Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to Walker County.
relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice to Walker County.
SECTION 1. (a) As soon as practicable, the Texas Department
of Criminal Justice shall transfer to Walker County the real
property interests of the State of Texas and the department in the
tract of land described by Subsection (f) of this section.
(b) Walker County may use the property transferred under
this Act only for a justice center. If Walker County uses the
property for any purpose other than the purpose described by this
subsection or if Walker County fails to use the property for the
purpose described by this subsection before the 10th anniversary of
the date of transfer, ownership of the property automatically
reverts to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
(c) The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall transfer
the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer. The
instrument of transfer must:
(1) provide that:
(A) Walker County may use the property only for a
justice center; and
(B) ownership of the property will automatically
revert to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice if Walker
(i) uses the property for any purpose other
than the purpose described by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision; or
(ii) fails to use the property for the
purpose described by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision before the
10th anniversary of the date of the transfer; and
(2) describe the property to be transferred by metes
and bounds.
(d) The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall retain
custody of the instrument of transfer after the instrument of
transfer is filed in the real property records of Walker County.
(e) Sections 31.158 and 31.159, Natural Resources Code, do
not apply to the transfer of real property authorized by this Act.
(f) The tract of land referred to in this section is
described as follows:
State of Texas 14.999 Acres
County of WALKER
Field notes of a 14.999 acres (653,371 sq. ft.)out of a called
279.39 acres, lying and being situated in the P. Gray League, A-24,
Walker County, being the same land described in Volume 112, Page 52
of the Official Records of Walker County, Texas and being more
particularly described herein;
Beginning at a concrete monument found in the south margin of a 100′
wide road (FM 2821), being the east margin of a variable width
county road (Smith Hill Road), marking the northwest corner and
point of beginning of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence N 60°21’13” E, along and with the south margin of FM 2821 , a
distance of 159.94 feet to a concrete monument found, marking an
interior corner of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence continuing along and with the south margin of FM 2821 with a
curve to the right having a radius of 3780.30 feet, an arc length of
745.28, with a chord bearing of N 81°11’59” E , and a chord distance
of 744.07 feet to a concrete monument found for an interior corner
of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence N 86°58’17” E, continuing along and with the south margin of
FM 2821, a distance of 182.83 feet to a 1/2″ iron rod set marked
“Campbell – Sandoval” from which a concrete monument found bears N
86°58’19” E, a distance of 557.10 feet marking the northeast corner
of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence S 03°53’37” E, departing the south margin of FM 2821, cutting
across and through the called 279.39 acre parent tract, a distance
of 634.00 feet to a 1/2″ iron rod set marked “Campbell – Sandoval”,
marking the southeast corner of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence S 85°53’14” W, cutting across and through the called 279.39
acre parent tract , a distance of 1067.85 feet to a 1/2″ iron rod set
marked “Campbell – Sandoval” from which a 1/2″ iron rod found bears
S 03°56’02” E, a distance of 121.33 feet, said point being in the
east margin of the aforementioned Smith Hill Road, marking the
southwest corner of the herein described 14.999 acres;
Thence N 03°56’02” W, along and with the east margin of Smith Hill
Road, a distance of 507.71 feet back to point of beginning and
containing 14.999 acres.
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2025.