HB 3774 Introduced

Relating to the operation of a signature verification committee. 







relating to the operation of a signature verification committee.




       SECTION 1.  Section 86.011(d), Election Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       (d)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, if


the clerk receives a timely carrier envelope that does not fully


comply with the applicable requirements prescribed by this title,


[the clerk may deliver the carrier envelope in person or by mail to


the voter and may receive, before the deadline, the corrected


carrier envelope from the voter, or] the clerk may notify the voter


of the defect by telephone or e-mail and advise the voter that the


voter may come to the clerk’s office in person to correct the


defect, [or] cancel the voter’s application to vote by mail and vote


on election day, or cure the defect as instructed on a corrective


action form and return the form by mail.  If the procedures


authorized by this subsection are used, they must be applied


uniformly to all carrier envelopes covered by this subsection.  A


poll watcher is entitled to observe the procedures under this


subsection.  The secretary of state may prescribe any other


procedures necessary to implement this subsection including


requirements for posting notice of any deliveries.


       SECTION 2.  Section 87.0271(a), Election Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       (a)  This section applies to an early voting ballot voted by




             (1)  for which the voter did not sign the carrier


envelope certificate;


             (2)  for which it cannot immediately be determined


whether the signature on the carrier envelope certificate or


signature sheet, as applicable, is that of the voter;


             (3)  [missing any required statement of residence;


             [(4)]  missing information or a required signature


sheet [containing incorrect information required under Section


84.002(a)(1-a) or Section 86.002]; or


             (4) [(5)]  containing incomplete information with


respect to a witness.


       SECTION 3.  Sections 87.0222(a) and (a-1), Election Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), not later than


the 11th [ninth] day before election day, the jacket envelopes


containing early voting ballots voted by mail shall be delivered to


the board.


       (a-1)  Any jacket envelopes of early voting ballots voted by


mail returned after delivery of the ballots under Subsection (a)


may be delivered to the presiding judge of the early voting ballot


board between the end of the 11th [ninth] day before election day


and the closing of the polls on election day, or as soon after


closing as practicable, at the time or times specified by the


presiding judge.


       SECTION 4.  Section 87.027, Election Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (a-1), (c), (d), (f), and (i) and adding


Subsections (e-1), (f-1), and (i-1) to read as follows:


       (a-1)  A signature verification committee shall be appointed


in the general election for state and county officers on submission


to the early voting clerk of a written request for the committee by


at least 15 registered voters of the county.  The secretary of state


shall prescribe the form for a request submitted under this


subsection. The request must be submitted not later than the


preceding October 1, and a request submitted by mail is considered


to be submitted at the time of its receipt by the clerk.


       (c)  Not later than the fifth day after the date the early


voting clerk issues the order calling for the appointment of a


signature verification committee, or not later than October 15 for


a committee required under Subsection (a-1), the appropriate


authority shall appoint the members of the committee and designate


one of the appointees as chair, subject to Subsection (d). The


authority shall fill a vacancy on the committee by appointment as


soon as possible after the vacancy occurs, subject to Subsection


(d). The early voting clerk shall post notice of the name [and


residence address] of each appointee. The notice must remain


posted continuously for the period beginning the day after the date


of the appointment and ending on the last day of the committee’s


operation in the election.


       (d)  The early voting clerk shall determine an odd [the]


number of members who are to compose the signature verification


committee and shall state that number in the order calling for the


committee’s appointment.  A committee must consist of not fewer


than five members.  In an election in which party alignment is


indicated on the ballot, each county chair of a political party with


a nominee or aligned candidate on the ballot shall submit to the


appointing authority a list of names of persons eligible to serve on


the signature verification committee in order of the county chair’s


preference.  The authority shall appoint at least two persons from


each list in the order of preference indicated on each list to serve


as members of the committee.  The same number of members must be


appointed from each list.  The authority shall appoint as chair of


the committee the highest-ranked person on the list provided by the


political party whose nominee for governor received the most votes


in the county in the most recent gubernatorial general election.  


The authority shall appoint as vice chair of the committee the


highest-ranked person on the list provided by the political party


whose nominee for governor received the second most votes in the


county in the most recent gubernatorial general election.  The vice


chair shall be counted as a member unless the chair is not present.  


If the chair is not present, the vice chair acts as the chair until


the chair returns or a replacement is provided by the chair’s


political party. A vacancy of any position on the committee shall


be filled by appointment from the original list or from a new list


submitted by the appropriate county chair.


       (e-1)  A person may not serve on a signature verification


committee and an early voting ballot board in the same election.


       (f)  The early voting clerk shall determine the place, day or


days, and hours of operation of the signature verification


committee and shall state that information in the order calling for


the committee’s appointment. A committee may not begin operating


before the 20th day before election day and must convene not later


than the 12th day before election day.


       (f-1)  After the day the signature verification committee


begins operating, the early voting clerk may no longer send a voter


a notice of a defect and corrective action form under Section


86.011(d).  The early voting clerk may, with instruction from the


committee chair, send a voter a notice of defect and corrective


action form under Section 87.0271 on behalf of the committee.


       (i)  The signature verification committee shall compare the


signature on each carrier envelope certificate, except those signed


for a voter by a witness, with the signature on the voter’s ballot


application to determine whether the signatures are those of the


voter.  The committee may also compare the signatures with any known


signature of the voter on file with the county clerk or voter


registrar to determine whether the signatures are those of the


voter.  Except as provided by Subsection (l), a determination under


this subsection that the signatures are not those of the voter must


be made by a majority vote of the committee’s membership, with the


chair only voting to resolve a tie.  Both political parties must be


equally represented during the majority vote.  If an unequal number


of members are present, it must be decided at the beginning of the


meeting which member shall abstain from participating so that an


equal number of members from both parties are voting.  The committee


shall place the jacket envelopes, unopened carrier envelopes, and


applications of voters whose signatures are not those of the voter


in separate containers from those of voters whose signatures are


those of the voter.  The committee chair shall deliver the sorted


materials to the early voting ballot board at the time specified by


the board’s presiding judge.


       (i-1)  The signature verification committee may only open a


carrier envelope if the carrier envelope is attached to a federal


postcard application for the purpose of reviewing a signature




       SECTION 5.  Subchapter B, Chapter 87, Election Code, is


amended by adding Section 87.0273 to read as follows:




OATH AND IDENTIFICATION.  (a) A member of the signature


verification committee shall repeat the following oath aloud:


       “I swear (or affirm) that I will objectively work to be sure


to accept and count every eligible voter who provides the required


identification number and whose signature accompanying the ballot


appears to be that of the voter or the voter’s witness.  I


understand it is my duty to verify the voter’s signature on the


ballot carrier envelope even when rebuttably presumed to be the


voter due to matching personal identification information.  I will


not work alone when ballots are present and will work only in the


presence of a member of a political party different from my own.  I


will faithfully perform my duties as an officer of the election and


guard the purity of the election.”


       (b)  A member of the signature verification committee who


arrives after the oath is made shall repeat the oath aloud before


performing any duties as a member.


       (c)  Following administration of the oath, each member of the


signature verification committee shall be issued a form of


identification, prescribed by the secretary of state, to be


displayed by the member during the member’s hours of service on the




       SECTION 6.  Section 87.128(c), Election Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       (c)  Each member who takes notes under this section shall


sign and date the notes and deliver them to the presiding judge or


committee chair, as applicable, for delivery to the custodian of


election records.  A member may request and receive a copy of their


notes at the time of delivery.


       SECTION 7.  Section 101.105, Election Code, is amended to


read as follows:




E-MAIL.  Balloting materials to be sent by e-mail under this


subchapter include:


             (1)  the appropriate ballot;


             (2)  ballot instructions, including instructions that


inform a voter that the ballot must be returned by mail to be




             (3)  instructions prescribed by the secretary of state




                   (A)  how to print a return envelope from the


federal Voting Assistance Program website; and


                   (B)  how to create a carrier envelope if not using


an official [or] signature sheet for the ballot; [and]


             (4)  a list of certified write-in candidates, if


applicable; and


             (5)  an official signature sheet.


       SECTION 8.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to


an election ordered on or after the effective date of this Act.


       SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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