Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to receive certain tax revenue derived from a hotel and convention center project and to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to the project.
relating to the authority of certain municipalities to receive
certain tax revenue derived from a hotel and convention center
project and to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of
obligations related to the project.
SECTION 1. Section 351.153(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
(a) This section applies only to a municipality described by
Section 351.152 (5), (6), (9), or (58).
SECTION 2. Section 351.157(b), Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
(b) This section applies only to:
(1) a municipality described by Section 351.152(3);
(1-a) a municipality described by Section 351.152(5);
(2) a municipality described by Section 351.152(6);
(3) a municipality described by Section 351.152(7);
(3-a) a municipality described by Section 351.152(9);
(4) a municipality described by Section 351.152(10);
(4-a) a municipality described by Section 351.152(14);
(5) a municipality described by Section 351.152(16);
(6) a municipality described by Section 351.152(22);
(7) a municipality described by Section 351.152(25);
(8) a municipality described by Section 351.152(34);
(9) a municipality described by Section 351.152(35);
(10) a municipality described by Section 351.152(36);
(11) a municipality described by Section 351.152(38);
(11-a) a municipality described by Section
(12) a municipality described by Section 351.152(43);
(13) a municipality described by Section 351.152(46);
(14) a municipality described by Section 351.152(47);
(15) a municipality described by Section 351.152(49);
(16) a municipality described by Section 351.152(53);
(17) a municipality described by Section 351.152(54);
(18) a municipality described by Section 351.152(56);
(19) a municipality described by Section 351.152(58).
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2025.