HB 4475 Introduced

Relating to the acceptance of a voter executing a declaration of reasonable impediment; providing a limitation. 







relating to the acceptance of a voter executing a declaration of


reasonable impediment; providing a limitation.




       SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 15, Election Code, is


amended by adding Section 15.029 to read as follows:




The registrar shall enter a notation on the list of registered


voters beside each voter’s name to record when a voter has executed


a declaration described by Section 63.001(i).


       (b)  The registrar shall replace a notation described by


Subsection (a) with a notation to record when a voter has executed a


second declaration described by Section 63.001(i).


       (c)  The notations described by this section must be approved


by the secretary of state.


       SECTION 2.  Section 63.001, Election Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (b), (g), and (i) and adding Subsections (j),


(k), and (l) to read as follows:


       (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (h), on offering to


vote, a voter must present to an election officer at the polling




             (1)  one form of photo identification listed in Section


63.0101(a); or


             (2)  if the voter has executed a declaration described


by Subsection (i) less than twice, one form of identification


listed in Section 63.0101(b) accompanied by the declaration


described by Subsection (i).


       (g)  If the requirements for identification prescribed by


Subsection (b) are not met, the voter may be accepted for


provisional voting only under Section 63.011.  For a voter who is


not accepted for voting under this section, an election officer


sh all:


             (1)  inform the voter of the voter’s right to cast a


provisional ballot under Section 63.011; [and]


             (2)  provide the voter with written information, in a


form prescribed by the secretary of state, that:


                   (A)  lists the requirements for identification;


                   (B)  states the procedure for presenting


identification under Section 65.0541;


                   (C)  includes a map showing the location where


identification must be presented; and


                   (D)  includes notice that if all procedures are


followed and the voter is found to be eligible to vote and is voting


in the correct precinct, the voter’s provisional ballot will be


accepted; and


             (3)  offer the voter an opportunity to provide an


address for the purposes of Subsection (l).


       (i)  If the requirement for identification prescribed by


Subsection (b)(1) is not met, an election officer shall notify the


voter that the voter may be accepted for voting if the voter meets


the requirement for identification prescribed by Subsection (b)(2)


and executes a declaration declaring the voter has a reasonable


impediment to meeting the requirement for identification


prescribed by Subsection (b)(1).  A person is subject to


prosecution for perjury under Chapter 37, Penal Code, or Section


63.0013 for a false statement or false information on the


declaration.  The secretary of state shall prescribe the form of the


declaration.  The form shall include:


             (1)  a notice that a person is subject to prosecution


for perjury under Chapter 37, Penal Code, or Section 63.0013 for a


false statement or false information on the declaration;


             (2)  a statement that the voter swears or affirms that


the information contained in the declaration is true, that the


person described in the declaration is the same person appearing at


the polling place to sign the declaration, and that the voter faces


a reasonable impediment to procuring the identification prescribed


by Subsection (b)(1);


             (3)  a place for the voter to indicate one of the


following impediments:


                   (A)  lack of transportation;


                   (B)  lack of birth certificate or other documents


needed to obtain the identification prescribed by Subsection




                   (C)  work schedule;


                   (D)  lost or stolen identification;


                   (E)  disability or illness;


                   (F)  family responsibilities; and


                   (G)  the identification prescribed by Subsection


(b)(1) has been applied for but not received;


             (4)  a place for the voter to sign and date the




             (5)  a place for the election judge to sign and date the




             (6)  a place to note the polling place at which the


declaration is signed; [and]


             (7)  a place for the election judge to note which form


of identification prescribed by Subsection (b)(2) the voter




             (8)  a place for the voter’s mailing address; and


             (9)  a place for the voter’s voter identification




       (j)  Each declaration described by Subsection (i) made by a


voter must be indicated beside the voter’s name on the poll list and


recorded in the voter’s registration record.


       (k)  A voter may only execute a declaration described by


Subsection (i) twice.


       (l)  For a voter who executes a declaration described by


Subsection (i) or who is accepted for provisional voting under


Section 63.011 solely because the voter did not meet the


requirements for identification prescribed by Section 63.001(b),


the county where the voter is registered shall mail the voter


written information, in a manner prescribed by the secretary of


state, that:


             (1)  lists the acceptable forms of photo identification


under Section 63.0101(a); and


             (2)  provides a detailed and individualized


explanation on how to obtain an acceptable form of photo


identification under Section 63.0101(a).


       SECTION 3.  Section 65.0541(a), Election Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       (a)  A voter who is accepted for provisional voting under


Section 63.011 because the voter does not meet the identification


requirements of Section 63.001(b) may, not later than the sixth day


after the date of the election:


             (1)  present a form of identification described by


Section 63.0101(a) or, if the voter has executed a declaration


described by Section 63.001(i) less than twice, identification


described by 63.0101(b) accompanied with a declaration described by


Section 63.001(i) [63.0101] to the voter registrar for examination;




             (2)  execute an affidavit described by Section


65.054(b)(2)(B) or (C) in the presence of the voter registrar.


       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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