HB 4256 Introduced

Relating to actions brought by the attorney general on behalf of certain persons under the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act of 1983. 







relating to actions brought by the attorney general on behalf of


certain persons under the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act


of 1983.




       SECTION 1.  Section 15.21, Business & Commerce Code, is


amended by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows:


       (d)  The attorney general may bring a civil action against a


person on behalf of an individual or governmental entity for injury


to that individual’s or entity’s business or property caused,


directly or indirectly, by the person’s violation of Section


15.05(a), (b), or (c).  An action under this subsection may be


brought in district court in Travis County, or in any county in this


state in which a named defendant resides, does business, or


maintains a principal office, or in which the individual or


governmental entity on whose behalf the action is brought resides


at the time of the cause of action or any part of the cause of action


accrues.  If the attorney general prevails in an action under this


subsection, the attorney general shall recover actual damages


sustained by the individual or governmental entity, interest on


actual damages for the period beginning on the date of service of


the attorney general’s pleading setting forth a claim under the


antitrust laws and ending on the date of judgment (the rate of such


interest to be in accordance with Texas law regarding postjudgment


interest rates and the amount of interest to be adjusted by the


court if it finds that the award of all or part of such interest is


unjust in the circumstances), and the cost of suit, including a


reasonable attorney’s fee, and if applicable, expert witness fees;


provided, however, that if the trier of fact finds that the unlawful


conduct was willful or flagrant, the court shall increase the


recovery to threefold the damages sustained and the cost of suit,


including a reasonable attorney’s fee and, if applicable, expert


witness fees; provided that interest on actual damages as specified


above may not be recovered when recovered damages are increased


threefold.  In an action under this subsection in which a claim is


asserted against a defendant relating to injury to both direct and


indirect purchasers, the court shall take all steps necessary to


avoid duplicative recovery from that defendant.


       (e)  For purposes of this section, “governmental entity”




             (1)  this state, including each department, board,


agency, instrumentality, authority, or commission of this state;


             (2)  a political subdivision of this state, including a


county, city, municipality, school district, local improvement


district, law enforcement authority, or special district,


including a water, sanitation, fire protection, metropolitan,


irrigation, drainage, or other special district;


             (3)  a municipal, quasi-municipal, or public


corporation organized under the Texas Constitution or other law;




             (4)  a department, board, agency, instrumentality,


authority, or commission of an entity described by Subdivision (2)


or (3).


       SECTION 2.  Sections 15.21(d) and (e), Business & Commerce


Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a cause of action that


accrues on or after the effective date of this Act.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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