Relating to the parking of a commercial motor vehicle in or near certain residential subdivisions.
relating to the parking of a commercial motor vehicle in or near
certain residential subdivisions.
SECTION 1. The heading to Section 545.307, Transportation
Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Section 545.307, Transportation Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (b), (b-1), (c), and (d) and adding
Subsection (e-1) to read as follows:
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (b-1), [after 10 p.m.
and before 6 a.m.,] a person may not park a commercial motor vehicle
or leave the vehicle parked on a street that is maintained by a
county or municipality and for which signs are posted as provided by
Subsection (c) if the street:
(1) is located within a residential subdivision; or
(2) is adjacent to a residential subdivision and
within 1,000 feet of the property line of a residence, school, place
of worship, [or] park, or retail area.
(b-1) A person may park a commercial motor vehicle or leave
the vehicle parked on a street for which signs are posted as
provided by Subsection (c) if the commercial motor vehicle is
parked for a period not to exceed two hours, and either:
(1) the operator of the commercial motor vehicle:
(A) is present in the vehicle the entire period
the vehicle remains parked; and
(B) is taking a rest break or other lawfully
mandated break; or
(2) the commercial motor vehicle:
(A) [(1)] is transporting persons or property to
or from the residential subdivision or performing work in the
subdivision; and
(B) [(2)] remains parked in or adjacent to the
subdivision only for the period necessary to complete the
transportation or work.
(c) A [The residents of a residential subdivision may
petition a] county or municipality in which a residential [the]
subdivision is located shall post [for the posting of] signs
prohibiting the [overnight] parking of a commercial motor vehicle
in the subdivision or on a street adjacent to the subdivision and
within 1,000 feet of the property line of a residence, school, place
of worship, [or] park, or retail area. [The petition must be signed
by at least 25 percent of the owners or tenants of residences in the
subdivision. Not more than one person for each residence may sign
the petition, and each person signing must be at least 18 years of
age. Promptly after the filing of a petition meeting the
requirements of this subsection and subject to Subsection (d), the
county or municipality receiving the petition shall post the
signs.] The signs must:
(1) be posted:
(A) at each entrance of the subdivision through
which a commercial motor vehicle may enter the subdivision or
within the subdivision if there is not defined entrance to the
subdivision; or
(B) on a street adjacent to the subdivision; and
(2) state, in letters at least two inches in height,
that [overnight] parking of a commercial motor vehicle is
prohibited at all times in the subdivision or on a street adjacent
to the subdivision.
(d) A county or municipality [receiving a petition under
Subsection (c)] may condition the posting of the signs on payment by
the residents of the residential subdivision of the cost of
providing the signs.
(e-1) A commercial motor vehicle found to be parked in
violation of Subsection (b) may immediately be towed.
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.