HB 111 Introduced

Relating to the public information law. 







relating to the public information law.




       SECTION 1.  Section 552.003(1), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


             (1)  “Governmental body”:


                   (A)  means:


                         (i)  a board, commission, department,


committee, institution, agency, or office that is within or is


created by the executive or legislative branch of state government


and that is directed by one or more elected or appointed members;


                         (ii)  a county commissioners court in the




                         (iii)  a municipal governing body in the




                         (iv)  a deliberative body that has


rulemaking or quasi-judicial power and that is classified as a


department, agency, or political subdivision of a county or




                         (v)  a school district board of trustees;


                         (vi)  a county board of school trustees;


                         (vii)  a county board of education;


                         (viii)  the governing board of a special




                         (ix)  the governing body of a nonprofit


corporation organized under Chapter 67, Water Code, that provides a


water supply or wastewater service, or both, and is exempt from ad


valorem taxation under Section 11.30, Tax Code;


                         (x)  a local workforce development board


created under Section 2308.253;


                         (xi)  a nonprofit corporation that is


eligible to receive funds under the federal community services


block grant program and that is authorized by this state to serve a


geographic area of the state;


                         (xii)  a confinement facility operated under


a contract with any division of the Texas Department of Criminal




                         (xiii)  a civil commitment housing facility


owned, leased, or operated by a vendor under contract with the state


as provided by Chapter 841, Health and Safety Code;


                         (xiv)  an entity that receives public funds


in the current or preceding state fiscal year to manage the daily


operations or restoration of the Alamo, or an entity that oversees


such an entity; and


                         (xv)  [the part, section, or portion of] an


organization, corporation, commission, committee, institution, or




                               (a)  for which the source of at least


51 percent of its revenue during the preceding year was public


funds; or


                               (b)  that engages primarily in


activities under an agreement with or a grant from another


governmental body [that spends or that is supported in whole or in


part by public funds]; and


                   (B)  does not include:


                         (i)  the judiciary; or


                         (ii)  an economic development entity whose


mission or purpose is to develop and promote the economic growth of


a state agency or political subdivision with which the entity


contracts if:


                               (a)  the entity does not receive $1


million or more in public funds from a single state agency or


political subdivision in the current or preceding state fiscal


year; or


                               (b)  the entity:


                                     (1)  either:


                                           (A)  does not have the


authority to make decisions or recommendations on behalf of a state


agency or political subdivision regarding tax abatements or tax


incentives; or


                                           (B)  does not require an


officer of the state agency or political subdivision to hold office


as a member of the board of directors of the entity;


                                     (2)  does not use staff or office


space of the state agency or political subdivision for no or nominal


consideration, unless the space is available to the public;


                                     (3)  to a reasonable degree,


tracks the entity’s receipt and expenditure of public funds


separately from the entity’s receipt and expenditure of private


funds; and


                                     (4)  provides at least quarterly


public reports to the state agency or political subdivision


regarding work performed on behalf of the state agency or political




       SECTION 2.  Section 552.106, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:


       (c)  The exception to disclosure provided by this section


does not apply to governmental bodies described by Sections




       SECTION 3.  Section 552.107, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 552.107.  EXCEPTION: CERTAIN LEGAL MATTERS.  (a) 


Information is excepted from the requirements of Section 552.021




             (1)  it is information that the attorney general [or an


attorney of a political subdivision] is prohibited from disclosing


because of a duty to the client under the Texas Rules of Evidence or


the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct; [or]


             (2)  it is information that pertains to active


litigation against a governmental body; or


             (3)  a court by order has prohibited disclosure of the




       (b)  The exception to disclosure provided by this section


does not apply to:


             (1)  a communication with an attorney or an attorney’s


representative, other than information contained in the


communication to which the exception otherwise applies; or


             (2)  a report, audit, or other material created in the


absence of active litigation.


       (c)  When rendering a decision under Subchapter G as to


whether requested information is within the scope of the exception


to disclosure provided by this section, the attorney general shall


restrict the scope of the attorney-client privilege by construing


the exception narrowly and in favor of the public’s interest in


maximum government transparency.


       SECTION 4.  Sections 552.305(a) and (d), Government Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  In a case in which information is requested under this


chapter and a person’s privacy or property interests may be


involved, including a case under Section 552.101, 552.110,


552.1101, 552.114, [552.131,] or 552.143, a governmental body may


decline to release the information for the purpose of requesting an


attorney general decision.


       (d)  If release of a person’s proprietary information may be


subject to exception under Section 552.101, 552.110, 552.1101,


552.113, [552.131,] or 552.143, the governmental body that requests


an attorney general decision under Section 552.301 shall make a


good faith attempt to notify that person of the request for the


attorney general decision. Notice under this subsection must:


             (1)  be in writing and sent within a reasonable time not


later than the 10th business day after the date the governmental


body receives the request for the information; and


             (2)  include:


                   (A)  a copy of the written request for the


information, if any, received by the governmental body; and


                   (B)  a statement, in the form prescribed by the


attorney general, that the person is entitled to submit in writing


to the attorney general within a reasonable time not later than the


10th business day after the date the person receives the notice:


                         (i)  each reason the person has as to why the


information should be withheld; and


                         (ii)  a letter, memorandum, or brief in


support of that reason.


       SECTION 5.  Section 552.133(a-1), Government Code, is


transferred to Section 551.086, Government Code, and redesignated


as Section 551.086(a-1), Government Code, to read as follows:


       (a-1)  For purposes of this section, “competitive matter”


means a utility-related matter, including for an entity described


by Subdivision (2) a cable, Internet, or broadband service matter,


that is related to the public power utility’s competitive activity,


including commercial information, and would, if disclosed, give


advantage to competitors or prospective competitors. The term:


             (1)  means a matter that is reasonably related to the


following categories of information:


                   (A)  generation unit specific and portfolio fixed


and variable costs, including forecasts of those costs, capital


improvement plans for generation units, and generation unit


operating characteristics and outage scheduling;


                   (B)  bidding and pricing information for


purchased power, generation and fuel, and Electric Reliability


Council of Texas bids, prices, offers, and related services and




                   (C)  effective fuel and purchased power


agreements and fuel transportation arrangements and contracts;


                   (D)  risk management information, contracts, and


strategies, including fuel hedging and storage;


                   (E)  plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for


system improvements, additions, or sales, other than transmission


and distribution system improvements inside the service area for


which the public power utility is the sole certificated retail


provider; and


                   (F)  customer billing, contract, and usage


information, electric power pricing information, system load


characteristics, and electric power marketing analyses and




             (2)  means a matter reasonably related to information


involving the provision of cable, Internet, or broadband services


by a municipally owned utility that provided electricity services


and cable, Internet, or broadband services on or before January 1,


2003, including:


                   (A)  a capital improvement plan;


                   (B)  an expense related to the installation of a


facility to provide those services;


                   (C)  bidding and pricing information for


installation of the facility;


                   (D)  risk management information, contracts, and




                   (E)  plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for:


                         (i)  system improvements, additions, or


sales; or


                         (ii)  establishing pricing for providing


those services; and


                   (F)  customer billing, contract, and usage


information; and


             (3)  does not include the following categories of




                   (A)  information relating to the provision of


distribution access service, including the terms and conditions of


the service and the rates charged for the service but not including


information concerning utility-related services or products that


are competitive;


                   (B)  information relating to the provision of


transmission service that is required to be filed with the Public


Utility Commission of Texas, subject to any confidentiality


provided for under the rules of the commission;


                   (C)  information for the distribution system


pertaining to reliability and continuity of service, to the extent


not security-sensitive, that relates to emergency management,


identification of critical loads such as hospitals and police,


records of interruption, and distribution feeder standards;


                   (D)  any substantive rule or tariff of general


applicability regarding rates, service offerings, service


regulation, customer protections, or customer service adopted by


the public power utility as authorized by law;


                   (E)  aggregate information reflecting receipts or


expenditures of funds of the public power utility, of the type that


would be included in audited financial statements;


                   (F)  information relating to equal employment


opportunities for minority groups, as filed with local, state, or


federal agencies;


                   (G)  information relating to the public power


utility’s performance in contracting with minority business




                   (H)  information relating to nuclear


decommissioning trust agreements, of the type required to be


included in audited financial statements;


                   (I)  information relating to the amount and timing


of any transfer to an owning city’s general fund;


                   (J)  information relating to environmental


compliance as required to be filed with any local, state, or


national environmental authority, subject to any confidentiality


provided under the rules of those authorities;


                   (K)  names of public officers of the public power


utility and the voting records of those officers for all matters


other than those within the scope of a competitive resolution


provided for by this section;


                   (L)  a description of the public power utility’s


central and field organization, including the established places at


which the public may obtain information, submit information and


requests, or obtain decisions and the identification of employees


from whom the public may obtain information, submit information or


requests, or obtain decisions;


                   (M)  information identifying the general course


and method by which the public power utility’s functions are


channeled and determined, including the nature and requirements of


all formal and informal policies and procedures;


                   (N)  salaries and total compensation of all


employees of a public power utility;


                   (O)  information publicly released by the


Electric Reliability Council of Texas in accordance with a law,


rule, or protocol generally applicable to similarly situated market




                   (P)  information related to a chilled water


program, as defined by Section 11.003, Utilities Code; or


                   (Q)  information included in the separate books


and records required to be kept by an entity described by


Subdivision (2) as required by Section 552.915, Local Government




       SECTION 6.  Section 551.086(c), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (c)  This chapter does not require a public power utility


governing body to conduct an open meeting to deliberate, vote, or


take final action on any competitive matter[, as that term is


defined by Section 552.133]. This section does not limit the right


of a public power utility governing body to hold a closed session


under any other exception provided for in this chapter.


       SECTION 7.  Section 306.003, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:


       (e)  Records and communications described by Subsection (a)


are not subject to Chapter 552.


       SECTION 8.  SECTION 306.004, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:


       (f)  Records and communications described by Subsection (a)


are not subject to Chapter 552.


       SECTION 9.  Section 306.008, Government Code, is amended by


adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:


       (f)  Records and communications described by Subsection (a)


or (b) are not subject to Chapter 552.


       SECTION 10.  The following provisions of the Government Code


are repealed:


             (1)  the heading to Section 552.133;


             (2)  Sections 552.133(a), (b), (b-1), and (c); and


             (3)  Sections 552.111, 552.123, 552.126, and 552.154.


       SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect immediately if it


receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each


house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.


If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate


effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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