Relating to the sale and delivery of certain license plates.
relating to the sale and delivery of certain license plates.
SECTION 1. Section 504.851(i), Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
(i) A contract entered into by the department with a private
vendor under this section:
(1) must comply with any law generally applicable to a
contract for services entered into by the department;
(2) must require the private vendor to render at least
quarterly to the department periodic accounts that accurately
detail all material transactions, including information reasonably
required by the department to support fees that are collected by the
vendor, and to regularly remit all money payable to the department
under the contract;
(3) may allow or require the private vendor to
establish an electronic infrastructure coordinated and compatible
with the department’s registration system, by which motor vehicle
owners may electronically send and receive applications, other
documents, or required payments, and that, when secure access is
necessary, can be electronically validated by the department; and
(4) must allow for the establishment of a range of
premium embossed specialty license plates to be sourced, marketed,
and sold by the vendor.; and
(5) must allow the private vendor to offer home
delivery as an option to a purchaser for an additional fee. The
private vendor may recover or remit any fees customarily charged by
the county tax assessor-collector for the handling and distribution
of specialty license plates. A purchaser is only eligible for home
delivery if the delivery address matches the vehicle’s registered
address on record.
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.