Congratulating C. Richard “Dick” Sivalls on his receipt of the 2023 Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association.
WHEREAS, C. Richard Sivalls was presented with the Permian
Basin Petroleum Association’s highest accolade, the Top Hand Award,
at its annual banquet on January 18, 2024, at the Petroleum Club of
Midland; and
WHEREAS, A native of Oklahoma City, Dick Sivalls earned his
bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with distinction from
the University of Oklahoma, and he served in the U.S. Army before
embarking on his career in the oil and gas industry; employed by
Sivalls, Inc., since 1959, he leads the company as president and
chief executive officer; he is also president of Tectrol
Incorporated and Control Ventures, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Sivalls has benefited his industry in numerous
capacities; past chair of the PBPA, he has been extremely active in
numerous trade associations, and he has written and published over
40 technical articles and papers on oil and gas production and
processing equipment design; in addition, he has taught engineering
short courses in gas processing and oil treating at Texas Tech
University, the University of Oklahoma, and Texas A&M University;
he is a licensed professional engineer, a Fellow Member of the
National Society of Professional Engineers, and a member of the
Distinguished Graduates Society of the Gallogly College of
Engineering at the University of Oklahoma; for many years, he has
served on the board of the Permian Basin International Oil Show, and
he has shared his expertise with the wider community as a member of
the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission and as an Odessa
City Council member and mayor pro tem; and
WHEREAS, Through his outstanding professional contributions,
Dick Sivalls has earned the respect and admiration of innumerable
people, and he is richly deserving of this prestigious accolade;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the 89th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby congratulate Dick Sivalls on his receipt of the 2023 Top Hand
Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association and extend to
him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Mr. Sivalls as an expression of high regard by the
Texas House of Representatives and Senate.
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House
I certify that H.C.R. No. 24 was adopted by the House on March
10, 2025, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House
I certify that H.C.R. No. 24 was adopted by the Senate on
March 19, 2025, by a viva-voce vote.
Secretary of the Senate
APPROVED: __________________