HB 4129 Introduced

Relating to the contract requirements for a contract between a single source continuum contractor and the Department of Family and Protective Services. 







relating to the contract requirements for a contract between a


single source continuum contractor and the Department of Family and


Protective Services.




       SECTION 1.  Section 264.155(a), Family Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       (a)  A contract with a single source continuum contractor to


provide community-based care services in a catchment area must


include provisions that:


             (1)  establish a timeline for the implementation of


community-based care in the catchment area, including a timeline


for implementing:


                   (A)  case management services for children,


families, and relative and kinship caregivers receiving services in


the catchment area; and


                   (B)  family reunification support services to be


provided after a child receiving services from the contractor is


returned to the child’s family;


             (2)  establish conditions for the single source


continuum contractor’s access to relevant department data and


require the participation of the contractor in the data access and


standards governance council created under Section 264.159;


             (3)  require the single source continuum contractor to


create a single process for the training and use of alternative


caregivers for all child-placing agencies in the catchment area to


facilitate reciprocity of licenses for alternative caregivers


between agencies, including respite and overnight care providers,


as those terms are defined by department rule;


             (4)  require the single source continuum contractor to


maintain a diverse network of service providers that offer a range


of foster capacity options and that can accommodate children from


diverse cultural backgrounds;


             (5)  allow the department to conduct a performance


review of the contractor beginning 18 months after the contractor


has begun providing case management and family reunification


support services to all children and families in the catchment area


and determine if the contractor has achieved any performance


outcomes specified in the contract;


             (6)  following the review under Subdivision (5), allow


the department to:


                   (A)  impose financial penalties on the contractor


for failing to meet any specified performance outcomes; or


                   (B)  award financial incentives to the contractor


for exceeding any specified performance outcomes;


             (7)  require the contractor to give preference for


employment to employees of the department:


                   (A)  whose position at the department is impacted


by the implementation of community-based care; and


                   (B)  who are considered by the department to be


employees in good standing;


             (8)  require the contractor to provide preliminary and


ongoing community engagement plans to ensure communication and


collaboration with local stakeholders in the catchment area,


including any of the following:


                   (A)  community faith-based entities;


                   (B)  the judiciary;


                   (C)  court-appointed special advocates;


                   (D)  child advocacy centers;


                   (E)  service providers;


                   (F)  foster families;


                   (G)  biological parents;


                   (H)  foster youth and former foster youth;


                   (I)  relative or kinship caregivers;


                   (J)  child welfare boards, if applicable;


                   (K)  attorneys ad litem;


                   (L)  attorneys that represent parents involved in


suits filed by the department; and


                   (M)  any other stakeholders, as determined by the


contractor; [and]


             (9)  require that the contractor comply with any


applicable court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction


in the case of a child for whom the contractor has assumed case


management responsibilities or an order imposing a requirement on


the department that relates to functions assumed by the contractor;




             (10)  allow the department to implement formal measures


to ensure the contractor is delivering high-quality service,


including quality improvement plans, financial interventions, and


other appropriate interventions or restrictions.


       SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only


to a contract entered into or amended, modified, renewed, or


extended on after the effective date of this Act. A contract


entered into or amended, modified, renewed, or extended before the


effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the


date the contract was entered into or amended, modified, renewed,


or extended, and the former law is continued in effect for that




       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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