Relating to the Major Events Reimbursement Program and the Events Trust Fund.
relating to the Major Events Reimbursement Program and the Events
Trust Fund.
SECTION 1. Section 478.0107, Government Code, is amended by
to read as follows:
(a) Not later than the 10th month after the last day of an
event eligible for disbursements from the fund, using existing
resources, the [office] local organizing committee, endorsing
municipality, or endorsing county shall complete a study in the
market area of the event on the measurable economic impact directly
attributable to the preparation for and presentation of the event.
(b) The [office] local organizing committee, endorsing
municipality, or endorsing county shall post on the [office’s] its
Internet website:
(1) the results of the study conducted under
Subsection (a), including any source documentation or other
information on which the [office] local organizing committee,
endorsing municipality, or endorsing county relied for the study;
(2) the incremental increase in tax receipts for the
event determined under Section 478.0102 and any source
documentation or information described by Section 478.0251 on which
the office relied to determine that increase;
(3) the documentation described by Section
478.0101(3); and
(4) documentation verifying that:
(A) a request submitted under Section 478.0101 is
complete and certified as complete by the office;
(B) the office considered the information
submitted by a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality,
or endorsing county to determine the incremental increase in tax
receipts under Section 478.0102 as required by Section 478.0102(b);
(C) each deadline established under this chapter
was met.
SECTION 2. The following provision is repealed:
(1) Section 480.152, Government Code.
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.