High Drama on Capitol Hill As ‘Drinking’ Allegations Fly After Contentious AOC-MTG-Crockett Showdown


As RedState reported earlier, some wild exchanges went down Thursday during a chaotic House Oversight Committee hearing on the Merrick Garland contempt resolution, which saw Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) throw down after Greene made a crack about Crockett’s eyelashes.


“I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading,” Greene said to Crockett, which prompted an uproar on the Democrat side and devolved into a nasty war of words among the three that delayed the hearing for a significant amount of time, with Crockett at one point describing Greene as having a “bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body.”

SEE ALSO: AOC Throws a Massive Tantrum at Fetterman After He Calls Out Wild Exchange Involving Her, MTG, Crockett

As it turns out, the Romper Room-ing that went on during the hearing among the committee members might not have been the worst of it.

According to some Democrats on the committee, there were allegedly other members of Congress at the hearing who were drinking:

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, says it’s “worth investigating” whether lawmakers were drinking during Thursday’s explosive hearing, after rumors circulated that noncommittee members were intoxicated.

“I didn’t see the drinking by the gentlelady from New Mexico, Melanie Stansbury raised it, she said there are members drinking in the room, and that’s something that is worth investigating if there was in fact drinking taking place,” Raksin said on Fox News.

According to Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.) there were “some members in the room who are drinking inside the hearing room.” Stansbury said the lawmakers who were drinking were not on the committee, Axios reported.


According to another report, there was acknowledgment from both sides of the aisle that some who were present at the hearing (not committee members) were drinking:

On Friday morning, members weren’t over the embarrassing scene. They lamented how the hearing unfolded the night before, and both Republicans and Democrats acknowledged some members had been drinking that evening.


Even lawmakers who aren’t in the committee got in on the action, calling out from the audience. That got pushback from one member of the panel, who alleged that “we have some members in the room who are drinking inside the hearing room, who are not members of this hearing.”

Look, I get that this makes for good TV and quite frankly if I had to sit through that in person I might have been tempted to take a few sips as well. 


I’m not the tone police by far and I’m all for spirited debate and standing up for your beliefs, but we elect these folks to do the people’s business in Washington, D.C., not act like Mean Girls in a sandbox, or college students out clubbing.  These folks have simply got to do better. They just have to.

Flashback: Sheila Jackson Lee Digs Deeper Hole After ‘Sun/Moon’ Speech As More Clips of Her Foolishness Emerge


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