The committee will meet to consider the following:
SB 95 Hall
Relating to informed consent to immunizations for children and civil
liability for failure to obtain the consent.
SB 268 Perry
Relating to the procedure for certain complaints against health care
SB 493 Kolkhorst
Relating to certain protected disclosures by pharmacists and pharmacies
regarding amounts charged for prescription drugs.
SB 619 Sparks
Relating to protection of persons from participation in a health care service
for reasons of conscience; providing a civil remedy; authorizing disciplinary
SB 660 West
Relating to the installation of bollards or another safety barrier adjacent
to certain hospital emergency rooms.
SB 922 Hancock
Relating to the disclosure of certain medical information by electronic
SB 984 Bettencourt
Relating to access to individualized investigational treatments for patients
with life-threatening or severely debilitating illnesses.
SB 1098 Blanco
Relating to the disclosure by a pharmacy to a patient of certain price
information for a drug or biological product.
SB 1188 Kolkhorst
Relating to electronic health record requirements.
SB 1307 Cook
| et al.
Relating to a biennial health coverage reference guide developed by the Texas
Department of Insurance.
SB 1332 Hancock
Relating to a group health benefit plan policy or contract holder’s
obligation to pay premiums on behalf of an individual after the individual’s
eligibility for group coverage terminates.
SB 1822 Johnson
Relating to the use of artificial intelligence-based algorithms in
utilization review conducted for certain health benefit plans.
Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes. If submitting
written testimony, please provide 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to
the Committee clerk during the hearing.