HB 3664 Introduced

Relating to the training of prospective grand jurors and to grand jury proceedings. 







relating to the training of prospective grand jurors and to grand


jury proceedings.




       SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 19A, Code of Criminal


Procedure, is amended by adding Article 19A.1021 to read as






REQUIRED. Before a prospective grand juror may be accepted and


impaneled, each person who is presented to serve as a grand juror


must complete the training described by Section 72.0365, Government




       SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 20A, Code of Criminal


Procedure, is amended by adding Article 20A.002 to read as follows:


       Art. 20A.002.  WHO MAY BE INVESTIGATED. (a) Except as


provided by Subsection (b), a grand jury may not investigate a


person who is accused or suspected of an offense and may not vote to


present an indictment for the offense if the person has previously


been investigated by a grand jury for the same offense and that


grand jury found no bill of indictment.


       (b)  A grand jury may investigate, and may present an


indictment with respect to, a person described by Subsection (a)


only if the attorney representing the state presents material


evidence that was not known to the state before or during the


previous grand jury investigation.


       SECTION 3.  The heading to Article 20A.201, Code of Criminal


Procedure, is amended to read as follows:






       SECTION 4.  Articles 20A.201(a) and (b), Code of Criminal


Procedure, are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, all


statements made by the grand jury or the attorney representing the


state and the [The] examination and testimony of a witness [an


accused or suspected person before the grand jury and that person’s


testimony] shall be recorded by a stenographer or by use of an


electronic device capable of recording sound.  Deliberations of the


grand jury may not be recorded.


       (b)  The validity of a grand jury proceeding is not affected


by an unintentional failure to record all or part of the proceedings


as required by [examination or testimony under] Subsection (a).


       SECTION 5.  Article 20A.202(b), Code of Criminal Procedure,


is amended to read as follows:


       (b)  A subpoena or summons relating to a grand jury


proceeding or investigation must be kept secret to the extent and


for as long as necessary to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of a


matter before the grand jury.  This subsection may not be construed


to limit a disclosure permitted by Article 20A.204(b), (c), or (d)


or 20A.205 [20A.205(a) or (b)].


       SECTION 6.  Article 20A.204(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,


is amended to read as follows:


       (a)  The attorney representing the state may not disclose


anything transpiring before the grand jury except as permitted by


this article or Article 20A.205 [Article 20A.205(a) or (b)].


       SECTION 7.  Article 20A.205, Code of Criminal Procedure, is


amended to read as follows:






otherwise provided by this article, if the state provides notice to


an accused or suspected person of the grand jury investigation, as


soon as practicable after receiving a request from an accused or


suspected person, the attorney representing the state shall produce


and permit the inspection and the electronic duplication, copying,


and photographing, by or on behalf of the accused or suspected


person, of any:


             (1)  offense reports, designated documents, or


designated papers arising from the alleged offense;


             (2)  designated written or recorded statements of the


accused or suspected person or a witness that arise from the alleged


offense, including witness statements of law enforcement officers;




             (3)  designated books, accounts, letters, photographs,


or objects or other tangible things that:


                   (A)  are not otherwise privileged;


                   (B)  constitute or contain evidence material to


any matter involved in the grand jury investigation; and


                   (C)  are in the possession, custody, or control of


the state or any person under contract with the state.


       (b)  Subsection (a) does not authorize the removal of


documents, items, or information from the possession of the state,


and any inspection shall be in the presence of a representative of


the state.


       (c)  In the case of a pro se accused or suspected person, the


state shall permit the inspection or review of the document, item,


or information as provided by Subsection (a), but is not required to


allow electronic duplication as described by that subsection.


       (d)  The attorney representing the state may provide to an


accused or suspected person electronic duplicates of any document,


item, or information described by Subsection (a).


       (e)  Subsection (a) does not authorize the disclosure of:


             (1)  the work product of the attorney representing the


state in the investigation; or


             (2)  the work product of the state’s investigators,


including an investigator’s notes or reports.


       (f)  The rights granted to the accused or suspected person


under Subsection (a) do not extend to written communications


between the state and an agent, representative, or employee of the




       (g)  If only a portion of the applicable document, item, or


information is subject to discovery under this article, the state


is not required to produce or permit the inspection of the remaining


portion that is not subject to discovery and may withhold or redact


that portion.  The state shall inform the accused or suspected


person that a portion of the document, item, or information has been


withheld or redacted.


       (h)  The accused or suspected person, the attorney


representing the accused or suspected person, or an investigator,


expert, consulting legal counsel, or other agent of the attorney


representing the accused or suspected person may not disclose to a


third party any documents, evidence, materials, or witness


statements received under this article unless:


             (1)  a court orders the disclosure after notice and


hearing, on a showing of good cause and after considering the


security and privacy interests of any victim or witness; or


             (2)  the documents, evidence, materials, or witness


statements have already been publicly disclosed.


       (i)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article,


information identifying any victim or witness, including the name


of a victim or witness and including the address, telephone number,


driver’s license number, social security number, date of birth, or


bank account information or any other information that by reference


would make it possible to identify a victim or witness, is


confidential and may not be disclosed unless the disclosure is


ordered by the court under Subsection (h) or otherwise required by


Subsection (j).


       (j)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article,


the state shall disclose to the accused or suspected person any


exculpatory, impeachment, or mitigating document, item, or


information that is in the possession, custody, or control of the


state or any person under contract with the state that tends to


negate the guilt of the accused or suspected person or would tend to


reduce the punishment for the offense being investigated.


       (k)  The state shall electronically record or otherwise


document any document, item, or other information provided to the


accused or suspected person under this article.


       (l)  Except as provided by Subsection (i), this article does


not prohibit the attorney representing the state from providing


discovery and documentation beyond that required by this article.


       (m)  This article applies only to discovery for a grand jury


investigation. This article does not limit an accused or suspected


person’s right to discovery authorized by other law.


       (n)  [The defendant may petition a court to order the


disclosure of information made secret by Article 20A.202,


20A.203(a), or 20A.204, including a recording or typewritten


transcription under Article 20A.201, as a matter preliminary to or


in connection with a judicial proceeding.  The court may order


disclosure of the information if the defendant shows a


particularized need.


       [(b)  A petition for disclosure under Subsection (a) must be


filed in the district court in which the case is pending.  The


defendant must also file a copy of the petition with the attorney


representing the state, the parties to the judicial proceeding, and


any other person the court requires.  Each person who receives a


copy of the petition under this subsection is entitled to appear


before the court.  The court shall provide interested parties with


an opportunity to appear and present arguments for or against the


requested disclosure.


       [(c)] A person who receives information under this article


and discloses that information in a manner not authorized by this


article may be punished for contempt in the same manner as a person


who violates Article 20A.203(a).


       SECTION 8.  Article 20A.257, Code of Criminal Procedure, is


amended to read as follows:


       Art. 20A.257.  EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. (a)  A person who


is subpoenaed to appear as a witness before a grand jury shall be


given a reasonable opportunity to retain counsel and to consult


with counsel before the person’s appearance.


       (b)  Only a grand juror or the attorney representing the


state may examine a witness before the grand jury.


       (c) [(b)]  The attorney representing the state shall advise


the grand jury regarding the proper mode of examining a witness.


       (d)  Before the grand jury may question the witness, a


witness appearing before a grand jury shall be orally given the


following warning:


       “Your testimony before this grand jury is under oath.  Any


material question that is answered falsely before this grand jury


subjects you to being prosecuted for aggravated perjury.  You have


the right to refuse to make answers to any question, the answer to


which would incriminate you in any manner.  Any testimony you give


may be used against you at any subsequent proceeding.”


       (e) [(c)]  If a felony has been committed in any county in


the grand jury’s jurisdiction, and the name of the offender is known


or unknown or if it is uncertain when or how the felony was


committed, the grand jury shall first state the subject matter


under investigation to a witness called before the grand jury and


may then ask questions relevant to the transaction in general terms


and in a manner that enables a determination as to whether the


witness has knowledge of the violation of any particular law by any


person, and if so, by what person.


       SECTION 9.  Article 20A.258(b), Code of Criminal Procedure,


is amended to read as follows:


       (b)  The warnings required under Subsection (a)(1) must


consist of the following:


       “Your testimony before this grand jury is under oath.  Any


material question that is answered falsely before this grand jury


subjects you to being prosecuted for aggravated perjury.  You have


the right to refuse to make answers to any question, the answer to


which would incriminate you in any manner.  You have the right to


have an attorney [a lawyer] present outside this chamber to advise


you before making answers to questions you feel might incriminate


you.  Any testimony you give may be used against you at any


subsequent proceeding.  If you are unable to employ an attorney [a


lawyer], you have the right to have an attorney [a lawyer] appointed


to advise you before making an answer to a question, the answer to


which you feel might incriminate you.”


       SECTION 10.  Subchapter C, Chapter 72, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 72.0365 to read as follows:




(a)  Before a prospective grand juror may be accepted and impaneled


under Chapter 19A, Code of Criminal Procedure, the prospective


grand juror shall complete a training course regarding grand jury


proceedings that is administered by the office.


       (b)  The training course required by Subsection (a):


             (1)  must include instruction regarding:


                   (A)  the purpose and rules of grand jury service;


                   (B)  the grand juror selection process; and


                   (C)  grand jury procedures and deliberations; and


             (2)  may be offered online.


       (c)  The office shall adopt rules as necessary to implement


this section, including rules regarding the content of the training


course required by Subsection (a).


       SECTION 11.  As soon as practicable after the effective date


of this Act, the Office of Court Administration of the Texas


Judicial System shall adopt rules as required by Section 72.0365,


Government Code, as added by this Act.


       SECTION 12.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only


to a grand jury proceeding that begins on or after the effective


date of this Act. A grand jury proceeding that begins before the


effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the


date the proceeding began, and the former law is continued in effect


for that purpose.


       SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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