HB 147 Introduced

Relating to the establishment of an electronic registry of livestock marks and brands. 







relating to the establishment of an electronic registry of


livestock marks and brands.




       SECTION 1.  Section 144.001(a), Agriculture Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (a)  Each person who has cattle, hogs, sheep, or goats shall


have and may use one or more earmarks, brands, tattoos, [or]


electronic devices, or other generally accepted identification


methods differing from the earmarks, brands, tattoos, [and]


electronic devices, and other generally accepted identification


methods of the person’s neighbors.


       SECTION 2.  Section 144.041, Agriculture Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (a), (c), (f), and (h) and adding Subsection


(i) to read as follows:


       (a)  Each person who owns cattle, hogs, sheep, or goats shall


record that person’s earmarks, brands, tattoos, [and] electronic


devices, and other generally accepted identification methods with


the county clerk of the county in which the animals are located.


       (c)  The county clerk shall make and keep an electronic [a]


record of the marks and brands of each person who applies to the


clerk for recording of a mark or brand [that purpose].


       (f)  Not later than the 30th day after the date a county clerk


receives a record relating to cattle or horses under this section,


the clerk shall deliver an electronic copy of the record to the


Texas Animal Health Commission as described by Section 144.102(d) 


[forward a copy of the record to the association authorized to


inspect livestock under 7 U.S.C. Section 217a].


       (h)  A county clerk shall [may] accept electronic filing or


rerecording of an earmark, brand, tattoo, electronic device, or


other type of mark for which a recording is required under this


chapter or other law.


       (i)  A person required to record an earmark, brand, tattoo,


electronic device, or other type of mark may authorize an agent to


record the mark under this section. The authorization must be in




       SECTION 3.  Section 144.042, Agriculture Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 144.042.  RECORDING. In recording a mark, electronic


device, tattoo, [or] brand, or other generally accepted


identification method, the person recording the mark [county clerk]


shall note the date on which the mark, electronic device, tattoo,


[or] brand, or other generally accepted identification method is


recorded. In addition, the person recording a mark, electronic


device, tattoo, [or] brand, or other generally accepted


identification method shall designate the part of the animal on


which the mark, electronic device, tattoo, [or] brand, or other


generally accepted identification method is to be placed [and the


clerk shall include that in the records].


       SECTION 4.  Sections 144.044(a) and (d), Agriculture Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  Not later than six months after September 1 [August 30]


of 2031 [1981] and [of] every 10th year thereafter, each person who


owns livestock mentioned in this chapter shall have that person’s


marks and brands recorded or rerecorded with the county clerk,


regardless of whether or not the marks or brands have been


previously recorded.


       (d)  Not later than the 30th day after the date a county clerk


receives a record relating to cattle or horses under this section,


the clerk shall deliver an electronic copy of the record to the


Texas Animal Health Commission as described by Section 144.102(d) 


[forward a copy of the record to the association authorized to


inspect livestock under 7 U.S.C. Section 217a].


       SECTION 5.  Chapter 144, Agriculture Code, is amended by


adding Subchapter D to read as follows:




       Sec. 144.101.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, “commission”


means the Texas Animal Health Commission.




The commission shall establish and maintain on its Internet website


a publicly available and searchable registry of marks and brands


recorded with a county clerk under Subchapter C.


       (b)  The electronic registry of marks and brands may not


provide to the general public any personal identifying information


of a person associated with a recorded mark or brand.


       (c)  The commission shall establish a process for law


enforcement to access the registry and obtain for law enforcement


purposes personal identifying information of a person associated


with a recorded mark or brand.


       (d)  The commission shall adopt rules and procedures to


implement this section, including a process for:


             (1)  a person to record a mark or brand with a county


clerk through an electronic method, in a form and manner prescribed


by the commission; and


             (2)  a county clerk to deliver to the commission an


electronic record of a mark or brand that has been recorded with the


county clerk, including any records of a mark or brand that was


recorded with the county clerk before the establishment of the


electronic registry.


       SECTION 6.  Section 161.002(a), Agriculture Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (a)  A person is subject to this chapter as the caretaker of


an animal and is presumed to control the animal if the person:


             (1)  is the owner or lessee of the pen, pasture, or


other place in which the animal is located and has control of that


place; [or]


             (2)  exercises care or control over the animal; or


             (3)  has recorded a mark or brand for the animal under


Chapter 144.


       SECTION 7.  As soon as practicable after the effective date


of this Act, the Texas Animal Health Commission shall adopt rules


necessary to implement the changes to Chapter 144, Agriculture


Code, as amended by this Act.


       SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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