Hedy Bower named recipient of 2024 Gene Cavin Award for Excellence in CLE


Hedy Bower, director of TexasBarCLE, has been named the recipient of the 2024 Gene Cavin Award for Excellence in CLE.

Nominations for the Gene Cavin Award are solicited from the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, CLE Committee members, and past award recipients. The award was established by the CLE Committee in 1989 and recognizes long-term participation in State Bar CLE activities.

Bower succeeded Pat Nester as the program director of TexasBarCLE in 2016. In particular, State Bar of Texas directors praised Bower for her efforts in guiding and strengthening TexasBarCLE’s position and services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced a radical shift in the types and format of CLE programs that could be offered at the time.

The award is named in honor of Gene Cavin, the founder of the Professional Development Program, who during his service from 1964 to 1987, lifted the level of practice in Texas while bringing the program to international prominence.

For more information about TexasBarCLE, go to texasbarcle.com.


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