HB 138 Introduced

Relating to the establishment of the Health Impact, Cost, and Coverage Analysis Program; authorizing a fee. 







relating to the establishment of the Health Impact, Cost, and


Coverage Analysis Program; authorizing a fee.




       SECTION 1.  Chapter 38, Insurance Code, is amended by adding


Subchapter J to read as follows:




       Sec. 38.451.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:


             (1)  “Analysis program” means the Health Impact, Cost,


and Coverage Analysis Program established under Section 38.452.


             (2)  “Center” means the Center for Health Care Data at


The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.


             (3)  “Enrollee” means an individual who is enrolled in


a health benefit plan, including a covered dependent.


             (4)  “Health benefit plan issuer” means an insurer,


health maintenance organization, or other entity authorized to


provide health benefits coverage under the laws of this state,


including a Medicaid managed care organization.  The term does not


include an issuer of workers’ compensation insurance.


             (5)  “Health benefits coverage” does not include


workers’ compensation.


             (6)  “Health care provider” means a physician,


facility, or other person who is licensed, certified, registered,


or otherwise authorized to provide a health care service in this




             (7)  “Health care service” means a service, procedure,


drug, or device to diagnose, prevent, alleviate, cure, or heal a


human disease, injury, or unhealthy or abnormal physical or mental


condition, including a service, procedure, drug, or device related


to pregnancy or delivery.


             (8)  “Mandate” means a provision contained in a


legislative document that requires a health benefit plan issuer or


administrator, with respect to health benefits coverage, to:


                   (A)  provide coverage for a health care service;


                   (B)  increase or decrease payments to health care


providers for a health care service; or


                   (C)  implement a new contractual or


administrative requirement.




COVERAGE ANALYSIS PROGRAM. The center shall establish the Health


Impact, Cost, and Coverage Analysis Program to prepare analyses of


legislative documents that would impose new mandates on health


benefit plan issuers or administrators in this state.




(a)  Regardless of whether the legislature is in session, the


lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,


or the chair of the appropriate committee in either house of the


legislature may submit a request to the analysis program to prepare


and develop an analysis of proposed legislation that imposes a new


mandate on health benefit plan issuers or administrators in this




       (b)  A request may not be submitted under this section for an


analysis of legislation that has already been enacted.


       (c)  A request submitted under this section must include a


copy of the relevant legislative document.




COVERAGE COSTS.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), on


receiving a request under Section 38.453, the analysis program


shall conduct an analysis of, as applicable, and prepare an


estimate of, as applicable, the extent to which:


             (1)  the legislation is expected to increase or


decrease the total cost of health coverage in this state, including


the estimated dollar amount of that increase or decrease;


             (2)  the legislation is expected to increase the use of


any relevant health care service in this state;


             (3)  the legislation is expected to increase or


decrease administrative expenses of health benefit plan issuers or


administrators and expenses of enrollees, plan sponsors, and




             (4)  the legislation is expected to increase or


decrease spending by all persons in the private sector, by public


sector entities, including state or local retirement systems and


political subdivisions, and by individuals purchasing individual


health insurance or health benefit plan coverage in this state;


             (5)  the legislation is expected to reduce:


                   (A)  instances of premature death; or


                   (B)  economic loss associated with disease;


             (6)  health benefit plans offered or administered in


this state currently deny access to a relevant benefit or service;


             (7)  coverage for any relevant health care service is,


without the legislation, generally available or used; or


             (8)  any relevant health care service is supported by


medical and scientific evidence, including:


                   (A)  determinations made by the United States Food


and Drug Administration;


                   (B)  coverage determinations made by the Centers


for Medicare and Medicaid Services;


                   (C)  determinations made by the United States


Preventive Services Task Force; and


                   (D)  nationally recognized clinical practice




       (b)  If, in conducting an analysis under this section, the


analysis program determines that the analysis program is unable to


provide a reliable assessment of a factor described by Subsection


(a), the analysis program shall include in the analysis a statement


providing the basis for that determination.


       (c)  In conducting an analysis under this section, the


analysis program may consult with persons with relevant knowledge


and expertise.


       Sec. 38.455.  REPORT. Not later than the 60th day after the


date the analysis program receives a request under Section 38.453,


or, if the analysis program receives a request under that section


during a regular legislative session, not later than the 45th day


after the date the analysis program receives the request, the


center shall prepare a written report containing the results of the


analysis performed under Section 38.454 and:


             (1)  deliver the report to the lieutenant governor, the


speaker of the house of representatives, and the appropriate


committees in each house of the legislature; and


             (2)  make the report available on a generally


accessible Internet website.


       Sec. 38.456.  FUNDING OF ANALYSIS PROGRAM; FEE.  (a)  The


comptroller shall assess an annual fee on each health benefit plan


issuer that is not operating solely as a Medicaid managed care


organization in the amount necessary to implement this subchapter.


       (b)  The comptroller shall, in consultation with the center:


             (1)  determine the amount of the fee assessed under


this section; and


             (2)  adjust the amount of the fee assessed under this


section for each state fiscal biennium to address any:


                   (A)  estimated increase in costs to implement this


subchapter; or


                   (B)  deficits incurred during the preceding year


as a result of implementing this subchapter.


       (c)  Not later than August 1 of each year, a health benefit


plan issuer shall pay the fee assessed under this section to the


comptroller. The legislature may appropriate money received under


this section only to the center to be used by the center to


administer the center’s duties under this subchapter.


       (d)  The comptroller shall adopt rules to administer this






later than the 30th day after the date the commissioner receives a


request from the center, the commissioner shall issue a special


data call for an estimate of administrative expenses related to


specific legislation analyzed by the analysis program.


       (b)  The commissioner shall provide the special data call


issued under this section to only the five largest health benefit


plan issuers affected by the legislation subject to the data call


under Subsection (a), as measured by a health benefit plan issuer’s


total number of enrollees.


       (c)  A response to the special data call issued under this


section is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government




       (d)  A report prepared by the center under this subchapter


may not disclose a health benefit plan issuer’s individual response


to a data call under this section.


       SECTION 2.  (a) As soon as practicable after the effective


date of this Act, the Center for Health Care Data at The University


of Texas Health Science Center at Houston shall develop a cost


estimate of the amount necessary to fund the actual and necessary


expenses of implementing Subchapter J, Chapter 38, Insurance Code,


as added by this Act, for the first state fiscal biennium in which


the Health Impact, Cost, and Coverage Analysis Program will operate


under that subchapter.


       (b)  Not later than January 1, 2026, the Center for Health


Care Data at The University of Texas Health Science Center at


Houston shall establish the Health Impact, Cost, and Coverage


Analysis Program as required by Section 38.452, Insurance Code, as


added by this Act.


       SECTION 3.  Not later than January 1, 2026, the comptroller


of public accounts shall adopt rules as required by Section 38.456,


Insurance Code, as added by this Act.


       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives


a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as


provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this


Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this


Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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