HB 908 House Committee Report

Relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. 







relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing


children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.




       SECTION 1.  Article 63.00905(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,


as added by Chapter 729 (H.B. 2660), Acts of the 88th Legislature,


Regular Session, 2023, is amended to read as follows:


       (a)  Regardless of the jurisdiction in which the child went


missing, a law enforcement agency, on receiving a report of a


missing child, shall:


             (1)  immediately start an investigation in order to


determine the present location of the child;


             (2)  immediately, but not later than two hours after


receiving the report, enter the name of the child into the


clearinghouse and the national crime information center missing


person file if the child meets the center’s criteria, with all


available identifying features such as dental records,


fingerprints, other physical characteristics, and a description of


the clothing worn when last seen, and all available information


describing any person reasonably believed to have taken or retained


the missing child;


             (3)  immediately, but not later than two hours after


the agency receives the report, enter the applicable information




                   (A)  the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications


System or a successor system of telecommunication used by law


enforcement agencies and operated by the Department of Public


Safety; and 


                   (B)  the National Center for Missing and Exploited




             (4)  not later than 48 hours after receiving the


report, electronically submit to each municipal or county law


enforcement agency within 200 miles the report and any information


that may help determine the present location of the child;


             (5)  not later than the 30th day after the date the


agency receives the report, enter the name of the child into the


National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, with all


available identifying features such as dental records,


fingerprints, other physical characteristics, and a description of


the clothing worn when last seen, and all available information


describing any person reasonably believed to have taken or retained


the missing child; and


             (6)  inform the person who filed the report of the


missing child that the information will be:


                   (A)  entered into the clearinghouse, the national


crime information center missing person file, the National Center


for Missing and Exploited Children, and the National Missing and


Unidentified Persons System; and


                   (B)  submitted to each municipal or county law


enforcement agency within 200 miles.


       SECTION 2.  Article 63.00905(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,


as added by Chapter 979 (S.B. 2429), Acts of the 88th Legislature,


Regular Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of Article


63.00905(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by Chapter 729


(H.B. 2660), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023.


       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. 

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