HCR 119 Introduced

In memory of the Honorable Terrell Lynn Roberts of Angleton. 





       WHEREAS, A life made rich through meaningful service drew to


a close with the passing of the Honorable Terrell Lynn Roberts of


Angleton on March 8, 2025, at the age of 71; and


       WHEREAS, The son of Dell Roberts and Billy White, Terry


Roberts was born in Freeport on September 13, 1953, and he grew up


with the companionship of two brothers, Tommy and Ronald; he


attended Angleton High School, where he was an all-state French


horn player in the Purple Pride Band, maintaining the first-chair


position and serving as drum major during his senior year; he was


also a member of the Boy Scouts of America and attained the rank of


Eagle Scout; and


       WHEREAS, Mr. Roberts worked as a project coordinator for Dow


Chemical Company for 45 years; deeply devoted to his community, he


was a member of the Angleton City Council, and he also served on the


Angleton Board of Adjustment and the Angleton Parks and Recreation


Department Board; he coached Little League baseball for many years,


and he led the Angleton Little League as president; and


       WHEREAS, A man of strong faith, Mr. Roberts was a member of


the First Baptist Church of Angleton for nearly five decades; in his


leisure hours, he enjoyed fishing, playing golf, and listening to


music, and he was known for his impressive Christmas lights


display; and


       WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Roberts drew strength from


the rewarding marriage he shared with his wife, Pamela, and he took


great pride in his children, Kyle and Courtney; with the passing


years, he had the pleasure of seeing his treasured family grow to


include six grandchildren; and


       WHEREAS, A devoted family man, an engaged member of his


community, and a dear friend, Terry Roberts will be remembered with


admiration and affection by all who were privileged to know him;


now, therefore, be it


       RESOLVED, That the 89th Legislature of the State of Texas


hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Terrell Lynn Roberts


and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his family: to his


wife, Pamela Kaye Roberts; to his children, Kyle Roberts and his


wife, Jessica, and Courtney Craig and her husband, Chris; to his


grandchildren, Gavin Craig, Brynlee Roberts, Cooper Craig,


Adelaide Roberts, Ethan Roberts, and Logan Roberts; to his brother,


Tommy Roberts, and his wife, Debbie; and to his many other relatives


and friends; and, be it further


       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be


prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of


Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of


Terry Roberts. 

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