HCR 21 Enrolled

Congratulating Dennis Johnson on his receipt of the 2024 Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association. 





       WHEREAS, Dennis Johnson is being presented with the Permian


Basin Petroleum Association’s highest accolade, the Top Hand Award,


at its annual banquet on January 16, 2025, at the Petroleum Club of


Midland; and


       WHEREAS, After earning his bachelor’s degree in petroleum


engineering from Texas A&M University in 1974, Mr. Johnson began


working in engineering and management with Exxon Corporation and


Union Texas Petroleum; in 1980, he joined Henry Petroleum


Corporation as vice president of drilling and production, guiding


the company through a period of growth and ultimately becoming


president, chief operating officer, and partner; in 2007, he


cofounded Summit Petroleum LLC and currently serves as its chair


and chief executive officer; and


       WHEREAS, Mr. Johnson has contributed his time to a number of


organizations, including the Permian Basin Petroleum Association,


the Texas A&M University Petroleum Industry board, and the Texas


Public Policy Foundation Life:Powered project; he has also


supported such worthwhile causes as the Village at Manor Park,


United Way, and the Summit Center; moreover, he is an active member


of First Baptist Church, the Dallas chapter of First Liberty


Institute, the 21Wilberforce Global Freedom Center, and the Permian


Basin Fellowship of Christian Athletes; in recognition of his many


accomplishments, he has received the Permian Basin Petroleum


Pioneers Pioneering Technology Award, the Society of Petroleum


Engineers SW North America Region Service Award, and the Texas


Public Policy Foundation Sam Houston Award; he has also been named a


Lifetime Board Member of United Way of Midland; and


       WHEREAS, Mr. Johnson and his wife, Laquita, are the parents


of two children, Matt and Linsey, and they also take great pride in


their five grandchildren; and


       WHEREAS, Through his leadership, vision, and expertise,


Dennis Johnson has earned the lasting respect of his peers in the


petroleum industry, and he is truly deserving of this prestigious


honor; now, therefore, be it


       RESOLVED, That the 89th Legislature of the State of Texas


hereby congratulate Dennis Johnson on his receipt of the 2024 Top


Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association and extend


to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further


       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be


prepared for Mr. Johnson as an expression of high regard by the


Texas House of Representatives and Senate.


   President of the Senate
Speaker of the House     


       I certify that H.C.R. No. 21 was adopted by the House on March


10, 2025, by a non-record vote.





Chief Clerk of the House   


       I certify that H.C.R. No. 21 was adopted by the Senate on


March 19, 2025, by a viva-voce vote.





Secretary of the Senate   


APPROVED: __________________









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