Relating to distribution of state traffic fine revenue received by the comptroller.
relating to distribution of state traffic fine revenue received by
the comptroller.
SECTION 1. Sections 542.4031(g) and (h), Transportation
Code, are amended to read as follows:
(g) Of the money received by the comptroller under this
section, the comptroller shall deposit:
(1) 50 [70] percent to the credit of the undedicated
portion of the general revenue fund; and
(2) 50 [30] percent to the credit of the designated
trauma facility and emergency medical services account under
Section 780.003, Health and Safety Code.
(h) Notwithstanding Subsection (g)(1), in any state fiscal
year the comptroller shall deposit 50 [70] percent of the money
received under Subsection (e)(2) to the credit of the general
revenue fund only until the total amount of the money deposited to
the credit of the general revenue fund under Subsection (g)(1)
equals $250 million for that year. If in any state fiscal year the
amount received by the comptroller under Subsection (e)(2) for
deposit to the credit of the general revenue fund under Subsection
(g)(1) exceeds $250 million, the comptroller shall deposit the
additional amount to the credit of the Texas mobility fund.
SECTION 2. Section 542.4031(g), Transportation Code, as
amended by this Act, applies only to the distribution of revenue
collected on or after the effective date of this Act. The
distribution of revenue collected before the effective date of this
Act is governed by the law in effect at the time the revenue was
collected, and that law is continued in effect for the purpose of
the distribution of that revenue.
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.