HB 4914 Introduced

Relating to the organization, powers, and authority of the Texas State Guard, including the powers and authority of the adjutant general and governor relating to the Texas State Guard. 







relating to the organization, powers, and authority of the Texas


State Guard, including the powers and authority of the adjutant


general and governor relating to the Texas State Guard.




       SECTION 1.  Section 437.001, Government Code, is amended by


amending Subdivisions (2) and (13) and adding Subdivision (3-a) to


read as follows:


             (2)  “Adjutant general” means the military commander of


the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard


[military forces].


             (3-a)  “Director” means the military commander of the


Texas State Guard.


             (13)  “Texas Military Department” means the state


agency charged with administrative activities in support of the


Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard [military




       SECTION 2.  Section 437.002(b), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (b)  If the governor is unable to perform the duties of


commander-in-chief, the successor to the governor’s authority as


provided by the state constitution or other state law[adjutant


general] shall command the Texas military forces[, unless the state


constitution or other state law requires the lieutenant governor or


the president of the senate to perform the duties of governor]. The


authority of the adjutant general under this section to command the


Texas military forces applies only to the Texas Army National Guard


and Texas Air National Guard.


       SECTION 3.  Sections 437.003(a), (b), and (c), Government


Code, are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate,


shall appoint an adjutant general to a two-year term expiring


February 1 of each even-numbered year. The adjutant general is


responsible for leading and managing the Texas Army National Guard


and Texas Air National Guard [military forces]. The adjutant


general is subordinate only to the governor in matters pertaining


to the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard


[military forces]. The adjutant general’s rank is assigned at the


discretion of the governor and may not exceed lieutenant general.


Federal recognition is at the rank authorized by the National Guard


Bureau. [The adjutant general may be referred to as the commanding


general of the Texas military forces.]


       (b)  On recommendation of the adjutant general, the governor


shall appoint a deputy adjutant general for army and[,] a deputy


adjutant general for air[, and the commander of the Texas State


Guard]. The deputy adjutants general [and commander] serve until


replaced. To be qualified for appointment as a deputy adjutant


general, a service member must have the qualifications required for


appointment as adjutant general.


       (c)  The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate,


shall appoint a director of the Texas State Guard to a two-year term


expiring February 1 of each even-numbered year. To be qualified for


appointment as director, a person must have the qualifications


required by Section 437.302. The director is responsible for


leading and managing the Texas State Guard. The director is


subordinate only to the governor in matters pertaining to the Texas


State Guard. The governor shall[,] commission[,] and assign the


Texas State Guard general officers. The governor may remove or


reassign an officer. To be eligible for appointment as a general


officer, a service member must have:


             (1)  been ana federally recognized officer of not less


than field grade of the Texas National Guard or a regular or reserve


component of the United States military or served at least 15 years


of combined service as a commissioned officer in the Texas military


forces or a regular or reserve component of the United States


military; and


             (2)  served at least three years as a commissioned


officer in the Texas State Guard.


       SECTION 4.  Section 437.004(e), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (e)  The governor may delegate to the adjutant general the


powers granted by this section with respect to the Texas Army


National Guard and Texas Air National Guard and may delegate to the


director the powers granted by this section with respect to the


Texas State Guard [to the adjutant general].


       SECTION 5.  Sections 437.005(a), (b), and (c), Government


Code, are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  The governor may activate all or part of the Texas


military forces to state active duty or for state training and other


duty. The governor may delegate to the adjutant general all or part


of the authority granted by this section with respect to the Texas


Army National Guard or Texas Air National Guard and may delegate to


the director all or part of the authority granted by this section


with respect to the Texas State Guard [to the adjutant general].


       (b)  On delegation of the authority by the governor, the


adjutant general may order all or part of the Texas Army National


Guard or Texas Air National Guard [military forces] to state


training and other duty if funding has been provided in the General


Appropriations Act or volunteer resources are available.


       (c)  On delegation of the authority by the governor, the


adjutant general may order all or part of the Texas Army National


Guard or Texas Air National Guard [military forces] to state


training and other duty if requested by a federal, state, or local


governmental entity and the entity authorizes reimbursement of the


costs to this state.


       SECTION 6.  Section 437.006(b), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (b)  The director [adjutant general] shall appoint and


commission officers, other than a general officer, in the Texas


State Guard. To be eligible for appointment, a service member must


be qualified under state guard regulations [and be recommended for


appointment by the commander of the state guard].


       SECTION 7.  Subchapter B, Chapter 437, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 437.0515 to read as follows:




Notwithstanding any other law, a reference in this subchapter to


“Texas military forces” or “state military forces” means only the


Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard.


       SECTION 8.  Section 437.059, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 437.059.  ADJUTANT GENERAL APPOINTMENTS. The adjutant


general, as the adjutant general determines appropriate and with


available funds, may appoint full-time employees of the department,


traditional national guard members, [state guard volunteers,] or


federal employees.


       SECTION 9.  Subchapter C, Chapter 437, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 437.1015 to read as follows:




Notwithstanding any other law, a reference in this subchapter to


“Texas military forces” or “state military forces” means only the


Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard.


       SECTION 10.  Subchapter D, Chapter 437, Government Code, is


amended by adding Section 437.1515 to read as follows:




Notwithstanding any other law, a reference in this subchapter to


“Texas military forces” or “state military forces” means only the


Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard.


       SECTION 11.  Section 437.201, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:




adjutant general shall issue each unit of the Texas Army National


Guard and Texas Air National Guard, and the director shall issue


each unit of the Texas State Guard, a certificate stating that the


unit has been duly organized according to the laws and regulations


of the Texas military forces and is entitled to the rights, powers,


privileges, amenities, and immunities conferred by law and military


regulation. The certificate is evidence in a state court that the


unit is duly incorporated.


       SECTION 12.  Sections 437.206(b) and (f), Government Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (b)  On the recommendation of the commanding officer or


noncommissioned officer of the Texas military forces, the governor


may confer on the officer or noncommissioned officer a brevet of a


grade higher than the ordinary commission or brevet held by the


officer or noncommissioned officer for gallant conduct or


meritorious military service. The adjutant general shall specify


the criteria for gallant conduct or meritorious military service


for a member of the Texas Army National Guard or Texas Air National


Guard. The director shall specify the criteria for gallant conduct


or meritorious military service for a member of the Texas State




       (f)  The governor may delegate to the adjutant general the


powers granted by this section with respect to the Texas Army


National Guard or Texas Air National Guard and may delegate to the


director the powers granted by this section with respect to the


Texas State Guard [to the adjutant general].


       SECTION 13.  Sections 437.211(a) and (c), Government Code,


are amended to read as follows:


       (a)  The commanding officer of each unit is the custodian of


the unit fund. The commanding officer shall:


             (1)  receive, keep, properly disburse, and document the


use of the money in the fund; and


             (2)  submit to the department, if the unit is a unit of


the Texas Army National Guard or Texas Air National Guard, or to the


governor if the unit is a unit of the Texas State Guard, an itemized


statement of money received and disbursed during the preceding


reporting period:


                   (A)  on September 1 of each year; and


                   (B)  when there is a change of the commanding


officer of the unit.


       (c)  A unit fund is a special fund held outside the state


treasury to be administered by the commanding officer of the unit


without further appropriation. A unit fund is not subject to


Chapter 2256. The department shall develop policies and procedures


concerning the administration of unit [the] funds for which the


custodian is a commanding officer of the Texas Army National Guard


or Texas Air National Guard. The governor shall, in consultation


with the director, develop policies and procedures concerning the


administration of unit funds for which the custodian is a


commanding officer of the Texas State Guard. If any part of the


fund remains unexpended and unobligated at the end of the state


fiscal year, that amount is dedicated for the same purposes in the


subsequent year. Money in the fund may not be diverted for any


other purpose.


       SECTION 14.  Section 437.212, Government Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (f-1) and (g) and adding Subsection (f-2) to


read as follows:


       (f-1)  The department shall require payment of the cost


associated with paying the state contribution of a member of the


Texas Army National Guard or Texas Air National Guard [state


military forces] who elects to participate in the state group


benefits program under Subsection (f) by the person responsible for


paying for the mission for which the member is on state active duty


or state training and other duty. On receipt of payment, the


department shall reimburse the board of trustees of the Employees


Retirement System of Texas for that cost.


       (f-2)  The director shall require payment of the cost


associated with paying the state contribution of a member of the


Texas State Guard who elects to participate in the state group


benefits program under Subsection (f) by the person responsible for


paying for the mission for which the member is on state active duty


or state training and other duty. On receipt of payment, the


governor shall reimburse the board of trustees of the Employees


Retirement System of Texas for that cost.


       (g)  The director, adjutant general, and the Employees


Retirement System of Texas shall coordinate and consult to


implement the benefits program provided by Subsection (f) and shall


adopt a memorandum of understanding to establish:


             (1)  the procedures that a member of the state military


forces may use to elect to participate in the state group benefits




             (2)  an appropriate method to annually confirm


continuing eligibility to participate in the group benefits


program; and


             (3)  an appropriate method of administering the


reimbursement of the state contribution as required by Subsections


[Subsection] (f-1) and (f-2).


       SECTION 15.  Section 437.219(c), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (c)  The director [adjutant general] shall set the daily pay


rate and allowance rate for state active duty and for state training


and other duty for Texas State Guard service members called to duty


or training under this chapter. The rate established by the


director [adjutant general] may not exceed the meal and lodging


rate set by the comptroller by more than $25 per day. The director


[department] shall publish information about the established pay


rates on the Texas State Guard’s [department’s] Internet website.


       SECTION 16.  Section 437.221, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:




(a) The governor or the adjutant general, if designated by the


governor, may require other duty for officers and enlisted persons


in the Texas military forces. The other duty may include community


service missions.


       (b)  If designated by the governor under Subsection (a), the


adjutant general may require other duty only for officers and


enlisted persons of the Texas Army National Guard or Texas Air


National Guard.


       SECTION 17.  Section 437.225(a), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (a)  A service member may be discharged from the Texas


military forces according to regulations adopted by the governor or


the adjutant general, if delegated authority, or by federal law or


regulations. The governor may delegate to the adjutant general


authority under this section only with respect to service members


of the Texas Army National Guard or Texas Air National Guard.


       SECTION 18.  Section 437.228(a), Government Code, is amended


to read as follows:


       (a)  A service member to whom [the department issues] a


uniform or other military property is issued shall give a receipt


for the uniform or property. The adjutant general or the director,


as appropriate, shall prescribe the manner in which the uniform and


property shall be accounted for and kept.


       SECTION 19.  Section 437.229, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 437.229.  UNIFORM. (a) Except as provided by


Subsection (b), the uniform of the officers and enlisted service


members of the Texas military forces is the uniform prescribed for


the United States armed forces with modifications that the


governor, or adjutant general if delegated the authority, considers


necessary. The governor may delegate to the adjutant general


authority under this section only with respect to uniforms issued


to officers and enlisted service members of the Texas Army National


Guard or Texas Air National Guard.


       (b)  The uniforms of the officers and enlisted personnel of


the Texas State Guard are the uniforms prescribed for the United


States armed forces with any modifications the governor[, or the


adjutant general if delegated the authority by the governor,]


considers necessary to distinguish the Texas State Guard from the


Texas National Guard.


       SECTION 20.  Section 437.231, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 437.231.  SEIZURE. (a) On a finding by the adjutant


general or the director that a person unlawfully possesses, and


refuses or fails to deliver up, arms, equipment, or other military


property issued by the department or Texas State Guard for use of


the Texas military forces, the governor may by warrant command the


sheriff of the county in which the person resides or is located to


seize the arms, equipment, or other military property and keep the


property subject to the governor’s further order. The sheriff in


executing the warrant may invoke the power of the county.


       (b)  Each sheriff may collect military arms or property


issued by the department or Texas State Guard that is liable to loss


or in the hands of unauthorized persons and safely keep the arms and


property subject to order of the governor. The sheriff shall make a


report of the collection to the governor. The sheriff’s official


bond covers faithful performance of duties under this subchapter.


       SECTION 21.  Subchapter G, Chapter 437, Government Code, is


amended to read as follows:






REFERENCE. (a) The Texas State Guard is a state agency charged


with protecting and defending the people of this state from all


natural and man-made threats to public safety.


       (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, the Texas State Guard is


not subject to the control, supervision, or direction of the


department for any purpose, including personnel, purchasing,


transactions involving real or personal property, and budgetary




       (c)  The director shall coordinate with the adjutant general




             (1)  establish a clear delineation of responsibilities


between the Texas State Guard and the department;


             (2)  develop a strategy for the maintenance of


properties used by both the Texas State Guard and the department;




             (3)  ensure that missions of the Texas State Guard


remain relevant and responsive as a force provider to this state.


       (d)  On request of the director, the department shall provide


administrative support and services to the Texas State Guard.




QUALIFICATIONS, AND REMOVAL. (a) The director is the governing


officer and executive head [COMMANDER. The commander] of the Texas


State Guard and is responsible:


             (1)  for the welfare, strength, and management of the


Texas State Guard;


             (2)  for the [organization,] training[,] and


administration of all Texas State Guard components; and


             (3)  [to the adjutant general to ensure the Texas State


Guard missions remain relevant and responsive as a force provider


to this state; and


             [(4)]  to field and staff the volunteer components of


the Texas State Guard.


       (b)  In addition to the duties prescribed by Subsection (a),


the director shall:


             (1)  establish by rule the chain of command and the


organizational and administrative structure of the Texas State




             (2)  prepare and submit a biennial budget request to


the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of




             (3)  appear before appropriate legislative committees


to provide updates on the operations and readiness of the Texas


State Guard; and


             (4)  with approval of the governor, adopt rules


necessary to carry out this subchapter.


       (c)  To be eligible for appointment as director, an


individual must have at least 15 years of service as an officer of


not less than colonel in the Texas State Guard.


       (d)  It is grounds for removal from office by the governor if


the director:


             (1)  does not have at the time of appointment by the


governor the qualifications required by this section; or


             (2)  cannot, because of illness or disability,


discharge the director’s duties for a substantial part of the


director’s term.


       Sec. 437.303 [437.302].  COMPOSITION; PERSONNEL; CODE OF


CONDUCT. (a) The Texas State Guard is composed of units the


governor, or director [adjutant general] if delegated the


authority, considers advisable and administrative employees hired


by the director under Subsection (g).


       (b)  The governor shall commission all officers of the Texas


State Guard.


       (c)  To serve in the Texas State Guard, a person:


             (1)  must be a resident of this state for at least 180




             (2)  must be a citizen of the United States [or a person


who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent


residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C.


Section 1101 et seq.)];


             (3)  [subject to Subsections (c) and (d), must be at


least 17 years of age and not older than 70 years of age;


             [(4)]  must undergo a criminal history check;


             (4) [(5)]  must not:


                   (A)  be a current active or reserve duty service


member in the United States armed forces or other state military


forces; or


                   (B)  have previously been:


                         (i)  convicted of a felony or other offense


involving moral turpitude; or


                         (ii)  separated from the United States armed


forces or Texas military forces under a discharge other than an


honorable discharge or a discharge under honorable conditions [be a


registered sex offender]; [and]


             (5) [(6)]  must be acceptable to and approved by the


governor or director [adjutant general] under the governor’s


direction; and


             (6)  must meet all criteria established under


Subsection (d).


       (d)  The director shall establish by rule minimum standards


for age, health, and physical condition of applicants based on the


needs of the Texas State Guard.


       (e)  Notwithstanding any other law, an individual seeking to


volunteer with the Texas State Guard is considered an employee or


applicant for employment, as applicable, for purposes of Chapter


21, Labor Code.


       (f)  The director shall, with the approval of the governor,


develop and implement by rule a code of regulations and conduct for


the administration and discipline of members of the Texas State




       (g)  The director may hire employees as necessary to carry


out the administrative and other support operations of the Texas


State Guard.


       [(c)  The adjutant general may adopt a policy regarding


waiver of the maximum age requirement under Subsection (b)(3).


       [(d)  A person who is at least 17 years of age but younger


than 18 years of age may serve in the Texas State Guard if the




             [(1)  is emancipated by marriage, court order, or other


operation of law; or


             [(2)  provides to the adjutant general, in a form and


manner prescribed by the adjutant general, the written consent of:


                   [(A)  each of the person’s parents or legal


guardians, other than a parent or legal guardian who is:


                         [(i)  deceased;


                         [(ii)  determined by a court to be




                         [(iii)  absent at an unknown location for an


indefinite period; or


                         [(iv)  confined in jail or prison serving a


term of punishment that will result in the parent or guardian being


released after the person’s 18th birthday; or


                   [(B)  for a person who is in the managing


conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services


or another legal entity, a representative of the department or


other legal entity.]


       Sec. 437.304.  RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION. The director




             (1)  develop and implement a targeted recruitment


campaign to attract skilled professionals with diverse




             (2)  develop a comprehensive retention strategy,


including improved training opportunities, clear career


progression paths, and recognition programs; and


             (3)  establish partnerships with institutions of


higher education, as defined by Section 61.003.


       Sec. 437.305 [437.303].  GOVERNOR’S AUTHORITY. (a) The


governor has full control and authority over the Texas State Guard.


       (b)  In addition to any other rules adopted by the governor


or director under this subchapter, the [The] governor may adopt


regulations governing enlistment, organization, administration,


uniforms, equipment, maintenance, command, training, and


discipline of the Texas State Guard. [The regulations to the extent


practicable and desirable must conform to law and regulations


governing the Texas National Guard.]


       (c)  Except as otherwise provided by law, the [The] governor


may delegate the powers granted by this section to the director


[adjutant general].


       Sec. 437.306.  ORGANIZATION; SPECIALIZED UNITS. (a) The


director shall organize the following specialized units within the


Texas State Guard:


             (1)  a crisis response battalion;


             (2)  an aviation response squadron;


             (3)  a maritime response squadron;


             (4)  a special missions unit;


             (5)  a border security unit;


             (6)  a medical unit;


             (7)  a technology and cybersecurity unit;


             (8)  a special operations unit; and


             (9)  any additional specialized units as necessary to


meet the state’s security and emergency response needs.


       (b)  The director may grant a member of a specialized unit


the authority to detect and apprehend an individual in the


performance of the member’s duties while activated. The director


shall adopt rules to implement this subsection, including rules


requiring that a member complete certain training and receive a


certification to be eligible to be granted authority to detect and


apprehend individuals under this subsection.




INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) The director shall develop and implement


training programs for members of the Texas State Guard, including:


             (1)  specialized training programs focused on natural


and man-made disasters or other scenarios relevant to this state,


including hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and border security




             (2)  regular joint exercises with the Texas National


Guard and other relevant state agencies; and


             (3)  trainings on incident command systems, emergency


management principles, and interagency coordination.


       (b)  The Texas State Guard shall provide all equipment


necessary for the training and service of its members, including:


             (1)  high-water vehicles;


             (2)  unmanned aerial systems for damage assessment;


             (3)  mobile command posts; and


             (4)  specialized tools for disaster response and border




       (c)  In addition to equipment provided by the Texas State


Guard under Subsection (b), the Texas State Guard shall establish a


communications infrastructure to ensure seamless coordination


among units of the Texas State Guard, units of other Texas military


forces, or other state agencies as necessary.


       (d)  The director shall establish clear protocols for


equipment use and maintenance by members of the Texas State Guard,


including liability for misuse of or damage to personal equipment


used during training and missions.


       Sec. 437.308 [437.304].  FUNDING; ASSISTANCE. (a) Funds or


other property or services may be solicited by or donated to the


Texas State Guard or a unit in the Texas State Guard by any public or


private entity, including:


             (1)  a state agency or department;


             (2)  a political subdivision, including a county,


municipality, or public school district; or


             (3)  a special purpose district or authority.


       (b)  A public school district may permit the Texas State


Guard to use a school building.


       (c)  The director may enter into agreements with a public or


private entity for the shared use of facilities, equipment, or


other resources beneficial to the Texas State Guard’s mission.


       (d)  The director shall implement a transparent budgeting


process that clearly identifies and delineates funding streams


within the Texas State Guard.


       (e)  The assistance solicited or received and any agreement


entered into under this section is governed by the policies and


regulations adopted by the director [adjutant general].


       Sec. 437.309.  ACTIVATION. (a) In addition to the purposes


described by Sections 431.111, 437.005, and 437.311, the governor


may, to the extent consistent with the United States and Texas


Constitutions, call all or part of the Texas State Guard to state


active duty:


             (1)  during any period when any part of the Texas


National Guard is serving on active federal military duty;


             (2)  to preserve the public peace, execute the laws of


this state, enhance domestic security, respond to terrorist threats


or attacks, protect and defend the people of this state from threats


to public safety, or respond to a disaster as defined by Section


418.004; or


             (3)  to assist a state agency or political subdivision


in carrying out its duties by law.


       (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, state active duty of a


unit of the Texas State Guard activated under this subchapter or


Chapter 431 may be terminated by:


             (1)  the expiration of the order calling the unit to


state active duty; or


             (2)  a separate order issued by the governor.


       (c)  The director shall establish clear protocols for rapid


mobilization and deployment of the Texas State Guard, including by


establishing preapproved mission sets for common disaster




       Sec. 437.310 [437.305].  EMPLOYEES IN STATE GUARD;


EMERGENCY LEAVE. A state employee called to state active duty as a


member of the Texas State Guard by the governor or other appropriate


authority in response to a natural or man-made disaster is entitled


to receive paid emergency leave without loss of military leave


under Section 437.202 or annual leave.


       Sec. 437.311 [437.306].  USE OUTSIDE STATE; FRESH PURSUIT


FROM OR INTO STATE. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and


(c), the Texas State Guard may not be required to serve outside the




       (b)  The governor, on request of the governor of another


state, may order all or part of the Texas State Guard to assist a


military or civil authority of that state in defending that state.


The governor may recall these forces.


       (c)  If authorized by the law of another state, an


organization, unit, or detachment of the Texas State Guard, on


order of the officer in immediate command, may continue in fresh


pursuit of an insurrectionist, a saboteur, an enemy, or enemy


forces into that state until the apprehension or capture of the


person or forces pursued or until military or police forces of that


state or the United States have had a reasonable opportunity to


apprehend, capture, or take up the pursuit of the person or forces.


The Texas State Guard without unnecessary delay shall surrender a


person apprehended or captured in another state to the military or


police forces of that state or the United States. This surrender is


not a waiver by this state of a right to extradite or prosecute the


person for a crime committed in this state.


       (d)  Military forces of another state may continue a fresh


pursuit into this state in the same manner permitted the Texas State


Guard under Subsection (c). The military forces of the other state


shall without unnecessary delay surrender a person captured or


arrested in this state to the military or police forces of this


state to be dealt with according to law. This subsection does not


prohibit an arrest in this state permitted by other law.


       Sec. 437.312 [437.307].  FEDERAL SERVICE. This chapter does


not authorize the calling, ordering, or drafting of all or part of


the Texas State Guard into military service of the United States. A


person is not exempted by enlistment or commission in the Texas


State Guard from military service under federal law.


       Sec. 437.313.  RECOGNITION. The director shall establish a


program to recognize and reward outstanding service by members of


the Texas State Guard.


       Sec. 437.314.  COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES. (a) The


Texas State Guard shall coordinate with the Texas Division of


Emergency Management, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the


department, and other relevant state and local agencies to ensure


effective integration of efforts during emergencies and disasters.


       (b)  The director shall designate liaisons to promote


ongoing coordination and information sharing with state agencies as




       Sec. 437.315.  REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT. (a) The director


shall, not later than December 1 of each year, submit an annual


report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the


house of representatives on the activities, expenditures during the


preceding fiscal year, and readiness status of the Texas State




       (b)  Not later than November 1 of each even-numbered year,


the state auditor’s office shall conduct an audit of the Texas State


Guard’s compliance with the laws of this state.


       Sec. 437.316 [437.308].  RECORDS; ARMS; EQUIPMENT. (a) The


director [commander of the Texas State Guard] shall maintain and


preserve the individual and unit records of the Texas State Guard


and the Texas State Guard Honorary Reserve.


       (b)  The governor may request for use of the Texas State


Guard arms and equipment that the United States government


possesses and can spare. The governor, or the director [adjutant


general] if delegated the authority by the governor, shall make


available to the Texas State Guard state armories and available


state property.


       Sec. 437.317 [437.309].  TEXAS STATE GUARD HONORARY


RESERVE. (a) The governor, or director [adjutant general] under


the governor’s authority and direction, may transfer to the Texas


State Guard Honorary Reserve an officer or enlisted service member


of the Texas State Guard who:


             (1)  is physically disabled;


             (2)  is at least 60 years of age; or


             (3)  has served the federal or state military


satisfactorily for at least 20 years.


       (b)  The governor may advance the service member one grade or


rank at the time of the transfer into the honorary reserve. For a


service member who is not a general officer, the director [adjutant


general] may advance the service member one grade or rank at the


time of the transfer into the honorary reserve.


       Sec. 437.318 [437.310].  TEXAS STATE GUARD UNIFORM AND


INSIGNIA FUND. (a) A special revolving fund is established outside


the state treasury to be known as the Texas State Guard uniform and


insignia fund. The fund may be used only to purchase uniforms and


insignia to be used by members of the Texas State Guard. The fund


shall be administered in accordance with Section 437.211.


       (b)  The fund consists of:


             (1)  donations made to the fund;


             (2)  revenue received by the Texas State Guard from the


sale of uniforms and insignia to members of the guard;


             (3)  depository interest and investment income earned


on money in the fund; and


             (4)  money appropriated, credited, or transferred to


the fund by the legislature.


       (c)  If any part of the fund remains unexpended and


unobligated at the end of the state fiscal year, that amount is


dedicated for the same purposes in the subsequent year. Money in


the fund may not be diverted for any other purpose.


       SECTION 22.  Section 437.355, Government Code, is amended by


amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (a-1) to


read as follows:


       (a)  The governor or adjutant general, if delegated the


authority, may adopt policies and regulations relating to awarding:


             (1)  the Texas Purple Heart Medal, which shall be


awarded to a service member who:


                   (A)  after September 11, 2001:


                         (i)  was inducted into federal service from


the Texas National Guard; and


                         (ii)  meets the criteria for an award of the


federal Purple Heart Medal; or


                   (B)  was wounded or killed at Fort Hood on


November 5, 2009;


             (2)  the Texas Superior Service Medal, which shall be


awarded to:


                   (A)  a service member of the Texas military forces


who has:


                         (i)  completed 30 or more years of honorable


state service or a combination of state and federal service; and


                         (ii)  continually demonstrated superior


performance and service while assigned to key leadership positions


demanding responsibility; or


                   (B)  a civilian who has contributed significant


service to the Texas military forces;


             (3)  the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal, which


shall be awarded to a member of the military forces of this state,


another state, or the United States for exceptionally outstanding


achievement or service to this state in performance of a duty of


great responsibility while serving with the Texas military forces


for whom the department, Texas State Guard, or governor, as


applicable, receives a letter of recommendation for award of the


Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal that:


                   (A)  gives an account of the exceptional


achievement or service; and


                   (B)  includes facts and photographs, and extracts


from official documents to support and amplify the facts;


             (4)  the Texas Outstanding Service Medal, which shall


be awarded to a service member of the military forces of this state,


another state, or the United States who has performed service,


either individually or as a member of a crew, in a superior and


clearly outstanding manner;


             (5)  the Texas Humanitarian Service Medal, which shall


be awarded to a service member who:


                   (A)  does not meet the criteria for an award of the


federal Humanitarian Service Medal;


                   (B)  is a member of the Texas military forces; and


                   (C)  while serving on state active duty or active


duty under state authority in accordance with Title 32, United


States Code, participates satisfactorily in defense support to a


mission under civilian authority to protect life or property during


or soon after a natural disaster or civil unrest in the state;


             (6)  the Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal, which


shall be awarded to a service member of the Texas military forces


who served:


                   (A)  on or after September 11, 2001;


                   (B)  on state active duty or active duty under


state authority in accordance with Title 32, United States Code;




                   (C)  satisfactorily in defense support to a


mission in the state under civilian authority;


             (7)  the Federal Service Medal, which shall be awarded


to a service member who was inducted into federal service from the


Texas military forces between June 15, 1940, and January 1, 1946, or


after June 1, 1950, if the service was for more than 90 days;


             (8)  the Texas Combat Service Ribbon, which shall be


awarded to a service member of the Texas National Guard who served,


after September 11, 2001, in a hostile fire zone as designated by


the United States secretary of defense;


             (9)  the Texas Faithful Service Medal, which shall be


awarded to a member of the Texas military forces who has completed


five years of honorable service during which the service member has


shown fidelity to duty, efficient service, and great loyalty to


this state;


             (10)  the Texas Medal of Merit, which shall be awarded


to a member of the military forces of this state, another state, or


the United States who performs outstanding service or attains


extraordinary achievement, either individually or as a member of a


crew, in behalf of the state or United States;


             (11)  the Texas State Guard Service Medal, which shall


be awarded to a service member who completes three consecutive


years of honorable service in the Texas State Guard during which the


service member has shown fidelity to duty, efficient service, and


great loyalty to this state;


             (12)  the Texas Desert Shield/Desert Storm Campaign


Medal, which shall be awarded to a service member who was inducted


into federal service from the Texas National Guard after August 1,


1990, in support of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert


Storm, without regard to the place that the service member was


deployed while serving on active federal military duty;


             (13)  the Texas Iraqi Campaign Medal, which shall be


awarded to a service member who was inducted into federal service


from the Texas National Guard, without regard to the place that the


service member was deployed while serving on active federal


military duty, after:


                   (A)  March 19, 2003, in support of Operation Iraqi


Freedom; or


                   (B)  August 31, 2010, in support of Operation New




             (14)  the Texas Afghanistan Campaign Medal, which shall


be awarded to a service member who was inducted into federal service


from the Texas National Guard after October 6, 2001, in support of


Operation Enduring Freedom, without regard to the place that the


service member was deployed while serving on active federal


military duty;


             (15)  the Cold War Medal, which, subject to Subsection


(c), shall be awarded to a member of the military forces of this


state or the United States who:


                   (A)  served between September 2, 1945, and


December 26, 1991; and


                   (B)  was a resident of this state at the time the


service member entered military service; and


             (16)  the Texas Border Security and Support Service


Ribbon, which shall be awarded to a service member of the military


forces of this state, another state, or the United States who




                   (A)  on or after July 28, 2014;


                   (B)  on state active duty or active duty under


state authority in accordance with Title 32, United States Code,


for at least 90 consecutive days, or in response to an emergency


activation; and


                   (C)  honorably in support of operations under


civilian authority to secure this state’s international border.


       (a-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the governor may


delegate authority to the adjutant general under that subsection


only with respect to the adoption of policies and regulations


relating to awards for members of the Texas Army National Guard and


Texas Air National Guard.


       (c)  A person described by Subsection (a)(15) may be awarded


a Cold War Medal only if:


             (1)  a federal Cold War Medal or an equivalent federal


medal is not available to be awarded; and


             (2)  a fee in the amount necessary to cover the costs of


awarding the medal is paid to:


                   (A)  for a medal awarded to a member of the Texas


Army National Guard or Texas Air National Guard, the adjutant


general; or


                   (B)  for a medal awarded to a member of the Texas


State Guard, the director [general’s department].


       SECTION 23.  Section 437.357, Government Code, is amended to


read as follows:


       Sec. 437.357.  DESIGN; RIBBONS. (a) The department shall


design and have manufactured the medals, awards, decorations, and


ribbons awarded under this subchapter and others that the adjutant


general or director has approved for award.


       (b)  The governor, department, or Texas State Guard may


purchase or replace medals, awards, decorations, and ribbons


authorized under this subchapter for the recipient, the decedent’s


family, and nonprofit and governmental entities honoring the


recipient or decedent.


       (c)  The adjutant general shall adopt regulations


prescribing when a ribbon issued by the adjutant general may be


appropriately worn instead of the medal it symbolizes. The


governor, in consultation with the director, shall adopt


regulations prescribing when a ribbon issued by the governor or


director may be appropriately worn instead of the medal it




       SECTION 24.  The following provisions of the Government Code


are repealed:


             (1)  Section 437.003(d); and


             (2)  Section 437.103.


       SECTION 25.  (a) Not later than September 1, 2026, all


employees and volunteers of the Texas Military Department who


primarily perform duties related to a duty, function, or activity


transferred by this Act, including employees who provide


administrative support for those functions and services, are


transferred to the Texas State Guard.


       (b)  A rule, form, policy, procedure, or decision of the


Texas Military Department that is related to a duty, function, or


activity transferred by this Act continues in effect as a rule,


form, policy, procedure, or decision of the Texas State Guard until


superseded by an act of the governor or director of the Texas State




       (c)  A court case, administrative proceeding, contract


negotiation, or other proceeding involving the Texas Military


Department that is related to a duty, function, or activity


transferred by this Act to the Texas State Guard is transferred


without change to the Texas State Guard, and the Texas State Guard


assumes, without a change in status until superseded by an act of


the governor or director of the Texas State Guard, the position of


the Texas Military Department in a negotiation or proceeding


relating to a duty, function, or activity transferred by this Act to


the Texas State Guard to which the Texas Military Department is a




       (d)  Not later than September 1, 2026, all money, contracts,


memoranda of understanding, leases, rights, bonds, or obligations


of the Texas Military Department related to a duty, function, or


activity transferred by this Act to the Texas State Guard are


transferred to the Texas State Guard.


       (e)  Not later than September 1, 2026, all personal property,


including databases, records, and related information technology,


in the custody of the Texas Military Department related to a duty,


function, or activity transferred by this Act to the Texas State


Guard becomes the property of the Texas State Guard.


       SECTION 26.  As soon as practicable after the governor


appoints a director as required by Section 437.003(c), Government


Code, as amended by this Act, to accomplish the transfer of duties


and functions under this Act, the Texas State Guard and the Texas


Military Department shall adopt a memorandum of understanding that


identifies and allocates between the Texas State Guard and the


Texas Military Department the property, employees, and other items


transferred in accordance with this Act. The memorandum of


understanding must also:


             (1)  identify and allocate between the Texas State


Guard and the Texas Military Department the employees and real and


personal property of the Texas Military Department, including


space, used to generally support the activities of the Texas


Military Department related to a duty, function, or activity


transferred by this Act; and


             (2)  provide a schedule for any necessary or advisable


transfer of the physical location of employees and property.


       SECTION 27.  (a) Not later than February 1, 2026, the


governor shall appoint the director of the Texas State Guard as


required by Section 437.003(c), Government Code, as amended by this




       (b)  Until the director of the Texas State Guard is appointed


by the governor in the manner provided by Section 437.003,


Government Code, as amended by this Act, the governor shall,


notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 437, Government Code, as


amended by this Act, serve as the sole governing officer and


executive head of the Texas State Guard.


       SECTION 28.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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