The committee will meet to consider the following:
SB 379 Middleton
| et al.
Relating to prohibiting the purchase of certain food and drink items under
the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
SB 457 Kolkhorst
Relating to the regulation of certain nursing facilities, including licensing
requirements and Medicaid participation requirements.
SB 541 Kolkhorst
Relating to cottage food production operations.
SB 599 West
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to regulate a licensed
child-care facility or registered family home.
SB 896 Blanco
Relating to the enrollment period for newborns under certain employer health
benefit plans.
SB 921 Sparks
Relating to a prohibition on conducting an ex parte renewal of a recipient’s
Medicaid eligibility.
SB 1038 Sparks
Relating to administrative remedies for certain fraud and abuse violations
under Medicaid; providing administrative penalties.
SB 1084 Campbell
| et al.
Relating to certain mammography reports providing required breast density
SB 1461 Perry
Relating to the administration, authority, and duties of the Health and Human
Services Commission’s office of inspector general.
Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If submitting
written testimony, please provide 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to
the Committee Clerk during the hearing.