Heat exhaustion vs. heat stroke: The symptoms to look out for

Distinguishing between heat exhaustion and heat stroke can mean the difference between resting in a cool area or seeking medical attention.

Heat exhaustion

Symptoms include:

Feeling faint or dizzy
Sweating excessively
Skin looks pale, feels cool and clammy
Nausea and/or vomiting
Weak, rapid pulse
Muscle cramps

If you notice these symptoms for yourself or someone nearby, get to an air-conditioned area. Drink water and eat a salty snack to retain the hydration. You can also help cool yourself down with a cool shower or cold compresses.

Heat stroke

Heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer cool itself down. Symptoms include:

No sweating
Throbbing headache
Red, hot, dry skin
Nausea and/or vomiting
Strong, rapid pulse
Losing conscious

Call 911 immediately as a delay could be fatal. While waiting for medical help to arrive, it’s best to remove unnecessary clothing items and apply cool compresses.

Anytime you’re outdoors this summer, remember to always have water and sunscreen handy. A few quick preventative measures can help keep yourself, family, friends and pets safe as we endure another Texas summer.

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