HB 4131 Introduced

Relating to the receivership of a single-source continuum contractor providing child welfare services. 







relating to the receivership of a single-source continuum


contractor providing child welfare services.




       SECTION 1.  Section 64.001(a), Civil Practice and Remedies


Code, is amended to read as follows:


       (a)  A court of competent jurisdiction may appoint a




             (1)  in an action by a vendor to vacate a fraudulent


purchase of property;


             (2)  in an action by a creditor to subject any property


or fund to his claim;


             (3)  in an action between partners or others jointly


owning or interested in any property or fund;


             (4)  in an action by a mortgagee for the foreclosure of


the mortgage and sale of the mortgaged property;


             (5)  for a corporation that is insolvent, is in


imminent danger of insolvency, has been dissolved, or has forfeited


its corporate rights;


             (6)  for a single-source continuum contractor as


provided by Subchapter B-2, Chapter 264, Family Code; or


             (7) [(6)]  in any other case in which a receiver may be


appointed under the rules of equity.


       SECTION 2.  Chapter 264, Family Code, is amended by adding


Subchapter B-2 to read as follows:




       Sec. 264.191.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:


             (1)  “Catchment area” has the meaning assigned by


Section 264.152.


             (2)  “Community-based care contract” means a contract


between a single-source continuum contractor and the department or


the Health and Human Services Commission under Subchapter B-1.


             (3)  “Single-source continuum contractor” means an


entity that has entered into a contract with the department or the


Health and Human Services Commission under Subchapter B-1.




CONTRACTOR. A court of competent jurisdiction may appoint a


receiver for a single-source continuum contractor or any of its


parts, divisions, components, or companies on the petition of the


department if:


             (1)  after being subject to a quality improvement plan,


corrective action plan, or other remedial statutory or contract


measures, the contractor continues to fail to satisfactorily


perform under the community-based care contract;


             (2)  the contractor:


                   (A)  provides the department notice of the


contractor’s intent to cease operations not later than the 60th day


before the date the contractor intends to cease operations; and


                   (B)  has not made arrangements for another


single-source continuum contractor or the department to continue


the uninterrupted provision of services under the community-based


care contract;


             (3)  conditions exist, as determined by the department,


within the contractor that present an imminent danger to the


health, safety, or welfare of the children under the


conservatorship of the department in the contractor’s care;


             (4)  the contractor has failed to provide adequate


information to the department regarding a child under the


conservatorship of the department in the contractor’s care;


             (5)  the contractor has failed to comply with a court


order or incurred a sanction against the department due to failure


to comply with a court order; or


             (6)  the contractor cannot meet or is unlikely to be


able to meet financial obligations related to services provided


under the community-based care contract, including financial


obligations to employees, contractors, or foster parents.


       Sec. 264.192.  PROCEEDING TO APPOINT RECEIVER. (a)  Except


as otherwise provided by law, a court shall give precedence to a


petition for the appointment of a receiver under this subchapter


over other matters.


       (b)  A court shall conduct an evidentiary hearing on a


petition for the appointment of a receiver under this subchapter


not later than the fifth day after the date the petition is filed.  


The department shall make reasonable efforts to notify the


single-source continuum contractor of the hearing under this




       (c)  A court shall grant a petition for the appointment of a


receiver under this subchapter on finding that:


             (1)  one of the conditions described by Section


264.1915 exists; and


             (2)  the continued existence of the condition


jeopardizes the health, safety, or welfare of a child under the


conservatorship of the department.


       (d)  A court may grant a petition for the appointment of a


receiver under this subchapter ex parte.


       (e)  The issuance of a check without sufficient money by the


single-source continuum contractor or the existence of delinquent


obligations for salaries, utilities, or essential services or


commodities for the contractor is prima facie evidence that the


contractor cannot meet or is unlikely to be able to meet financial


obligations related to services provided under the community-based


care contract as provided by Section 264.1915(6).


       Sec. 264.1925.  QUALIFICATIONS. (a)  To be appointed as a


receiver under this subchapter, a person must be qualified by


education, training, or experience to carry out the duties of the


receiver under this subchapter.  Notwithstanding Section 64.021,


Civil Practice and Remedies Code, a receiver appointed under this


subchapter may be an employee of the department.


       (b)  A court must appoint a receiver selected from a list of


qualified persons developed by the department and filed with the




       Sec. 264.193.  LIMITED DURATION; ASSESSMENT.  (a)  A


receivership under this subchapter expires on the 90th day after


the date a receiver is appointed, unless the department files a


petition for a 60-day extension of the receivership with the


appointing court on or before the date the receivership expires.  


The department may request multiple extensions under this




       (b)  On or before the 60th day after the date a receiver is


appointed under this subchapter and every 60 days thereafter until


the expiration or termination of the receivership, the department


shall file with the appointing court an assessment of ability of the


single-source continuum contractor under receivership to ensure


the health, safety, and welfare of the children under the


conservatorship of the department in the contractor’s care.


       Sec. 264.1935.  BOND. Notwithstanding Section 64.023, Civil


Practice and Remedies Code, a receiver appointed under this


subchapter who is an employee of the department is not required to


execute a bond.


       Sec. 264.194.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF RECEIVER. (a)  A


receiver appointed under this subchapter shall take all actions:


             (1)  ordered by the appointing court; and


             (2)  necessary to ensure the continued health, safety,


and welfare of children under the conservatorship of the department


in the care of the single-source continuum contractor under


receivership, which may include:


                   (A)  taking actions reasonably necessary to


protect or conserve the assets or property of the contractor;


                   (B)  using of the property of the contractor for


the provision of care and services to children under the


conservatorship of the department and their families in the


applicable catchment area;


                   (C)  entering into contracts with or hiring agents


or employees to carry out the powers and duties of the receiver;


                   (D)  directing, managing, hiring, or discharging


employees or agents of the contractor; and


                   (E)  honoring leases, mortgages, and contractual


obligations of the contractor as those payments become due during


the period of the receivership.


       (b)  Notwithstanding any other law and to ensure continuous


provision of necessary services to children under the


conservatorship of the department and their families, a contract


entered into by a receiver acting in accordance with the receiver’s


duties under this section is not subject to advertising,


competitive bidding, or proposal evaluation requirements.


       (c)  A receiver shall compensate an employee hired in


accordance with this section at a rate of compensation, including


benefits, approved by the appointing court.


       (d)  A receiver may petition the appointing court for


temporary relief from obligations under a contract entered into by


the single-source continuum contractor under receivership if:


             (1)  the rent, price, or rate of interest substantially


exceeds a reasonable rent, price, or rate of interest at the time


the contractor entered into the contract; or


             (2)  any material provision of the contract is


unreasonable when compared to contracts negotiated under similar




       (e)  Any relief granted by a court under Subsection (d) is


limited to the life of the receivership, unless otherwise


determined by the court.


       (f)  A receiver appointed under this subchapter shall


deposit all money related to the receivership in a separate account


and shall use that account for all disbursements related to the


receivership.  A payment to a receiver of a sum owed to the


single-source continuum contractor under receivership shall be


considered a payment to the contractor with respect to the


discharge of the obligation.


       (g)  A receiver who is not a department employee shall


coordinate with the department to ensure:


             (1)  the continued health, safety, and welfare of the


children in the department’s conservatorship; and


             (2)  compliance with all state and federal laws


relating to child welfare.


       (h)  A receiver shall make a reasonable effort to facilitate


the continued operation of the community-based care program under


Subchapter B-1 in the applicable catchment area.


       Sec. 264.1945.  COMPENSATION OF RECEIVER. The appointing


court shall order compensation for a receiver appointed under this


subchapter to be paid by the single-source continuum contractor


under receivership.  If the receiver is a department employee, the


department shall pay the receiver the compensation ordered under


this section and the single-source continuum contractor shall


reimburse the department.


       Sec. 264.195.  LIABILITY OF RECEIVER. (a)  A person does not


have a cause of action against a receiver appointed under this


subchapter for an action taken within the scope of the receivership


unless the cause of action arises from a breach of fiduciary duty or


the gross negligence or intentional acts of the receiver.


       (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), this section does not


waive the sovereign immunity to suit and from liability of the


department or a department employee acting in an official capacity.






CONTINUUM CONTRACTOR.  (a)  The appointment of a receiver under this


subchapter does not relieve the single-source continuum contractor


under receivership or any employee or agent of the contractor of:


             (1)  civil or criminal liability arising out of an act


or omission that occurred before the appointment of the receiver;


             (2)  an obligation for the payment of taxes,


operational or maintenance expenses, mortgages, leases,


contractual obligations, or liens; or


             (3)  a duty imposed by law.


       (b)  A single-source continuum contractor under receivership


may sell or lease a facility under receivership, subject to the


approval of the appointing court.


       Sec. 264.196.  TERMINATION OF RECEIVERSHIP. (a) The


appointing court may terminate a receivership if:


             (1)  the court determines that the receivership is no


longer necessary because the conditions that gave rise to the


receivership no longer exist;


             (2)  the department has entered into a new contract


with a single-source continuum contractor and that contractor is


ready and able to assume the duties of the single-source continuum


contractor under receivership; or


             (3)  the department is ready and able to assume the


duties of the single-source continuum contractor under




       (b)  Not later than the 60th day after the date a


receivership is terminated or expires under this subchapter, unless


such time is extended by order of the appointing court, the receiver


shall file with the clerk of the appointing court a full and final


and sworn account of:


             (1)  all property received by the receiver;


             (2)  all money collected and disbursed; and


             (3)  the expenses of the receivership.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives


a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as


provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this


Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this


Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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