Relating to the oversight and financing of certain water infrastructure matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Water Development Board.
relating to the oversight and financing of certain water
infrastructure matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Water
Development Board.
SECTION 1.1. Section 15.153(b), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(b) The fund may be used to:
(1) provide financial assistance to political
subdivisions to develop water supply projects that create new water
sources for the state, including:
(A) desalination projects, including marine and
brackish water desalination;
(B) produced water treatment projects, other
than projects that are only for purposes of oil and gas exploration;
(C) aquifer storage and recovery projects; [and]
(D) reservoir projects for which:
(i) a permit for the discharge of dredged or
fill material has been issued by the United States secretary of the
army under Section 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33
U.S.C. Section 1344); and
(ii) a permit for the storage, taking, or
diversion of state water has been issued by the commission under
Section 11.121; and
(E) the development of infrastructure to
transport or integrate into a water supply system water that is made
available by a project described by this subdivision; and
(F) potable water reuse projects;
(2) make transfers from the fund:
(A) to the state water implementation fund for
Texas established under Subchapter G or the Texas Water Development
Fund II established under Subchapter L, Chapter 17; and
(B) for a purpose described by Subdivision (1);
(3) make transfers from the fund to the water bank
account established under Section 15.707; and
(4) make transfers from the fund:
(A) to the Texas Water Development Fund II state
participation account established under Section 17.957; and
(B) for a purpose described by Subdivision (1).
SECTION 1.2. Section 15.502(b), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(b) The board may use the fund only to transfer money to:
(1) the water assistance fund established under
Subchapter B;
(2) the new water supply for Texas fund established
under Subchapter C-1;
(3) the state water implementation fund for Texas
established under Subchapter G;
(4) the state water implementation revenue fund for
Texas established under Subchapter H;
(4-a) the flood infrastructure fund established under
Subchapter I;
(5) a revolving fund established under Subchapter J;
(6) the rural water assistance fund established under
Subchapter R;
(7) the statewide water public awareness account
established under Section 16.027;
(8) the Texas Water Development Fund II water
financial assistance account established under Section 17.959;
(9) the Texas Water Development Fund II state
participation account established under Section 17.957;
(10) the water access assessment account established
under Section 16.028;
(11) the agricultural water conservation fund; and
(12) the economically distressed areas program
SECTION 1.3. Section 15.502(e), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(e) The fund consists of:
(1) money transferred or deposited to the credit of
the fund by law, including:
(A) money transferred or deposited to the fund as
provided by Section 7-e, Article VIII, Texas Constitution;
(B) money appropriated by the legislature
directly to the fund; and
(C) money from any source transferred or
deposited to the credit of the fund as authorized by law;
(2) any other revenue that the legislature by statute
dedicates for deposit to the credit of the fund;
(3) investment earnings and interest earned on amounts
credited to the fund;
(4) money from gifts, grants, or donations to the
fund; and
(5) money returned from any authorized transfer.
SECTION 1.4. Section 15.504(c), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(c) The board shall ensure that a portion of the money
transferred from the fund is used for:
(1) water and wastewater infrastructure projects,
prioritized by risk or need as described by the water access
assessment required under Section 6.116, for:
(A) rural political subdivisions; and
(B) municipalities with a population of less than
(2) projects for which all required state or federal
permitting has been substantially completed, as determined by the
(3) the statewide water public awareness program
established under Section 16.026;
(4) water conservation strategies; and
(5) water loss mitigation projects.
SECTION 1.5. Section 15.703(a), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(a) The board may take all actions necessary to operate the
water bank and to facilitate the transfer of water rights from the
water bank for future beneficial use, including but not limited to:
(1) negotiating a sale price and terms acceptable to
the depositor and purchaser;
(2) maintaining a registry of water bank deposits and
those water users in need of additional supplies;
(3) informing water users in need of additional supply
of water rights available in the bank;
(4) encouraging water right holders to implement water
conservation practices and deposit the right to use the conserved
water into the bank;
(5) establishing requirements for deposit of a water
right into the water bank, including minimum terms for deposit;
(6) purchasing, holding, and transferring water or
water rights in its own name, including purchasing, holding, and
transferring water or water rights originating outside this state
for the purpose of providing water for the use or benefit of this
(7) establishing regional water banks;
(8) acting as a clearinghouse for water marketing
information including water availability, pricing of water
transactions, environmental considerations, and potential buyers
and sellers of water rights;
(9) preparing and publishing a manual on structuring
water transactions;
(10) accepting and holding donations of water rights
to meet instream, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, or bay
and estuary inflow needs;
(11) entering into contracts with persons to pay for
feasibility studies or the preparation of plans and specifications
relating to water conservation efforts or to estimate the amount of
water that would be saved through conservation efforts; and
(12) other actions to facilitate water transactions.
SECTION 1.6. Section 16.131(a), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(a) The board may use the state participation account of the
development fund to encourage optimum regional and interregional
development of projects, including the design, acquisition, lease,
construction, reconstruction, development, or enlargement in whole
or part of:
(1) reservoirs and storm water retention basins for
water supply, flood protection, and groundwater recharge;
(2) facilities for the transmission and treatment of
(3) treatment works as defined by Section 17.001;
(4) interregional water supply projects selected
under Section 16.145; and
(5) projects described by Section 15.153(b)(1).
SECTION 1.7. The following provisions of the Water Code are
(1) Section 16.131(c); and
(2) Section 16.146(h).
SECTION 2.1. Section 15.431(a)(1), Water Code, is amended
to read as follows:
(1) “Advisory committee” means the [State Water
Implementation Fund for] Texas Water Fund Advisory Committee.
SECTION 2.2. Section 15.438, Water Code, is transferred to
Subchapter A, Chapter 15, Water Code, redesignated as Section
15.009, Water Code, and amended to read as follows:
(a) The [State Water Implementation Fund for] Texas Water Fund
Advisory Committee is composed of the following eight [seven]
(1) the comptroller, or a person designated by the
(2) the chair of the committee of the senate having
primary jurisdiction over water resources;
(3) the chair of the committee of the house of
representatives having primary jurisdiction over water resources;
(4) two [three] members of the senate appointed by the
lieutenant governor, including at least one[:
[(A) a] member of the committee of the senate
having primary jurisdiction over matters relating to finance;
(5) two [and
[(B) the chair of the committee of the senate
having primary jurisdiction over water resources; and
[(3) three] members of the house of representatives
appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, including
at least one[:
[(A) a] member of the committee of the house of
representatives having primary jurisdiction over appropriations;
(6) the director of the Texas Division of Emergency
Management or the successor in function to that entity, or a person
designated by that person, who serves as a nonvoting member
[(B) the chair of the committee of the house of
representatives having primary jurisdiction over water resources].
(b) The board [following persons] shall designate agency
personnel to serve as staff support for the advisory committee[:
(1) the deputy executive administrator of the board
who is responsible for water science and conservation or a person
who holds an equivalent position at the agency, or a person
designated by that person;
(2) the deputy executive administrator of the board
who is responsible for water resources planning and information or
a person who holds an equivalent position at the agency, or a person
designated by that person; and
(3) the chief financial officer of the board, or a
person who holds an equivalent position at the agency].
(c) A [An appointed] member of the advisory committee
designated under Subsection (a)(1) or (6) or appointed under
Subsection (a)(4) or (5) serves at the will of the person who
designated or appointed the member.
(d) The members of the advisory committee described by
Subsections (a)(2) and (3) serve as [lieutenant governor shall
appoint a] co-presiding officers [officer] of the [advisory]
committee [from among the members appointed by the lieutenant
governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives shall
appoint a co-presiding officer of the committee from among the
members appointed by the speaker].
(e) The advisory committee may hold public hearings, formal
meetings, or work sessions. Either co-presiding officer of the
advisory committee may call a public hearing, formal meeting, or
work session of the advisory committee at any time. The advisory
committee may not take formal action at a public hearing, formal
meeting, or work session unless a quorum of the committee is
(f) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a
member of the advisory committee is not entitled to receive
compensation for service on the committee or reimbursement for
expenses incurred in the performance of official duties as a member
of the committee. Service on the advisory committee by a member of
the senate or house of representatives is considered legislative
service for which the member is entitled to reimbursement and other
benefits in the same manner and to the same extent as for other
legislative service.
(g) As needed, the [The] advisory committee shall submit
comments and recommendations to the board regarding the use of
money in:
(1) the state water implementation fund for Texas
established under Subchapter G [fund] for use by the board in
adopting rules under Section 15.439 and in adopting policies and
procedures under Section 15.441;
(2) the Texas water fund established under Subchapter
H-1 for use by the board in adopting rules under Section 15.507;
(3) the flood infrastructure fund established under
Subchapter I for use by the board in adopting rules under Section
15.537; and
(4) the Texas infrastructure resiliency fund
established under Section 16.452 for use by the board in adopting
rules under Section 16.460 [The submission must include:
[(1) comments and recommendations on rulemaking
related to the prioritization of projects in regional water plans
and the state water plan in accordance with Section 15.437;
[(2) comments and recommendations on rulemaking
related to establishing standards for determining whether projects
meet the criteria provided by Section 15.434(b);
[(3) an evaluation of the available programs for
providing financing for projects included in the state water plan
and guidelines for implementing those programs, including
guidelines for providing financing for projects included in the
state water plan that are authorized under Subchapter Q or R of this
chapter, Subchapter E or F, Chapter 16, or Subchapter J, Chapter 17;
[(4) an evaluation of the lending practices of the
board and guidelines for lending standards;
[(5) an evaluation of the use of funds by the board to
provide support for financial assistance for water projects,
including support for the purposes described by Section 15.435(c);
[(6) an evaluation of whether premium financing
programs should be established within the funds described by
Section 15.435 to serve the purposes of this subchapter, especially
in connection with projects described by Section 15.434(b);
[(7) an evaluation of methods for encouraging
participation in the procurement process by companies domiciled in
this state or that employ a significant number of residents of this
state; and
[(8) an evaluation of the overall operation, function,
and structure of the fund].
(h) The advisory committee shall review the overall
operation, function, and structure of each fund listed in
Subsection (g) [the fund] at least semiannually [and may provide
comments and recommendations to the board on any matter].
(i) The advisory committee may:
(1) provide comments and recommendations to the board
on any matter;
(2) review the overall operation, function, and
structure of any fund established under this chapter or Chapter 16
that is not listed in Subsection (g); and
(3) adopt rules, procedures, and policies as needed to
administer this section and implement its responsibilities.
(j) Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
size, composition, or duration of the advisory committee.
(k) The advisory committee is not subject to Chapter 325,
Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). [Unless continued in existence
as provided by that chapter, the advisory committee is abolished
and this section expires September 1, 2035.]
(l) As needed, the [The] advisory committee shall make
recommendations to the board regarding information to be posted on
the board’s Internet website relating to the funds listed in
Subsection (g) [under Section 15.440(b)].
(m) The advisory committee shall evaluate and may provide
comments or recommendations on the feasibility of the state owning,
constructing, and operating water supply projects, including
reservoirs and major water supply conveyance infrastructure,
through existing financial assistance programs under Subchapter E
of this chapter, Subchapter E or F, Chapter 16, or other mechanisms.
(n) The executive administrator shall provide an annual
report to the advisory committee on:
(1) the board’s progress towards expanding state and
regional water supply portfolios, including:
(A) the annual financial commitments by program
for water supply projects and management strategies;
(B) the net amount of water projected to be
developed, conserved, or reclaimed through those annual
(C) the amount of water developed, conserved, or
reclaimed through the completion of state-funded water supply
projects or management strategies during the prior fiscal year; and
(D) state and regional achievement towards
completing water supply projects and management strategies that
address water shortages during a drought of record as described
within the most recent state and regional water plans;
(2) the board’s progress towards providing financial
assistance for drinking water and clean water utilities that are
eligible for state financial assistance, and:
(A) endure a significant number of boil water
(B) have water losses that meet or exceed the
threshold established by rule under Section 16.0121;
(C) have significant health, safety, or
environmental protection violations according to commission data;
(D) identified as failing or at risk of failing
according to the water risk assessment required under 6.116;
(3) the estimated aggregate value of the savings
provided to customers through the board’s financial assistance
(4) [(1)] the board’s compliance with statewide annual
goals relating to historically underutilized businesses; and
(5) [(2)] the participation level of historically
underutilized businesses in projects that receive funding related
to a bond enhancement agreement under Subchapter G [this
(o) If the aggregate level of participation by historically
underutilized businesses in projects that receive funding related
to a bond enhancement agreement under Subchapter G [this
subchapter] does not meet statewide annual goals adopted under
Chapter 2161, Government Code, the advisory committee shall make
recommendations to the board to improve the participation level.
(p) Notwithstanding the requirements of Sec. 551.008,
Government Code, the advisory committee shall have a right of
access to all records that relate to the administration of the funds
described in this section that are maintained by any entity under
contract with the board.
SECTION 2.3. The following provisions of the Water Code are
(1) Section 15.506;
(2) Section 15.540;
(3) Section 16.451(1); and
(4) Section 16.456.
SECTION 3.1. Subchapter D, Chapter 6, Water Code, is
amended by adding Sections 6.116, 6.117, and 6.118 to read as
Sec. 6.116. WATER ACCESS ASSESSMENT. (a) In this section:
(1) “Access assessment” means the water access
assessment established under this section.
(2) “Utility” means a retail public utility, as
defined by Section 13.002.
(b) The board by rule and in consultation with the
commission, the Public Utilities Commission of Texas, and
institutions of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003,
Education Code, shall establish:
(1) a water access assessment to determine the extent
of water access needs among utilities in this state; and
(2) a schedule that ensures that an access assessment
is conducted not less than once every 10 years for each utility.
(c) The access assessment must identify utilities that are
failing or at risk of failing through a ranking system that
evaluates and assigns numerical values to factors including:
(1) the overall condition of the utility’s
infrastructure, including:
(A) the utility system’s age;
(B) the presence of lead service lines;
(C) the presence of cast-iron pipes more than 30
years old;
(D) the utility’s rates of water loss;
(E) the number of interconnections to other
systems; and
(F) susceptibility to extreme weather;
(2) availability of water to the utility, including
the utility’s:
(A) number of water sources;
(B) drought and water shortage risk;
(C) groundwater production sustainability; and
(D) reliance on bottled or hauled water;
(3) the quality of the utility’s water, including
whether the utility has any drinking water quality standard
(4) affordability of services the utility provides, as
determined by:
(A) median income of households the utility
(B) the average monthly amount the utility bills
to its customers relative to the average monthly billing amounts
among similarly sized utilities;
(C) rural areas the utility serves; and
(D) disadvantaged areas the utility serves; and
(5) the financial, managerial, and technical capacity
of the utility as indicated by factors including:
(A) certification violations of the utility’s
(B) the utility’s monitoring and reporting
(C) the utility’s absence of a qualified
workforce; and
(D) the ratio of the utility’s revenues to its
operating expenses.
(d) For each utility that an access assessment identifies as
failing or at risk of failing, the board shall send notice of the
identification to:
(1) the utility;
(2) the commission;
(3) the Public Utility Commission of Texas; and
(4) each standing committee of the legislature with
primary jurisdiction over the board.
(e) The board shall make available on its Internet website
the result of an access assessment performed under this section.
(f) In implementing this section, the board may:
(1) consult with the commission and the Public Utility
Commission of Texas in the development of category risk factors,
associated rankings of factors, and the development of scoring
thresholds for identifying utilities that are failing or at risk of
(2) reevaluate the risk factors and the factors’
associated numerical values every two years;
(3) enter into a memorandum of understanding with the
commission, the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the
Department of State Health Services for the open transfer and
sharing of utilities’ data, including critical infrastructure
data; and
(4) contract or otherwise partner with an institution
of higher education for the purposes of conducting a water access
Sec. 6.117. PUBLIC INFORMATION. (a) The board shall
develop and maintain on its Internet website a publicly available
tool by which a person may obtain information regarding:
(1) state progress towards implementing water supply
projects and water management strategies that address potential
water supply shortfalls during a repeat of a drought of record as
described within the most recent state water plan;
(2) how many water utilities are classified as either
failing or at risk of failing as determined by an assessment
conducted under Section 6.116; and
(3) the proportion of failing or at-risk utilities
that have taken steps to no longer be classified as failing or at
risk of failing.
(b) The board shall update the information required to be
maintained under Subsection (a) not less than once a year.
Sec. 6.118. ANNUAL REPORT. (a) In this section, “Texas
water fund” means the fund established under Section 49-d-16,
Article III, Texas Constitution, as proposed by S.J.R. 75, 88th
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023.
(b) Not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year,
the board shall submit to the legislature a report that describes:
(1) the allocation of money from the Texas water fund
to other eligible board-administered funds;
(2) water supply projects within the state water plan
that have received funding commitments in the preceding biennium;
(3) the provision of financial assistance in the
preceding biennium from the Texas water fund to water and
wastewater systems that have been classified as failing or at risk
of failing as determined by an assessment conducted under Section
(4) the state’s progress towards closing anticipated
water infrastructure funding gaps;
(5) the state’s progress towards closing potential
water supply deficits during a repeat of a drought of record;
(6) the state’s progress towards fixing aging or
deteriorating water and wastewater systems; and
(7) the positive economic impact attributable to each
project receiving financial assistance from the Texas water fund.
SECTION 3.2. Subchapter B, Chapter 16, Water Code, is
amended by adding Section 16.028 to read as follows:
water access assessment account is an account in the general
revenue fund. The account consists of:
(1) money appropriated to the board for deposit to the
credit of the account;
(2) money transferred by the board to the credit of the
account from other funds available to the board;
(3) money from gifts or grants to the account from any
source, including the federal government, an educational
institution, or a private donor;
(4) proceeds from the sale of educational or public
awareness materials, publications, and other items deposited to the
credit of the account; and
(5) interest earned on the investment of money in the
account and depository interest allocable to the account.
(b) The account may be used by the board to develop,
administer, and implement the water access assessment established
by Section 6.116.
SECTION 4.1. This Act takes effect January 1, 2026, but only
if the constitutional amendment proposed by the 89th Legislature,
Regular Session, 2025, providing for the dedication of certain
sales and use tax revenue to the Texas water fund is approved by the
voters. If that constitutional amendment is not approved by the
voters, this Act has no effect.