How many custom license plates did the Texas DMV reject last year?


AUSTIN (KXAN) — Some Texans have dirty minds when it comes to custom license plates.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles compiled a list of rejected custom license plate submissions from 2024, with more than 2,300 denials made between January and November of last year. Some of the submissions included violent or sexual language, while others didn’t match the license plate criteria or were considered inappropriate.

Some of the rejected license plates — that we can actually publish online — included:

  • GO*OMG
  • U MOVE
  • R3DNCK

The Texas DMV has permitted personalized license plates since 1965, per departmental documents. Those can be made using any combination of alphanumeric characters, spaces and symbols like hyphens, periods, hearts, stars or silhouettes of the State of Texas. Because no two license plates can be the same, some submissions can be returned as “unavailable” if they’re already in use.

That’s not the only way a plate design can be rejected. The Texas DMV has several stipulations for customized plates that can result in rejections, including:

  • Indecent references to sexual acts, fluids or functions
  • Vulgarity, including profane language and swear/curse words
  • Derogatory language that makes reference demeaning to or belittling of any person, group, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or sexual orietnation
  • “Direct or indirect negative instruction or command” made to any other individuals “related to the operation of a motor vehicle”
  • Direct or indirect references to gangs, illegal behavior and threats of harm, violence, crime or any other unlawful conduct
  • Direct or indirect reference to controlled substances or being under the influence of said substances
  • References to a public office or position held exclusively in the government or law enforcement
  • Patterns that could be misread by law enforcement personnel

A full breakdown of Texas DMV’s custom plate rules is available here.


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