Relating to health and nutrition standards to promote healthy living.
relating to health and nutrition standards to promote healthy
SECTION 1. Section 28.002, Education Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (l) and adding Subsection (l-4) to read as
(l) A school district shall require a student enrolled in
full-day prekindergarten, in kindergarten, or in a grade level
below grade six to participate in moderate or vigorous daily
physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school
year as part of the district’s physical education curriculum or
through structured activity during a school campus’s daily recess.
To the extent practicable, a school district shall require a
student enrolled in prekindergarten on less than a full-day basis
to participate in the same type and amount of physical activity as a
student enrolled in full-day prekindergarten. A school district
shall require students enrolled in grade levels six, seven, and
eight to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical
activity for at least 30 minutes for at least six [four] semesters
during those grade levels as part of the district’s physical
education curriculum. If a school district determines, for any
particular grade level below grade six, that requiring moderate or
vigorous daily physical activity is impractical due to scheduling
concerns or other factors, the district may as an alternative
require a student in that grade level to participate in moderate or
vigorous physical activity for at least 135 minutes during each
school week. Additionally, a school district may as an alternative
require a student enrolled in a grade level for which the district
uses block scheduling to participate in moderate or vigorous
physical activity for at least 225 minutes during each period of two
school weeks. A school district must provide for an exemption for:
(1) any student who is unable to participate in the
required physical activity because of illness or disability; and
(2) a middle school or junior high school student who
participates in an extracurricular activity with a moderate or
vigorous physical activity component that is considered a
structured activity under rules adopted by the commissioner.
(l-4) In providing a physical education curriculum under
Subsection (l), a school employee may not restrict participation
(1) recess or other physical activity offered as part
of the district’s physical education curriculum for a student
enrolled in kindergarten or in a grade level below grade six as a
penalty for the student’s academic performance or behavior; or
(2) physical activity offered as part of the
district’s physical education curriculum for a student enrolled in
grade level six, seven, or eight as a penalty for the student’s
academic performance or behavior.
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 63, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 63.0025 to read as follows:
health-related institution of higher education listed in Section
63.002(c) is eligible for distribution of money under this
subchapter only if the institution:
(1) develops nutrition curriculum requirements based
on nutrition guidelines recommended by the Texas Nutrition Advisory
Committee established under Chapter 119B, Health and Safety Code;
(2) requires all medical students or students in other
health-related majors who are enrolled at the institution to
successfully complete the curriculum requirements developed under
Subdivision (1).
SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 63, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 63.103 to read as follows:
health-related institution of higher education listed in Section
63.101(a) is eligible for distribution of money from a fund
established under this subchapter only if the institution:
(1) develops nutrition curriculum requirements based
on nutrition guidelines recommended by the Texas Nutrition Advisory
Committee established under Chapter 119B, Health and Safety Code;
(2) requires all medical students or students in other
health-related majors who are enrolled at the institution to
successfully complete the curriculum requirements developed under
Subdivision (1).
SECTION 4. Subchapter C, Chapter 63, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 63.2025 to read as follows:
health-related institution providing graduate medical education is
eligible for a grant award under this subchapter only if the
(1) develops nutrition curriculum requirements based
on nutrition guidelines recommended by the Texas Nutrition Advisory
Committee established under Chapter 119B, Health and Safety Code;
(2) requires all students in nursing, allied health,
or other health-related majors who are enrolled at the institution
to successfully complete the curriculum requirements developed
under Subdivision (1).
SECTION 5. Subchapter D, Chapter 63, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 63.303 to read as follows:
health-related institution providing graduate medical education is
eligible for a grant award under this subchapter only if the
(1) develops nutrition curriculum requirements based
on nutrition guidelines recommended by the Texas Nutrition Advisory
Committee established under Chapter 119B, Health and Safety Code;
(2) requires all medical students or students in other
health-related majors who are enrolled at the institution to
successfully complete the curriculum requirements developed under
Subdivision (1).
SECTION 6. Subtitle E, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Chapter 119B to read as follows:
Sec. 119B.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, “advisory
committee” means the Texas Nutrition Advisory Committee.
Nutrition Advisory Committee is established to develop nutritional
guidelines for residents of this state. The advisory committee is
administratively attached to the department.
Sec. 119B.003. MEMBERSHIP. (a) The advisory committee is
composed of seven members appointed by the governor, including at
(1) one expert in metabolic health;
(2) one licensed physician certified in functional
(3) one member representing the Texas Department of
(4) one member representing a rural community; and
(5) one member representing an urban community.
(b) In appointing the advisory committee members, the
governor must:
(1) consider recommendations provided by:
(A) the chair of the senate committee on health
and human services;
(B) the chair of the house of representatives
committee on public health; and
(C) the chair of the house of representatives
committee on human services; and
(2) ensure not more than two members are affiliated
with an academic or health-related institution of higher education
if the appointment could reasonably create a conflict of interest
between the goals of the advisory committee and the goals of the
(c) The governor may not appoint as an advisory committee
member an individual who:
(1) owns or controls a three percent or greater
ownership interest in a food, beverage, or pharmaceutical
manufacturing company; or
(2) is related within the third degree of
consanguinity or affinity, as determined by Chapter 573, Government
Code, to an individual who owns or controls a three percent or
greater ownership interest in a food, beverage, or pharmaceutical
manufacturing company.
(d) Before accepting an appointment under this section, an
individual must disclose all past or existing affiliations with a
food, beverage, or pharmaceutical manufacturing company or any
other affiliation that could reasonably create a conflict of
interest with the goals of the advisory committee. An advisory
committee member who fails to disclose an affiliation described by
this subsection is subject to removal by the governor.
(e) Advisory committee members serve staggered two-year
Sec. 119B.004. ADVISORY COMMITTEE DUTIES. The advisory
committee shall:
(1) examine the impact of nutrition on human health
and examine the connection between ultra-processed foods,
including foods containing artificial color and food additives, and
the prevalence of chronic diseases and other chronic health issues;
(2) provide an independent review of scientific
studies analyzing the effects of ultra-processed foods on human
(3) provide education on the effects of
ultra-processed foods on human health; and
(4) develop and maintain dietary and nutritional
guidelines based on the consensus of available scientific studies
and information concerning diet and nutrition.
Sec. 119B.005. ANNUAL REPORT. Not later than September 1 of
each year, the advisory committee shall prepare and submit to the
department, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of
the house of representatives, and each standing committee of the
legislature with primary jurisdiction over health and safety a
written report that includes:
(1) a summary of the scientific studies;
(2) nutritional guidelines incorporating any new
scientific findings; and
(3) any other recommendations the advisory committee
considers appropriate based on new scientific studies.
(a) The department shall post on a publicly available webpage on
the department’s Internet website the guidelines developed under
Section 119B.004 in a manner that is easily accessible and readily
(b) The department shall annually update information posted
under this section based on the report submitted under Section
Sec. 119B.007. EXPIRATION. The advisory committee is
abolished and this chapter expires December 31, 2032.
Sec. 119B.008. RULES. The executive commissioner of the
Health and Human Services Commission may adopt rules as necessary
to implement this chapter.
SECTION 7. Subchapter D, Chapter 431, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Section 431.0815 to read as follows:
shall label each product the manufacturer offers for sale with a
warning label disclosing the use of any:
(1) artificial color;
(2) food additive; or
(3) other chemical ingredient banned by Canada, the
European Union, or the United Kingdom.
(b) The warning label must:
(1) include at least one of the following statements,
as applicable:
(A) if the food contains an artificial color or
food additive, a statement substantially similar to the following,
printed in a font size not smaller than the largest font used to
disclose other consumer information:
“WARNING: This product contains artificial color or a
food additive. Some scientific research suggests artificial colors
and food additives may affect individuals with certain health
conditions. For more information, visit [insert link to the United
States Food and Drug Administration’s Internet website].”; or
(B) if the food contains a banned chemical
described by Subsection (a), a statement substantially similar to
the following, printed in a font size not smaller than the largest
font used to disclose other consumer information:
“WARNING: This product may expose you to [Name of
Chemical], which is banned by [Name of Country].”;
(2) be placed in a prominent and reasonably visible
location; and
(3) have sufficiently high contrast with the immediate
background to ensure the warning is likely to be seen and understood
by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase
and use.
(c) A food manufacturer that offers a product described by
Subsection (a) for sale on the manufacturer’s Internet website
shall disclose to the consumer all labeling information required
under Subsection (b) and department rules by:
(1) posting a legible statement on the manufacturer’s
Internet website; or
(2) otherwise communicating the information to the
SECTION 8. Subchapter B, Chapter 156, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Section 156.061 to read as follows:
METABOLIC HEALTH. (a) A physician licensed under this subtitle who
submits an application for renewal of a license to practice
medicine must complete, in accordance with this section and rules
adopted under this section, continuing medical education regarding
nutrition and metabolic health.
(b) The board shall adopt rules to implement this section.
The rules must prescribe:
(1) the number of hours of the continuing medical
education required by this section; and
(2) the content of the continuing medical education
required by this section by using the nutritional guidelines
provided by the Texas Nutrition Advisory Committee under Chapter
119B, Health and Safety Code.
SECTION 9. (a) Section 28.002(l), Education Code, as
amended by this Act, applies only to students entering the sixth
grade during the 2026-2027 school year or a later school year. For
students entering a grade above sixth grade during the 2026-2027
school year, Section 28.002(l), Education Code, as that section
existed before amendment by this Act, applies, and that section is
continued in effect for that purpose.
(b) Section 28.002(l-4), Education Code, as added by this
Act, applies beginning with the 2026-2027 school year.
SECTION 10. (a) Not later than July 1, 2027, a
health-related institution of higher education shall develop and
implement curriculum required by Sections 63.0025, 63.103,
63.2025, and 63.303, Education Code, as added by this Act, to remain
eligible for funding under those sections.
(b) A health-related institution of higher education is not
required to comply with Sections 63.0025, 63.103, 63.2025, and
63.303, Education Code, as added by this Act, until July 1, 2027.
SECTION 11. (a) Not later than December 31, 2025, the
governor shall appoint the members of the Texas Nutrition Advisory
Committee established under Chapter 119B, Health and Safety Code,
as added by this Act, and shall provide for staggered member terms
as required by that chapter.
(b) Not later than September 1, 2026, the Texas Nutrition
Advisory Committee shall prepare and submit to the Department of
State Health Services, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the
speaker of the house, and each standing committee of the
legislature with primary jurisdiction over health and safety the
initial report required under Section 119B.005, Health and Safety
Code, as added by this Act.
(c) As soon as practicable after the submission of the
report under Subsection (b) of this section, the Department of
State Health Services shall post information required under Section
119B.006, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, on the
department’s Internet website.
SECTION 12. (a) Not later than December 31, 2025, the
executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
shall adopt rules to implement changes made by Section 431.0815,
Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act.
(b) Section 431.0815, Health and Safety Code, as added by
this Act, applies only to the labeling of food products
manufactured on or after January 1, 2026.
SECTION 13. (a) Section 156.061, Occupations Code, as
added by this Act, applies only to an application for license
renewal filed on or after January 1, 2027. An application for
license renewal filed before that date is governed by the law in
effect on the date the application was filed, and the former law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
(b) Not later than December 31, 2026, the Texas Medical
Board shall adopt the rules required by Section 156.061,
Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
SECTION 14. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.