HR 391 Introduced

Honoring Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison on its 46th anniversary. 





       WHEREAS, For 46 years, Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison has


provided a safe haven for animals in need of rescue,


rehabilitation, and lifelong care; and


       WHEREAS, Founded by renowned author and animal welfare


advocate Cleveland Amory in 1979, Black Beauty Ranch is a premier


animal sanctuary operated by the nonprofit organization Humane


World for Animals; named after the beloved novel by Anna Sewell, the


ranch stands as a symbol of compassion and a beacon of hope for


animals freed from cruelty, neglect, and exploitation; and


       WHEREAS, Black Beauty Ranch’s history began with the rescue


of 577 burros from the Grand Canyon, a landmark effort that set the


foundation for the ranch’s mission to provide animals with a second


chance at life; today, the ranch spans more than 1,400 acres of


natural habitats in Henderson County and offers a secure refuge for


over 600 animals representing some 40 different species, including


primates, big cats, bears, horses, bison, reptiles, and livestock;


all animals housed at the facility were rescued from tragic


situations such as roadside zoos, the exotic pet trade, circuses,


research laboratories, and hoarding cases; and


       WHEREAS, The ranch’s dedicated team of animal care


professionals and veterinarians work tirelessly to meet the


physical, behavioral, and emotional needs of every resident,


ensuring they receive not only shelter but also the dignity,


respect, and quality of life they deserve; beyond its service to


vulnerable animals, the ranch has been a leader in promoting public


education and humane advocacy through guided tours and educational


programs that help visitors from across Texas and around the world


to better understand the importance of animal protection and


environmental conservation; and


       WHEREAS, In 2024, Black Beauty Ranch stepped in to offer


sanctuary to animals following the closure of Puerto Rico’s last


remaining zoo, where many had suffered from years of neglect and


inadequate care; this life-saving effort demonstrated the ranch’s


capacity for large-scale rescue operations as part of its


continuing work to protect and rehabilitate wildlife held in


substandard conditions; and


       WHEREAS, Over the past 46 years, Black Beauty Ranch has


exemplified the highest standards of animal welfare and ethical


stewardship, and it is a privilege to recognize an organization


that has made such a profound difference in the lives of both


animals and people; now, therefore, be it


       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas


Legislature hereby honor Black Beauty Ranch on its 46th anniversary


and commend its staff, volunteers, and supporters for their


exceptional dedication to the care and protection of animals in


need; and, be it further


       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be


prepared for Black Beauty Ranch as an expression of high regard by


the Texas House of Representatives. 

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