Here’s How the Left Wants to Get Us to Accept Biological Males in Women’s Sports

Are you ready for some premium gaslighting, dear reader? Well, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is up to the task. Her gaslight was burning bright during a press conference that took place on Tuesday in which she schoolmarmed a reporter for daring to ask a tough question about transgenders in sports.

During the exchange, Jean-Pierre dismissed concerns about transgender athletes potentially harming girls in sports, calling such claims “dangerous” during a press conference. “What does the president say to parents out there who have daughters in high school, for example, who are worried that their daughters may have to compete against a male, a person born male, and there could be a direct physical competition, and worry about their daughter’s safety?” the reporter asked.

Jean-Pierre responded:

Look, what you’re alluding to is basically saying that transgender kids are dangerous. It sounds like that’s what you’re saying. Well, you’re saying that their safety is at risk. But you’re laying out a broad example or explanation of what could potentially happening. A broad example to explain. That is dangerous. That is a dangerous thing to say. That essentially transgender kids we’re talking about are dangerous.

Jean-Pierre is using the same tactic as her far-left comrades, who seem to have trouble giving straight answers when confronted on this issue, as well as other issues pertaining to those pushing transgenderism on the rest of the public. The reporter’s question was clear. But the press secretary failed to answer it or even give a defense of the notion that biological males should be allowed to compete with biological females.

Instead, she pretended that the reporter was insinuating that transgender females are inherently “dangerous” and acted as if his question was somehow a threat to males suffering from gender dysphoria. She did what I’ve urged conservatives and libertarians to do: She went on the offensive.

It was her only choice.

Why? Because having biological males competing in physical competition is indefensible. The only option is to attack those who are calling it out.

Moreover, Jean-Pierre’s deflection covers up a stark reality: This stuff is dangerous to female athletes.

In September of last year, a female volleyball player was injured by a biological male player who spiked the ball into her face. Her statement on the incident:

On Sept. 1, 2022, I was severely injured in a high school volleyball game by a transgender athlete on the opposing team. I suffered from a concussion and a neck injury that to this day I am still recovering from. Other injuries I still suffer from today include impaired vision, partial paralysis on my right side, constant headaches, as well as anxiety and depression.

In another situation, an adult transgender female exposed himself to young girls in a locker room. The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty sent a letter to the Sun Prairie School District seeking answers about the incident:

The girls entered the shower area with their swimsuits on, which was their common practice as they rinsed off. As they began to shower, the male student approached them, entered the shower area, announced “I’m trans, by the way,” and then undressed fully and showered completely naked right next to one of the girls. He was initially turned towards the wall but eventually turned and fully exposed his male genitalia to the four girls. Understandably, the girls were caught off guard and shocked, closed their eyes, and tried to hurry up and leave the showers as quickly as possible.

In the United Kingdom, rugby referees were dropping like flies because of the push to have biological males play with women:

Rugby referees are quitting the women’s amateur game because they fear rules allowing transgender women to play will lead to serious injuries.

Referees say they have been warned not to challenge bearded or heavily muscled players appearing for women’s teams.

Critics also pointed out that current policies may create a double standard in the sport, as biological girls are often restricted from playing with boys due to safety concerns, while transgender women, who possess physical advantages, are allowed to compete with cisgender women.

Pressure from transgender lobby groups urging inclusion in women’s sports without considering potential consequences has been par for the course for the progressive left, which is adamantly trying to push transgenderism despite the impact on biological females. Since there is no real way to argue that men and women are the same physically, they have to resort to the type of lies and bullying that Jean-Pierre was engaging in during the press conference. After all, if you can’t persuade people to believe the Emperor has no clothes, maybe you can badger them into believing it?

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