             (7)  a request for comments on the proposed rule from


any interested person; [and]


             (8)  a request for information related to the cost,


benefit, or effect of the proposed rule, including any applicable


data, research, or analysis, from any person required to comply


with the proposed rule or any other interested person; and


             (9)  any other statement required by law.


       (e)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), the text of a


proposed rule is written in plain language if the text is written


using language the general public, including individuals with


limited English proficiency, can readily understand because the


language is concise and well-organized.


       SECTION 5.  Sections 2001.035(a) and (b), Government Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  A rule is voidable unless a state agency adopts it in


substantial compliance with Sections 2001.022 [2001.0225] through




       (b)  A person must initiate a proceeding to contest a rule on


the ground of noncompliance with the procedural requirements of


Sections 2001.022 [2001.0225] through 2001.034 not later than the


second anniversary of the effective date of the rule.


       SECTION 6.  Section 2001.040, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:




AGENCY RULE. If a court finds that an agency has not substantially


complied with one or more procedural requirements of Sections


2001.022 [2001.0225] through 2001.034, the court may remand the


rule, or a portion of the rule, to the agency and, if it does so


remand, shall provide a reasonable time for the agency to either


revise or readopt the rule through established procedure. During


the remand period, the rule shall remain effective unless the court


finds good cause to invalidate the rule or a portion of the rule,


effective as of the date of the court’s order.


       SECTION 7.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2001, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 2001.042 to read as follows:






law, in a judicial proceeding in this state, including an action


subject to Section 2001.038, a court is not required to give


deference to a state agency’s legal determination regarding the


construction, validity, or applicability of the law or a rule


adopted by the state agency responsible for the rule’s


administration, implementation, or other enforcement.  This


section does not prohibit a court from giving consideration to a


legal determination made by a state agency that is reasonable and


does not conflict with the plain language of the statute.


       SECTION 8.  Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 2001.1721 to read as follows:


       Sec. 2001.1721.  JUDICIAL REVIEW OF QUESTION OF LAW.  (a)  


Except as provided by Subsection (b), in any matter brought under


this subchapter, the reviewing court shall review all questions of


law de novo, including the interpretation of constitutional or


statutory provisions or rules adopted by a state agency, without


giving deference to any legal determination by a state agency.


       (b)  Subsection (a) does not prohibit a reviewing court from


giving consideration to a legal determination made by a state


agency that is reasonable and does not conflict with the plain


language of the statute.


       (c)  Notwithstanding any other law, this section applies in


an action for judicial review of a contested case authorized by law


and other court actions authorized by law that involve a state


agency’s legal determination of a constitutional or statutory


provision or a rule adopted by the state agency.


       (d)  A law may not exempt an action from the application of


this section except by specific reference to this section.


       SECTION 9.  Sections 2001.022(c) and 2001.0221(e),


Government Code, are repealed.


       SECTION 10.  (a) As soon as practicable after the effective


date of this Act, but not later than January 1, 2026, the governor


shall appoint the members of the Texas Regulatory Efficiency


Advisory Panel as required by Section 465.0103, Government Code, as


added by this Act.


       (b)  Not later than the 60th day after the date the governor


appoints the members of the Texas Regulatory Efficiency Advisory


Panel under Subsection (a) of this section, the panel shall hold its


first meeting.


       SECTION 11.  Sections 2001.024, 2001.035, and 2001.040,


Government Code, as amended by this Act, and the repeal by this Act


of Sections 2001.022(c) and 2001.0221(e), Government Code, apply


only to a rule proposed by a state agency on or after the effective


date of this Act. A rule proposed before the effective date of this


Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the rule was


proposed, and the former law is continued in effect for that




       SECTION 12.  Sections 2001.042 and 2001.1721, Government


Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a petition for judicial


review, action for declaratory judgment, contested case, or other


proceeding initiated on or after the effective date of this Act.  A


petition for judicial review, action for declaratory judgment,


contested case, or other proceeding initiated before the effective


date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the


proceeding was initiated, and the former law is continued in effect


for that purpose.


       SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect immediately if it


receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each


house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  


If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate


effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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