In memory of J. Pat Hickman of Canyon.
WHEREAS, The life of an esteemed business leader drew to a
close with the passing of J. Pat Hickman of Canyon on March 1, 2025,
at the age of 72; and
WHEREAS, The son of John and Mildred Hickman, Pat Hickman was
born in Canyon on March 17, 1952, and he grew up with the
companionship of three siblings, Mike, Don, and Sara Jo; he
graduated from Canyon High School in 1970; he went on to attend
Texas Tech University, where he joined the Phi Delta Theta
fraternity, and at the age of 70, he resumed his studies there and
received a bachelor’s degree in 2024; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Hickman began his career in banking in 1975, and
he worked at a number of financial institutions in Canyon and
Amarillo before establishing Happy Bancshares, Inc., in 1989; he
led a group of investors to purchase First State Bank of Happy,
where he distinguished himself as chair, president, and CEO for
more than three decades; under his able guidance, Happy State Bank
experienced significant growth and eventually became the 19th
largest bank in Texas with $7.4 billion in assets; in 2022, he
oversaw the sale of the business to Home BancShares, Inc., and he
continued to serve as a member of that company’s board; and
WHEREAS, Highly active in his community, Mr. Hickman was
involved in numerous civic organizations, including the Canyon
Lions Club, Amarillo Symphony, Texas Panhandle Heritage
Foundation, Texas Tech Foundation, and Panhandle-Plains Historical
Society; he was also a founding member of the Excellence in Banking
Program at Texas Tech and chair of the Independent Bankers
Association of Texas; in 1990, Mr. Hickman was elected to the first
of three terms on the Canyon Independent School District Board of
Trustees, which he served as president; Governor Greg Abbott
appointed him to the Texas Economic Development Corporation board
in 2019; among his many achievements, he was named the Canyon
Citizen of the Year in 2008 as well as the Randall County
Agri-Businessman of the Decade in 2010, and he was included among
IBAT’s Heroes and Legends of Community Banking list; and
WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Hickman enjoyed the love
and support of his wife, Nancy, with whom he shared a rewarding
marriage that spanned 48 years; he took great pride in their four
children, Brad, Grant, Tara, and Crista, and he had the pleasure of
welcoming into his family 19 grandchildren; and
WHEREAS, While Pat Hickman’s passing has deprived the banking
industry of one of its giants, those he leaves behind will continue
to find inspiration in his accomplishments for years to come; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of J. Pat Hickman and
extend heartfelt sympathy to his family and many friends; and, be it
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Pat