HB 3577 Introduced

Relating to the creation of a grant program to assist local law enforcement agencies in solving violent and sexual offenses. 







relating to the creation of a grant program to assist local law


enforcement agencies in solving violent and sexual offenses.




       SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 772, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 772.00791 to read as follows:








             (1)  “Clearance by arrest” means that, with respect to


an offense reported to a law enforcement agency, the agency:


                   (A)  has:


                         (i)  arrested and charged at least one


suspect with the commission of the offense; and


                         (ii)  turned the suspect over to the court


for prosecution; or


                   (B)  has cited an individual younger than 18 years


of age and required the individual to appear in juvenile court or


before another juvenile authority with respect to the offense,


regardless of whether an arrest occurred.


             (2)  “Clearance by exception” means that, with respect


to an offense reported to a law enforcement agency, the agency:


                   (A)  has confirmed the suspect’s identity;


                   (B)  has sufficient evidence for arrest;


                   (C)  knows the suspect’s specific location; and


                   (D)  has encountered factors beyond law


enforcement control that hinder the arrest, charging, and


prosecution of the suspect.


             (3)  “Clearance rate” means, with respect to an offense


or category of offense reported to a law enforcement agency, a




                   (A)  the numerator of which is the number of


offenses cleared by the agency through clearance by arrest and


clearance by exception; and


                   (B)  the denominator of which is the total number


of offenses reported to the agency.


             (4)  “Criminal justice division” means the criminal


justice division established under Section 772.006.


             (5)  “Sexual offense” means an offense under any of the


following provisions of the Penal Code:


                   (A)  Section 21.11 (indecency with a child);


                   (B)  Section 22.011 (sexual assault); or


                   (C)  Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual assault).


             (6)  “Violent offense” means an offense under any of


the following provisions of the Penal Code: 


                   (A)  Section 19.02 (murder);


                   (B)  Section 19.03 (capital murder);


                   (C)  Section 20.04 (aggravated kidnapping);


                   (D)  Section 22.02(a)(2) (aggravated assault with


a deadly weapon); or


                   (E)  Section 29.03 (aggravated robbery).


       (b)  This section applies only to a law enforcement agency


employing one or more peace officers described by Article 2A.001(1)


or (3), Code of Criminal Procedure.


       (c)  The criminal justice division shall establish and


administer a grant program through which a law enforcement agency


may apply for a grant designed to improve clearance rates for


violent and sexual offenses.


       (d)  The criminal justice division shall establish:


             (1)  eligibility criteria for grant applications;


             (2)  grant application procedures;


             (3)  guidelines relating to grant amounts; and


             (4)  procedures for evaluating grant applications.


       (e)  Grant money awarded under this section may be used to


pay for:


             (1)  hiring, training, and retaining personnel to:


                   (A)  investigate violent and sexual offenses;


                   (B)  collect, process, and forensically test


evidence; or


                   (C)  analyze violent and sexual offenses,


including temporal and geographical trends;


             (2)  acquiring, upgrading, or replacing technology or


equipment related to evidence collection, evidence processing, or


forensic testing; and


             (3)  upgrading record management systems to achieve


compliance with the reporting requirements under Subsection (f).


       (f)  A law enforcement agency that receives a grant awarded


under the program annually shall report:


             (1)  the clearance rate and the percentage of the


clearance rate that is clearance by arrest and the percentage that


is clearance by exception for:


                   (A)  violent offenses;


                   (B)  sexual offenses; and


                   (C)  each offense listed in Subsection (a)(5) or




             (2)  the average duration between the date of the


offense and the date of clearance for:


                   (A)  violent offenses;


                   (B)  sexual offenses; and 


                   (C)  each offense listed in Subsection (a)(5) or


(6); and


             (3)  the percentage of the grant amount used for each


authorized use listed in Subsection (e).


       (g)  The criminal justice division shall periodically


evaluate the practices employed by grant recipients to identify


policies and procedures that have successfully improved clearance


rates for violent and sexual offenses.  The division may contract


with a third party to conduct an evaluation under this subsection.


       (h)  The criminal justice division shall include in the


biennial report required by Section 772.006(a)(9) a detailed


reporting of the results and performance of the grant program


administered under this section.


       (i)  A governmental entity may not reduce the amount of funds


provided to a law enforcement agency because the agency received a


grant under this section.


       (j)  The criminal justice division may use any revenue


available for purposes of this section.


       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives


a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as


provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this


Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this


Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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